Soldiers fight on both sides in this war. Some are here for money, for power, or for the sheer thrill of combat. Others defend home, country, and colony. Still others fight because it is all that they know, and no other life will take them.
And all of them has a story.
Create a Wiki Article for any soldier, officer, or other person involved in the Liberation of New Tython. They can fight on either side, and be anyone you like; simple civilian to Harakoan warrior. Heroic soldier to Thuronian Jedi-killer. Whatever the case, show me who they are, where they are from, and what kind of person they are.
DJBWiki, create articles using the "NPC" Character infobox. Articles are freeform, and will be judged on quality - have fun with this. Winning entries and other quality work will be canonized.
1st place
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
2nd place
Vivibelle Baenre
3rd place
Corvus Corax