In the days of old, ancient Sith Lords would often create slaves, warriors, and monsters through the dark and powerful practice of Sith Alchemy. This malevolent form of science and force experimentation has brought about some of the greatest, and most horrifying, achievements in the field of Biological science. While the Brotherhood is not made up of just Sith or even followers of the Dark Side, its knowledge and possession of Dark Side relics is unmatched. Now you, a rising power in the world of Dark Side science, have been commissioned by the
Brotherhood to create an experiment of your own, but what will it be?
This competition is purely creative, you have a limit to what you can do with your creation, but for the most part it’s all up to you. Some requirements for your monster will have to be met however, which should include:
*Complete Originality (That is, no Godzilla in Space. But feel free to make giant lizards or a mutant Krayt Dragon if that’s what you want).
*Must be completely biological (Unfortunately, no giant robots. And especially no cyborgs, that would just be too confusing).
*Must have a viable Weakness (such as a supremely strong body, but a weak mind).
*Must be Balanced, i.e., big monsters will be slow, small monsters will be fast, medium sized monsters will be in-between.
*A background story for the monster about how it was made, what it was made from, and what it can do. (You can also make a current venture section if you would like. The monster doesn’t have to be alive at this moment either, it can be from wherever in the current Brotherhood time line, so long as you were a part of that time period as well).
*Cannot exceed 50 Meters in Height or 70 Meters in length.
*Cannot exceed 150 Kg in weight.
*No unbelievable superpowers. Anything previously canon Sith monsters have had, you’re monster can have. You’re monster can’t have, for example, nuclear blasts like Godzilla and you certainly can’t have telepathy or other mind controlling powers. It can have, however, potent and powerful poison spikes and spines that you’re monster can shoot from its body.
*Cannot be beyond semi sentient. (This isn’t the Inheritance Cycle, no talking dragons/monsters).
Other than these rules and restrictions, you’re all set, please feel free to contact me with any questions and have fun with the creativity, which is what you’re being judged on. Have fun with this, that’s the ultimate goal of this competition.
1st place
Kaz Raith
2nd place
Ondur Lkaetur
3rd place
Mystic Kor Vaal
4th place
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri
5th place
Braecen Kaeth