Competition: Favourite Things

Favourite Things

Correlian starships, And grappling hooks.
Grandmother Palpatines Darkside cookbook.
Mandalorian underpants (wookie lining ;) )
These are a few of my favourite things!

Today we want to hear about your favourite things! Perhaps it's custom made pistol with an extravagant crystal grip? Or a Rancor tooth pendant, hand carved with arcane Sith symbols? Tell us what it is, where and how you came by it, fond memory's of using it and anything else you can think of, the more descriptive the better!


  • Entries can either be a lengthy description of the item, it's properties, acquisition etc. or can be in the form of a short story involving getting/using the item.

  • Entries will be judged on how well the item is described, but just as important is how the item makes you FEEL. Your lightsaber might be your go to weapon, but is it as important and carry as much of an emotional connection as a ring bearing your family crest?

  • Minimum word count is 250. While quantity is good, you are being judged on how well you convey the look of the item and the feelings associated with it.

  • The item in question may be mentioned on your characters wiki page, but a simple copy and paste job will disqualify your submission, this competition is for original work only.

Other than that! have fun and be creative!

Competition Information
Organized by
Mystic Kor Vaal
Running time
2014-06-07 until 2014-07-05 (29 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
7 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
Boss Ragnar Kul
File submission
1st place
2nd place
File submission
Textual submission

DJK Lucyeth

2nd place
Brandon Tarsus
Textual submission

One of my favorite things in Star Wars is blasters. I'm more of the heavy weapons kind of guy, but I too like smaller arms like a blaster pistol. The one I want is one that it's handle is made of ivory. It is engraved with the Obelisk's symbol on one side, the symbol of my House on the other, and with my name engraved into the barrel. I want it to shoot out an orange bolt. Of course it had to be accurate, and it needs to be large for my large hands. The holster needs to be made of pure leather. It too must have the Symbol of the Obelisk, my house, and my name. This is my dream side arm. This is perfect for me.

3rd place
4th place
Mereel Kestan
Mereel Kestan
Textual submission

My favorite thing would be my knife, My Mora 612. I love the way it feels in my hand. I love the way it looks as I pull it out of the sheath and the light gleams off the blade I sharpened by hand. I love the way the grind in even on both sides tapering to a point. I love the way it cuts through a piece of wood like butter, Or practicing a quick jab or a slice. The way the blade edge seems to reach out and grab the tip of my finger when I feel for sharpness. So sharp, it can cut through air and it will be a clean cut. Sharp enough to cut free hanging paper and save hair, With touching neither hair nor paper. I love the balance of the knife. The way the red painted birch handle feels in my hand is like an extension of my hand, nay, my body. An extra appendage to cut, slice, dice, and drill into anything I need it to. My Mora is my life, I am mastering it as I master my life. A knife-less man, Is a lifeless man. I take that ancient Nordic proverb to heart with my Mora 612.

Mereel Kestan, Alor with Aliit Chromando. House Scolae Palatinae

4th place