Oh no! Your DB character has died. How is not important, it happened and your body has just been retrieved and is about to be prepared for burial. Will you be buried with honors? Will you have an open or closed casket? Cremation/incineration/put in the ground? Ponder these and other things that would go towards his/her/it’s burial. Then write about it, we want to know. Most interesting ceremony gets a shinny.
The only restrictions are the minimum length is 250 words and the maximum length is 700 words.
Any word editing software including G-doc. For G-doc submission include link in text box below set all g-doc links to view only.
1st place
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri
2nd place
General Kell Palpatine Dante
3rd place
A deleted dossier
4th place
Kaz Raith
5th place
Braecen Kaeth