Welcome to the first mission in the Knights of Allusis continuous run on. This month's run-on is located in this forum thread. Each month will have a new mission with a new thread and sub-competition.
This month's mission is "War Games," a large scale military exercise with the K.U.D.F.
General Ground Rules:
Mission Specific Rules of Engagement:
Both the Red and Blue teams are comprised of squad and platoon sized elements from all the units of the K.U.D.F. This means that your character can lead a small element of any unit, for example Jedi on both sides could have squads of Wookie berserkers from “The Chosen.” Keep in mind that established NPCs (such as unit commanders) can only be in one place and on one side so keep track of what has transpired in the run-on before you introduce an established NPC.
This a military exercise, so your units will be using non-lethal munitions (stun blasters, lightsabers on training setting, etc.), any fire support will be simulated. That being said, training accidents do happen. It goes without saying, don’t maim or kill anyone’s character without their permission.
There will be “reinforcements” throughout the exercise, so if you wish to join after the start of the run-on please let Turel know and he’ll work with you on inserting your character into the story.
Pay attention to the events during the run-on, especially any in-character mission briefings. These will provide your right and left limits.
Above all this is for fun, character development and training for future Brotherhood competitions.
If you have any questions contact Turel or Edgar.
1st place
Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu
2nd place
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
3rd place
Lu'aisha Gresee