Cole Drayson has contacted the leadership of the Gray Paladins, and offered to take point on calming the wounds between Taldryan and Karufr’s populace. Rather than be witness to the slaughter of hundreds or thousands of innocents as Taldryan seeks to keep their existence a secret from the wider galaxy, a significant portion of the Gray Paladins will relocate to Karufr and act as a pacification force, to ease people’s minds and hearts, and help them forget anything they may have seen regarding a secret Dark Jedi ruling class.
Part of the deal Cole struck is that the Gray Conclave, the members who lead the Paladins, will come to Karufr as joint hostage and ally.
Your mission is to create an intelligence report of how the Gray Paladin organization is structured. Is it set up like the Jedi Order with the Conclave ruling over all the Jedi directly, or is it more like the Brotherhood’s setup?
Create an organizational chart for the Gray Paladins, including names of notable individuals and any special positions within the organization. Best, and most thorough intelligence report will win.
1st place
Lord Halcyon
2nd place
Rian Taldrya
3rd place
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
4th place
Aidan Kincaid
5th place
Armags C'Hiesa