Begeren is a hostile desert wasteland, full of relics and untold riches. The planet has changed hands in most major galactic conflicts, but was one of the ancient Sith homeworlds. It was this that drew the One Sith, and ostensibly, it was the One Sith that drew the Brotherhood. Now, as Brotherhood forces run rampant over Begeren, a great storm builds over the last One Sith bastion on the planet. Despite the subjugation of most of the One Sith military, the fractured One Sith forces still present some danger to those caught unaware. With great rewards offered for the artifacts of Begeren, the units are far from unified, and though the Clans have avoided all-out warfare, plenty from the Brotherhood have fallen on the blades of their brothers in other units. More dangerous still is the harsh environment and terrible climate of Begeren, to say nothing of the monstrous storm now visible from space. One thing is certain: Begeren is a dangerous place.
Those that have survived this long on Begeren undoubtedly have tales to tell, and many of these have not yet been told. We've heard, read, and seen the triumph and failures in the ACC, but there is still much of Begeren untouched - and unexplained - by Fading Light so far. This your chance to tell those tales.
This prompt is deliberately open ended, and is designed for you to leave your mark on the fictional surface of Begeren. Feel free to consult and use any resources related to Begeren you wish, but avoid focusing on the battles in the ACC (though events referenced in those battles are OK).
Minimum length of 500 words. Maximum length 20,000. Clusters of Ice will be awarded. Fiction will be graded using the DJB Fiction Rubric ( Winning entries may have aspects of their story incorporated into the official account of the events unfolding on Begeren. Competition runs from 9/13/2014 to 10/6/2014.
1st place
Aidan Kincaid
2nd place
Lord Evio Nezsa
3rd place
Boss Ragnar Kul
4th place
Adept Xantros
5th place