Plagueian Counter-Intelligence has captured a spy from within our ranks. The subject has managed to circumvent the brainwashing processes to which all our forces are put through and infiltrate the Anchorage. He is human, male, early to mid thirties, and in good health aside from beatings during initial torture attempts. The subject has proven to be remarkably resistant to these attempts and rather than risk losing the information, the Summit has entrusted you to extract as much of it from the spy as you can. At the bare minimum, find out who he works for.
Write a minimum 500 word fiction on the process by which you obtain information from the spy. There are a lot of factors to take into consideration for this fiction so analyze the situation thoroughly. You have access to any resources you can obtain through the Clan so feel free to bring in other characters or NPCs that may be able to compensate for Force powers or skills you may lack just keep your own status within the unit in mind. This fiction will be graded on how well all chosen elements fit together in addition to general fiction grading factors (story, realism, continuity, and syntax).
Nobody has participated in this competition.