It is a quiet night. The cold dampness of the air in the dim lit chamber leaves an unwelcome, wet touch on the tips of fingers prying away from their bed linin. You hear a brisk shuffling of feet in the distance along one of the dark stoney corridors. You rise from your bed, feeling a slight uneasiness as you wonder how any brother/sister of CNS managed to push through yesterday's intoxication. You reach for your weapon of choice to have at the ready and proceed quietly through the door to your chamber. A slight creak can be heard as the door budges forward, and on top of the quiet humming of the force, the coldness of the broad stones awakens your bare feet to the notion you’re no longer in your chamber. Another quiet shuffling can be heard in the distance; this time the sound more feint than the last, suggesting that the “intruder” had made ground since their first rumble a bare few minutes ago. You make haste in your footsteps in an attempt to make sense of the unwelcome movement, the corridors like missiles, each encroaching wall becoming more and more of a threat as you pick up pace. Finally, the noise becomes constant, and a quiet muttering can be heard. 'The being talks to itself'! You begin to see a flickering light dashing through the labyrinths only a few meters away. For a moment, the flickering light hovers still, and you hope that the intruder hasn’t awakened to the notion they’re being followed. You hold your breath momentarily, and feel relieved as soon as the being begins his push forward. A realisation grabs you, 'the being is sneaking into the cellars’! You hear the door fling open as your rage begins to set in and your thumb begins to caress your weapon of choice. As your reach the open doorway you notice the figure is hidden behind a cloak, has loosened the tap on one of the barrels, and, behold, a stream from your favourite barrel of liquor is flowing into their mouth.
You step away from the doorway, realising that it’s a Dark Jedi. However, in that they are drinking from your favourite keg and look like they will be drinking for a while, you feel it wise to devise a plan to trap/catch them as they attempt to sneak out
Draw the layout of the traps, honeypots, etc you are laying around the cellars or CNS fortress to capture the thief. Provide a brief description on how the layout will work.
Any graphics program/hand drawn.
Draw the layout of the traps, honeypots, etc you are laying around the cellars or CNS fortress to capture the thief. Provide a brief description on how the layout will work.
Entries will be judged on quality and creativity.