You have been assigned your first Apprentice/Padawan! In no less then 250 words, describe your new apprentice and how you go about your first training session/mission/encounter with them. How do you guide them through their transition into the Dark Brotherhood? Be creative, fun, menacing or just plain Sith!
Any sort of document type that i can open on my cruddy laptop. .pdf .doc .notepad or whatever you use to type your fiction as long as i can open it!
I will be grading a little on spelling, grammar and use of punctuation. Not solely though, but i think it is important to be able to read a story without too many errors. However, i will be grading more on how well the story was written, be as detailed & descriptive as you can. The more detailed the story the better. Give me tons of good things to read through and make my judging hard! Good luck my fellow brethren! <3
1st place
A deleted dossier
2nd place
3rd place
Adept Xantros
4th place
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
5th place
Agen Thaer
6th place
Knight Rangel
7th place
Drake Starfire