- Member
Orv Dessrx
- File submission
- antei-burning-2015.jpg
- Textual submission
I chose to depict a burning Temple of Okemi. Hand drawn in Photoshop. Resources used: DJB logo.
- Placement
- Member
Seer A'lora Kituri
- File submission
- Korriban2.png
- Textual submission
Completely scratch-made, aside from a texture I overlaid into the sky.
- Placement
- Member
Vivibelle Baenre
- File submission
- AnteiOfficeFire.png
- Placement
- Member
Jac Cotelin
- File submission
- antei2.jpg
- Textual submission
Background image is from Nebula Image Pack from DeviantArt. http://erikshoemaker.deviantart.com/art/Nebula-Resource-Pack-95045980
- Placement
- Member
Aidan Kincaid
- Submission
- Aidan Kincaid opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
- Member
- File submission
- Misium-Destruction_of_Antei.png
- Textual submission
I attempted to recreate this art style, but I failed: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/121/e/4/barren_ice__commission__by_ehecod-d63phnp.png
- Placement
- Member
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
- File submission
- Antei-GJWXI.jpg
- Textual submission
Stock images used from deviantART:
Planet: http://burning-liquid.deviantart.com/art/Class-E-Geo-Metallic-11775197
Starfield: http://paulinemoss.deviantart.com/art/Stars-307119758
Background: http://ladyrapid.deviantart.com/art/Astral-origin-STOCK-164408355
Cracks: http://www.deviantart.com/art/cracked-earth-texture-70607638
+ Custom brushes and effects
- Placement
- Member
Archangel Palpatine
- Submission
- Archangel Palpatine opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
- Member
- File submission
- gfx.png
- Textual submission
I used the image on The Spike's wiki page and altered it.
- Placement
- Member
Lord Idris Adenn
- File submission
- GJWGFX1final.jpg
- Textual submission
My various image sources:
- Placement
- Member
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
- Submission
- Adept Macron Goura Sadow opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Omega Kira
- File submission
- Round1.png
- Textual submission
Entrance to the tomb.
-DJK Omega Kira
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Duke Albrecht von Weissmann
- Textual submission
Manually added by SBL Socorra
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
- File submission
- Untitled.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Mako Henymory
- File submission
- The_Burning_of_Antei.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Watchman Lontra Boglach
- File submission
- templeaftermath.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri
- Submission
- Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
- File submission
- GJW11GFX.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Stres'tron'garmis
- Submission
- General Stres'tron'garmis opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- File submission
- 2015-01-13_14.35.28.jpg
- Textual submission
My own work digitaly inhanced
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Fist Uji Tameike
- File submission
- Submission.gif
- Textual submission
Original Image before modifications - http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100108173320/starwars/images/c/cb/SithEmperorCitadell.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Qor Kith
- File submission
- image.jpeg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
A deleted dossier
- File submission
- GJWIX_-_Week_1_GFX.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Mauro Wynter
- File submission
- Antei_Burning.pdf
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Lak Nafri
- File submission
- Maelous13447.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Octavia Morgan Obrie
- File submission
- 20150123_110938.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- File submission
- PaperArtist_2015-01-23_18-37-40.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- File submission
- city_of_ruins.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Howlader Taldrya
- File submission
- howlader_gjw11_pin8.png
- Textual submission
- Fire effects inspired by DP Kir Katarn
- Theme inspired by Planet of the Apes (1968)
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Armags C'Hiesa
- File submission
- antei_burning.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Battlelord Ra'gnar
- Submission
- Battlelord Ra'gnar opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Lord Nevan Taelyan
- File submission
- gjwdoc.jpg
- Textual submission
used this smoke texture: http://bgfons.com/download/2714
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Rax Von-Klug
- Submission
- Rax Von-Klug opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Maenaki Delavi'in
- File submission
- FIAR!.jpg
- Textual submission
Burning city created by Renell vai http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=702730
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
- Submission
- Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Rathus Marr
- Submission
- Rathus Marr opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Maximus Alvinius
- File submission
- FinalAct.jpg
- Textual submission
I used a real picture of the Sun, and a fleet of ships from The Old Republic game, along with the DJB symbol.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Kir Taldrya Katarn
- File submission
- Antei.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
- File submission
- AnteiDestruction.gif
- Textual submission
all images of the planets are taken from google and made into an animation gif of its destruction. I assume no rights to each photograph
here are the sites that the pictures were taken from
hope it works.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Lord Halcyon
- File submission
- Antei.jpg
- Textual submission
Image of planet was created, but second image was from here: http://www.galacticempirewars.com/Alderaan%20destroyed%201.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Callus Bo'amar
- File submission
- Sketch235122831.png
- Textual submission
These are supposed to be the "shadows" of Muz's thralls that sacrificed for their master's insane ritual. I was inspired by the "shadows" of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the deployment of the nuclear bomb at the end of WW2. If I was anything resembling an artist I think this could have been cool.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Terran Koul
- File submission
- Anteian_Park.png
- Textual submission
My submission is probably a bit out of the ordinary. It's actually a 3D model of an Anteian park about to be destroyed. It's also complete crap. However, if you want to see the 3D model itself (online, no software download required), you can find it at https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=u006db0bf-9098-47af-98b7-183a02659bf0. If you click on the "rotate" icon (it's the second icon in the row below "Download"), you can actually zoom in and play around with it in the browser. And I can't stress this enough: it's complete shit. Except for the bombarding ISD-II. That part is pretty awesome. Have fun!
3D components used in the modeling, as well as the applicable links, are included in the description at the URL above, as well as listed below.
Pergola - https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=696ef95351e9880260072466d4acb698
Beach Chairs - https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=6f61409f5213a8a6b129901f80d24b7b
Beach House - https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=c6626eff95b9e97a35be39baf86fc0cb
ISD-II Anakin Solo - https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=e0d95e23d68b5ecd50ca7be136df4e10
Outdoor Furniture - https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=67af2bca99577d0648b206f13a39756e
SCF Deciduous Trees 2 - https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=f5519301a9682236dd39584bc969fb96
SCF Deciduous Trees - https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=767b91245cb3c9eddd39584bc969fb96
Mountain Vacation Home - https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=6d2cd630230a4c9dabc7d55f5217a512
Cottage - https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=2fb45e7f0dd93227fa312511ce411b2e
Log Home - https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=d0f026aed650a20da19b6274fdd3ff61
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Legorii Arconae
- Submission
- Legorii Arconae opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Chasse Ordin
- File submission
- Image1hgaioehg.png
- Textual submission
note that 90% of this graphic was taken from other images, i only take credit for the montage
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Master Dracaryis
- File submission
- GripofFear.png
- Textual submission
Antei in the grip of fear and destruction...
Planet image URL: http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAYQjB0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fart.alphacoders.com%2Farts%2Fview%2F28141%2FBurning-Planet-Art&ei=cq3BVI6kCY3ksATH_YDYBQ&bvm=bv.84349003,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNFiwmmWnj_2L6GF8nSRbIHObmCp0w&ust=1422065393473875
Hand Image URL: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=94122603
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Nikola Valtiere Erinos
- File submission
- Antei_in_flames.png
- Textual submission
An artist's rendering of an urban area of Antei in flames, the simplistic shapes and brushstrokes highlighting the simplistic vision of the Dark Council in regard to the lives they hold sway over in their quest for power.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Anahorn Dempsey
- File submission
- gfx.jpg
- Textual submission
A Sith oversees the destruction on Korriban....
images used:
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
- File submission
- GJW_Wk1_Gfx.png
- Textual submission
The builders of this temple probably had time management skills as poorly as my own.
Atty #13486
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- Submission
- Zomboie opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Rodimus Morell
- File submission
- Antei.jpg
- Textual submission
Arcona & Taldyran fleeing the destruction of Antei by Muz.
Justice, Eye of the Abyss II, and BACs taken from images on the wiki and resized for image.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
- File submission
- 83_Round1_Graphics.png
- Textual submission
Burning hills from: http://i.imgur.com/ARX8s91.jpg
Krath Symbol by whoever created the krath symbol, I got it from Mav who got it from Muz :P
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Ric "Blade" Hunter
- File submission
- gjwXI_GFX_rd1_3160.jpg
- Textual submission
Burning of the Dark Hall on Antei.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Rian Taldrya
- File submission
- Antei_in_Flames_(by_OE_Rian_Taldrya_10701).jpg
- Textual submission
Sources used for creating this images:
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- File submission
- Flaming_Temple.jpg
- Textual submission
Org. Credit to: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:Flaming_Temple.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Sala Fe
- Submission
- Sala Fe opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Issamuel Kin'Droth
- File submission
- DJB_GFX_Week_1.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Master Windos
- File submission
- GJW11-GFX-Solari-3690.zip
- Textual submission
Submission is a zip file containing my entry in PNG format and also in the Photoshop PSD format. THere is a folder called sources containing a saved copy of each image used and also a text file listing the URL for each source images.
All source images were from the mediawiki commons repository and marked for reuse when searching via Google.
Edit... turns out the zip file was 45 MB or so... had to shrink the size of my submission :(
Edit 2... one of my source images were 12 mb by itself, I'm removing the downloaded copy of the course images and just leaving the txt file.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
A deleted dossier
- File submission
- Anteiisburning.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
- File submission
- AnteiBurning13299.jpg
- Textual submission
Background sourced here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHBfmhNPHPw (which sourced from Mass Effect 3)
ISD component sourced here: http://wallpaperswide.com/imperial_star_destroyer-wallpapers.html
Lancer Frigate sourced here: http://www.sluisvan.net/resources/ships_pic/lancer_frigate.gif
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
- Submission
- Ernordeth Puer-Irae opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
- Submission
- Ambassador Revak K'Urr opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Teu Buhkari Sadow
- Submission
- Teu Buhkari Sadow opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Epis Locke Sonjie
- File submission
- anteiaflame.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- File submission
- wk1_gfx_7656.jpg
- Textual submission
The good picture is from https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/images/6/62/Darkhall.jpg. The "special effects" are from me.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
- Submission
- Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Mar Sûl
- Submission
- Mar Sûl opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
- Submission
- Nadrin Erinos Arconae opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
- File submission
- marickgfx_round1.jpg
- Textual submission
"The Price of Immortality"
Source Images:
1. http://gyazo.com/61ba6a7f3edbb0fed72bc010d51e73e5 <- GJWX Comic
2. http://www.stocktrekimages.com/articles/images/TDB100028S.jpg
Created in Adobe Photoshop CS6
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Bal Demona
- File submission
- Great_Jedi_War_XI_Round_1_GFX.jpg
- Textual submission
Original image comes from this URL:
Image alterations all done via http://www.picmonkey.com/
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
- File submission
- temple_boyna.jpg
- Textual submission
Image of the Temple Boyna
Used Images:
OP Furios Morega
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
- File submission
- Fire_in_the_Sky.jpg
- Textual submission
Sky stock: http://malleni-stock.deviantart.com/art/Sky-Stock-035-422333254
Sky stock: http://gkmon-doru-fanatic.deviantart.com/art/Stock-sky-105101028
Memorial: https://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewjdonkin/9512644158
Statue: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100415101734/starwars/images/6/62/Braatastatue.jpg
Landscape: http://www.desktopwallpaperhd.net/wallpapers/3/2/sun-mars-wallpaper-orbit-surface-images-33234.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
- File submission
- burning_ruins_graphic_entry.png
- Textual submission
This image was found online.
http://ckbwnews.blogspot.com/2012/08/suspicious-fire-on-walking-trail-in.html (for the flame image)
Two images below were actually taken by me, and can be found on my DeviantArt page.
http://shadownighthunter.deviantart.com/art/Ruins-of-St-Michael-s-Monastery-506677880 (ruins image)
http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2012/245/8/d/heavenly_fire_by_shadownighthunter-d5dcskm.jpg (image used to add to fire and smokey effect.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
- File submission
- IMG_20150111_0001.pdf
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Meleu Karthdo
- Submission
- Meleu Karthdo opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Warlord Etah Obsidyn
- File submission
- Aynar_Paint.bmp
- Textual submission
Original Image 1: http://media3.s-nbcnews.com/i/newscms/2014_11/255891/140316-pakistan-hindu-fire-1p_624e921db35de747cf05826a2e180399.jpg
Original Image 2: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/61/M%C3%BChlberg_-_S%C3%A4belmensur.jpg
Original Image 3: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0291/6817/products/300SCI01_9ce64c98-dd26-4db2-b1e8-aabd3365b4eb.jpg?v=1385337914
Found on Google Image Search
Images modified in Windows Paint and Photoshop CS
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Raistline Taldrya Majere
- File submission
- Temple.jpg
- Textual submission
Personal photograph modified in CS2
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- File submission
- round_1_gfx.jpg
- Textual submission
These 3 sites are the pics i used for my gfx pi..
cat 13523
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Jacob Van Nowak
- File submission
- Banner.jpg
- Textual submission
It appears I read the rules wrong on the first upload. Luckily someone updated me.
-Image contains picture of the sun.
-Also contains a lego Imperial Star Destroyer
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Graus Colvin
- File submission
- unnamed_(5).jpg
- Textual submission
with all due respect, some of us, aren't digital artists, so I went old school:)
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Dr. Giyana Jurro
- Submission
- Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Teylas Ramar
- Submission
- Teylas Ramar opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
- File submission
- Round_1_-_Graphics__9193.png
- Textual submission
Source Notes:
Background Image: http://cdn.hifipanda.com/51aed9f43ca1b99312.jpg
Planet exploding image: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/TfCTln3sqh8/maxresdefault.jpg
CSD Justice: https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/File:Talcotelinclass.jpg
Other sources: GIMP 2.8
MS Paint
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Talon Drear
- File submission
- Antei_Going_Critical_mark_2.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Jades A Sadow
- File submission
- GJW_Graphic_week_1.jpg
- Textual submission
Out of the silence of space, sits a hidden gem of turmoil and devastation. Burning away with civil unrest and war.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Manji Keibatsu Sadow
- Submission
- Manji Keibatsu Sadow opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Liam Torun-Urr
- File submission
- AnteiBurning.jpg
- Textual submission
This image is a modification, the original image can be found at https://www.pinterest.com/pin/237494580321639085/
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Tarax Eosphoros Taldrya Kor
- File submission
- 3239_GJW_gfx1.jpg
- Textual submission
flames were taken from http://www.onlinesoccerbetting.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ball-on-fire.jpg
planet was made in PS somewhat following: http://gallery.artofgregmartin.com/tuts_arts/making_a_planet.html
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Mandalorian Roxas Buurenaar
- File submission
- Damaged_Sith_Holocron.jpg
- Textual submission
A damaged Holocron that was recovered from the temple.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
A deleted dossier
- File submission
- Untitled-1.jpg
- Textual submission
Great Jedi war XI
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Drake Starfire
- File submission
- paint.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Ranger Revs
- File submission
- Sketch23513034.png
- Textual submission
Its a space battle. I think.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
- File submission
- GFX_Entry.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Padawan Tisto Kingang
- File submission
- Help.png
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Shadow Zebina
- File submission
- SHARKS.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Councillor Turel Sorenn
- Submission
- Councillor Turel Sorenn opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Envoy Taranae Rhode
- File submission
- Anteientry1.jpg
- Textual submission
Main image is : http://www.wallsave.com/wallpapers/1024x768/world-destruction/130631/world-destruction-art-apocalyptic-destroyed-city-tube-130631.jpg
- Placement
No placement