Competition: Tipsy Tusken's Signature Drinks

Tipsy Tusken's Signature Drinks


Soon we will celebrate the Grand Opening of the Tipsy Tusken; food will be plenty and drinks will flow. But what drinks are the bartender's signature concoctions? Only three will be etched forever into the menu.


Submit your GDoc link through the website.


Create a signature drink for the Tipsy Tusken. Include with your submission a picture of your drink, ingredients and a brief history of how the drink became popular. Top three submissions will be added to the wiki and consumed in excessive amounts. Submissions will be chosen based on detail of graphic and story provided.

Competition Information
Organized by
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Running time
2015-02-15 until 2015-03-15 (29 days)
Target Unit
Battleteam Strike-Team Ooroo
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents
10 subscribers, of which 7 have participated.
Ranger Krandon Lucian Firebringer
File submission
Textual submission

Gizka Glee

• Gervi fruit imported from the Fether system
• Natural yeast from New Tython
• Gizka urine

• Gervi fruit is imported from the Fether system and is then added to a giant still.
o The fruit needs to sit for at least 2 weeks to all the natural sugars are released.
• After the 2 week process, natural yeast from New Tython is added.
o A total of 3 distillation processes are needed, each lasting 1 week.
• One the third distillation process is complete (3 weeks), the Gizka urine is added.
o 1 pint of urine per gallon of Gervi fruit alcohol.
• Let sit for at least 1 month before consuming.
o After this 1 month, let sit as long as you want to age.

This actually happened by accident in an attempt of making gervi fruit wine. However, at this time, Gizka were a nuisance in the area and one actually didn’t need a license to hunt and kill them because of the numbers. So, naturally, gizka got into things that they weren’t supposed to get into. It just so happens that a gizka got into one of the still in which the individual was attempting to make wine. The person ended up hearing that a gizka had fallen in through its cries of wanting to escape the still. However, it was in there enough to empty its bladder because of fear. Thinking the wine was ruined, the individual proceeded to toss out the half made wine.
But, as he was tossing it out, he began to swell a very sweet smell. He realized it was the wine. So, he proceeded to reverse engineer the wine and found out the exact measurements needed to make the perfect glass of gervi fruit and gizka cognac. Thinking that it was a very high end drink, the individual presented the cognac as a gift to the Governor of one of the areas on New Tython at the time. Learning that gizka urine was in the drink, the governor imprisoned the cognac maker for 1 year. After his release, the man returned home to find that his stock of gizka urine cognac had aged to the point where it was 85 proof. What to do now? Well, he needed money so he went to a local bar, presented it to the bartender who put it on his shelf. A couple weeks later, the man who made the cognac returned to the bartender telling him that this cognac made people SUPER happy. At this point it was still called gervi fruit and gizka cognac, however, after this meeting with the bartender, the cognac maker officially called it “Gizka Glee”.

1st place
2nd place
Corvus Corax
Corvus Corax
Textual submission

2nd place
Cartel Dh'than
File submission
3rd place
File submission
Textual submission

Name: 'Shut up and Drink'
Origin: Created by a human Corellian bartender who had many different bottles of drinks which were almost empty. The exact origin of the story is debated, whether it was just what he had left or that he just mixed the last bits of lots of different bottles together into one is uncertain. However, it is said that served a glass of it to a patron who was wanting something special, when asked what the drink was called the bartender reportedly said, "Just shut up and drink." which the patron took to be the drink's name.

Ingredients: The drink has no official ingredients, it's mostly the remnants left behind in almost empty bottles all mixed together, when made like this the drink almost never tastes exactly the same. While the random concotion is the definitive way to have the drink, some bartenders have made a version of it that is a simple mix of several alcohols that are believe to have been in the original mixture, this version of the drink has a bit of spice to it as well as a moderate kick while taking on a dark brown color:

2 Parts Corellian Brandy
2 Parts Corellian Spiced Ale
1 Part Corellian Whiskey
1 Part Corellian Rum
1 Part Spice Liqueur

No placement
Aaleeshah opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Zeon Blacktooth
File submission
No placement
Textual submission

No placement