In Fading Light, Taldryan was awarded a Imperial-II Star Destroyer that we never really got around to naming. First we assumed it was going to be destroyed, then we jokingly named it the Juggernaut in the hopes it could be modified to constantly transmit "I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!" as an IFF Transponder Code, and once again disappointed. So, we're now in need of a new name for our Star Destroyer.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to submit a list of no more than FIVE names for consideration. Some examples of other ship names in the Star Destroyer Class in Taldryan are: Justice, Honor, Relentless, Resurgent, and Valor.
1st place
Rian Taldrya
1st place
Andan Taldrya Marshall
3rd place
Lord Halcyon
4th place
Reaper Heiken Akechi
5th place
Colonel Shanree Argentin
5th place
Kir Taldrya Katarn
6th place
Bobecc Varga
7th place
Rax Von-Klug
8th place
Krath Adherent Aeson Rhys
9th place
9th place