Competition: Entanglement: It’s all fun and games

Entanglement: It’s all fun and games
  • Objective: While the Evanescent are a new name to the Scholae Palatinae Clan summit, the Pacre Datship of Antenora are not, and something seems off with movements of different members of both sides and reports coming from Imperial Scholae Intelligence Agents inside each organization. Both sides are hosting grand parties across the Cocytus System to celebrate their newfound friendship and alliance and sparing no expense. Volunteer teams from the ranks of Dark Jedi of Scholae Palatinae are asked to infiltrate these parties, and find out as much as they can on the organizational structure and plans of this newly formed alliance. It is critical that no enemy forces become aware of Clan presence at these events, or things risk moving further underground. As a secondary objective, members are welcomed to enjoy themselves at the party and have a good time.

  • Friendly forces: Asking for volunteers, the Emperor is looking for teams of 3 to 5 Dark Jedi to infiltrate each party, attending as either guests or employees servicing the party under assumed identities. What identities and a plan for information gathering is left to the discretion of the team. It’s expected that security will be high, and access to weapons limited.

  • Enemy forces: Each party will be hosted by a major player from either the Evanescent or the Pacre Datship, and will be attended by major influential people and members of both sides as a mixer and mingling event. Feel free to make up NPCs for these run-on events to host the parties from somewhere in the structure, a scientist, a researcher, a military mastermind, a religious zealot, a billionaire financier, politicians, all could be in attendance at any of these various parties as both sides look to rapidly gain influence and power in the Cocytus System. Security will be strong at all parties, so resistance will be high to any conflict, which should be avoided.

  • Location: The parties will be taking place at larger villas and castles in major cities across the Cocytus System. They will be heavily defended personal residences of the more affluent members of the Imperial society. While the newly formed alliance is far from wealthy, they are well connected and intend to use these events as fundraisers for their ultimate goal and intend to show a good time.

  • How to submit: Create a team of 3-5 members from across Clan Scholae Palatinae, and create an opening post on the Discourse creating the team in the Scholae Palatinae category. New members can jump in at any time up to the maximum of 5. Participation credit will be given to all members who make at least 2 posts in the Run-on, of at least 250 words each, up to a maximum of 2,000 words in any one post. If a member fails to meet minimum participation, they will not get credit in final placement by a team, but that team can still place overall. It is expected that this Run-On is in character for all members, and will be reflected as such in the resulting fictional write-up for this event, as one of the many parties that occurred across the system.

  • How it will be graded: Grading will be based on the Fiction Rubric, looking at the final completed run-on by each team.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Forgotten: Entanglement
Organized by
Lord Evio Nezsa, Lord Idris Adenn
Running time
2015-04-04 until 2015-04-28 (25 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
8 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
1st place
Mayda Ferium
Mayda Ferium
Textual submission

Manually added by SBM Evant Taelyan

1st place
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Textual submission

Manually added by SBM Evant Taelyan

1st place
1st place
Athrun Zala
Athrun Zala
Textual submission

Manually added by SBM Evant Taelyan

1st place
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Textual submission

Manually added by SBM Evant Taelyan

No placement