- Member
Mayda Ferium
- Submission
- Mayda Ferium opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
- Member
Adept Xantros
- Textual submission
1. Abandoned Temple
2. Ohmen
3. Tome of Power, Tome of the Forgotten, Tome of Pestilence, Tome of Solace
4. Ft. Hammer
5. Poit
6. Daemon
7. Sereia
8. Dragon Treaty
9. Jade Fortress
10. Antenora, Judecca, Ptolemea, Caina
- Placement
- Member
Athrun Zala
- Submission
- Athrun Zala opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- Textual submission
Q1: What location on Judecca was discovered by the Clan Scholae Palatinae, detectable only by Sons and Daughters of Palpatine, that contains paths that wind deep into the bowels of the planet?
Abandoned Temple
Q2: In what city did Clan Scholae Palatinae choose to build the Imperial Palace for conducting official business after the original on Impire was destroyed by Arcona?
Q3: What are the names in local lore of each the Tetralibros Islands, known collectively as the Four Tomes?
Tome of Power, Tome of the Forgotten, Tome of Pestilence, Tome of Solace
Q4: What city is the keep and main base of operations for the Expeditionary Force of the Imperial Scholae Guard?
Ft. Hammer
Q5 What island chain on Caina did Clan Scholae Palatinae determine to be a focal point of Dark Side energies?
Q6: What city on Caina has guarded vaults deep below it, with connections to passageways deep into the bowels of the planet accessible only by members of Clan Scholae Palatinae?
Q7: What moon did Archangel turn into a vacation and pleasure resort?
Q8: What is the name of the Treaty that Clan Scholae Palatinae signed that resulted in the Pacre Datship being rounded up and imprisoned?
Dragon Treaty
Q9: What is the former name of the citadel erected in honor of Dakari before it was destroyed?
Jade Fortress
Q10: What are the four planets of the inner system of the Cocytus System?
Antenora, Judecca, Ptolomea, Caina
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Corsair Chrome
- Textual submission
1. Abandoned Temple
2. Ohmen
3. Tome of Power, Tome of the Forgotten, Tome of Solace, Tome of Pestilence
4. Ivory City
5. Poit
6. Daemon
7. Sereia
8. Dragon Treaty
9. Ghostly Citadel
10. Antenora, Judecca, Ptolomea, Caina
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Boss Ragnar Kul
- Textual submission
Q1: Abandoned Temple
Q2: Ohmen City
Q3: Power, Forgotten, Solace, Pestilence
Q4: Ft. Hammer
Q5: Poit
Q6: Daemon
Q7: Sereia
Q8: Dragon Treaty
Q9: Ghostly Citadel
Q10: Antenora, Judecca, Caina, Ptolomea
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- Textual submission
1. Abandoned temple
2. Ohmen
3. Marynos, Capurnicum, Cladis, YGP
4. indomitable and warspite with daily operations and exercises at ft hammer
5. Poit
6. Daemon
7. Sereia
8. Dragon treaty
9. ft arrow
10. Antenora, Judecca, Ptolomea, Caina
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Kell Palpatine Dante
- Textual submission
1. abandoned temple
2. Ohmen
3. Tome of Power (West Island), Tome of the Forgotten (South Island), Tome of Pestilence (East Island), Tome of Solace (North Island)
4. Fort Hammer
5. Poit
6. Daemon
7. Sereia
8. Dragon Treaty
9. Jade Fortress
10. Judecca, Ptolomea, Antenorra, Caina
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Tribune Kanal O'neill
- Textual submission
Q1: The abandoned temple.
Q2: Ohmen
Q3: Tome of Power, Pestilence, Forgotten, and Solace
Q4: Ohmen
Q5: Poit
Q6: Daemon
Q7: Sereia
Q8: Dragon Treaty
Q9: Ghostly Citadel
Q10: Antenora, Judecca, Caina, Ptomolea
- Placement
No placement