Competition: Distress Signal: Whodunnit

Distress Signal: Whodunnit

A Harakoan Caravan sent out a distress signal; Asking for immediate medical aid. The Disciples of Baas were dispatched and saved many lives. However, Conciliator Mar Sûl has called for extra help from members of Odan-Urr in tracking the culprit(s) be they man or beast. You've been chosen to lead the investigation: Find out who or what was behind the tragedy and why.

  • Minimum of 500 words
  • Entries will be graded on Creativity, realism and grammar
  • Please submit in a .docx, .pdf or similar format.
Competition Information
Organized by
Mar Sûl
Running time
2015-04-07 until 2015-04-21 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
4 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
1st place
Corvus Corax
Corvus Corax
Textual submission

1st place
Ceballa LightBringer
Textual submission

The council had called a lowly disciple to their hallowed halls on New Tython. Ceballa a young apprentice still in training walks into the gigantic building that house the clans council. The council consists today of Solari and Ji the jedi who over see the house and clan that Ceballa belongs to. Ceballa walks into a meeting room overlooking a pool full of native fish.
Solari begins the conversation, "thank you for meeting is here on such short notice young Padawan."
He nodes towards me.
"There has been an attack on a Harakoan caravan this morning, the passenger ship was carrying 1000 people aboard, mostly all Harakoans."
"Ceballa your job as a guardian jedi in training with this is to make sure that we are down to he bottom of whoever was involved, be it a brotherhood sith or someone else." Ji adds.
"Do this by any means necessary outside of violence, use your contacts wisely and only use people you trust, may the force be with you young Padawan." Ji says, him and Solari bow and head for the door on the other side of the room.
Ceballa says as they leave, " and may the force be with you masters."
Ceballa knows the only person that can help him with this mission is one of the minor tribal chiefs of the harakoans, ika okuag, whom Ceballa befriended during a training mission months ago.
Ceballa arrives just outside of seher 2 hours after his meeting, he requests a council with ika okuag, as he waits he begins to think of any possibilities of who could be behind this attack, Ceballas mind wanders to mercenaries, brotherhood sith and other tribes on the planet. Ika okuag'a assistant comes out of the meeting chamber and motions for Ceballa to enter. Ika okuag greets Ceballa with a hug and motions for him to sit.
Ika begins, "so my friend whats brings you to my small village today."
" terrible news my friend." Ceballa says.
"There has been an attack on a harakoan caravan this morning, I'm coming to you to see if you have heard any rumors of anything from the other Chiefs?" Ceballa says with a loud breath at the end.
"Well I have heard of a Harakoan who has been seen with a brotherhood sith recently, they were seen in seher yesterday." Ceballa grimaced at the ode that the brotherhood was behind this, he knew they hated the house and clan of the lightside, but why attack innocent harakoans? Ceballa stands up says goodbye to his friend and begins his search in seher of this brotherhood sith and his Harakoan partner. He finds his way into a pub not to far into the city, in the corner is old man in a good with a young muscular Harakoan sitting with him, deep in conversation. Ceballa notices that the Harakoan is in the standard garb of a sonant, and it all clicks the harakoan and the brotherhood sith did it, but why? Ceballa doesn't think about that part as he races his way back to Solari and Ji with this discovery.

2nd place
Major Narman Losa
Textual submission

**originally intended for the Distress Signal: Disciples of Baas competition, but didn't submit in time**

Incident Report
PAD Droveth Kathera Vectivi
Disciples of Baas

I, Padawan Droveth Kathera Vectivi, was dispatched to investigate an incident involving the destruction of a Harakoan caravan. Upon arriving to the scene, the first thing I noted was the surprising lack of footprints. Clearly a struggle took place, but the majority of the trails were clearly from the Harakoans involved within the caravan. This led me initially to believe that there had been dissent within the group that had caused the incident. Many Harakoans laid dead at the scene, but not the entire group. This also contributed to my earlier hypothesis about dissent within the group. He caravan of goods was destroyed, but there was very little evidence of any supplies being wasted. There were no sign of the reptilian mounts used for transportation except a series of trails leading off to the east. Nearly all of the goods and supplies had been removed from the scene. This fact, along with the previous clues, further proved that a small dissenting group within the caravan seized control and ransacked the rest, killing those who stood in there way and taking the supplies. It is my impression that this group used the reptilian mounts to flee the area and head East. While all the evidence seemed the point towards the dissenting group, my intuition was that something was missing. It seemed too perfect, almost as if it had been planned this way. An altercation between conflicting Harakoans does not warrant the same alarm as a more insidious foe. I reached out with the force and was compelled the follow the trail east and determine exactly what had caused this. The footprints led me to the location of the reptilian mounts situated around a body of water, a small pond, drinking from its depths. This seemed to disprove my theory. Would the Harakoans not hold on the the mounts as transportation for their goods? It appeared that the trail I had followed was simply the animals being set free and moving as a group towards a water source. If these were not used as transportation, then the group who attacked the caravan had to have been using a ship or shuttle of some kind. I returned to the scene of the incident and discovered, upon reexamining the area, some burn marks to the left of the main caravan. These burns seemed to indicate a takeoff from some sort of shuttle. Now it appeared to me that a group of mercenaries was involved with this incident. With this new theory in mind, reexamining the bodies showed signs of advanced weaponry, perhaps blasters, used to subdue the victims. Knowing the Harakoans dO not posses such technology, the only reasonable solution is that an outside force was involved. After reviewing the facts as a whole, it is my belief that a group of mercenaries, tipped off by or perhaps working with a group of Harakoans, raided the supply caravan and killed the remaining witnesses.

My recommendation is that a peacekeeping group be sent to discover the location of said group and bring them to justice.

3rd place