Competition: [House Satele Shan] The Compass of Reason, Chapter 1 - FICTION

[House Satele Shan] The Compass of Reason, Chapter 1 - FICTION

This is a sub-competition in The Compass of Reason, Chapter 1

Our hosts, the Seherob Harakoans, have been practicing sentient sacrifice for centuries. It is unlikely that they will give up the practice, but a skilled diplomat could possibly persuade them. Use all resources available to you, but you may not use violence against them!

Using a Word Processor, write a 2-3 page philosophical treatise in the form of a letter to the Sarim, the noble council governing the city. You should explain why the local Harakoans would benefit from giving up such a time-honored tradition.

Entries will be graded based on how convincing Solari and I find them to be. Spelling and grammar do count, since these Harakoans speak Basic.

Competition Information
Organized by
Shadow Zebina, Master Windos
Running time
2015-04-13 until 2015-04-27 (15 days)
Target Unit
House Satele Shan
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
3 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
1st place
Corvus Corax
Corvus Corax
Textual submission

1st place