Competition: [House Satele Shan] The Compass of Reason, Chapter 1 - Graphics

[House Satele Shan] The Compass of Reason, Chapter 1 - Graphics

This is a sub-competition in The Compass of Reason, Chapter 1

Our hosts, the Seherob Harakoans, have been practicing sentient sacrifice for centuries. It is unlikely that they will give up the practice, but a skilled diplomat could possibly persuade them. Use all resources available to you, but you may not use violence against them!

The Jedi Council at the Praxeum has demanded a report on the situation, but a problem has arisen and they have lost the ability to read, or... something. We aren't entirely sure why, but they have demanded that the report be either hand drawn or computer generated. Using a medium like Paint, Photoshop, Corel, or your hands (or fingerpaints if you'd like) create an image of the Sarim sacrificing their victims atop their great stepped pyramids. Feel free to embellish. The more dire the situation, the more money the council will surely send us.

Entries will be graded based on the amount of work put into them. Stick figures DO have the potential to win, so if all you can do is draw people who look like they've been starving on a raft in the Sea of Owyhyee for a year, jump in anyway!

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[House Satele Shan] The Compass of Reason, Chapter 1
Organized by
Shadow Zebina, Master Windos
Running time
2015-04-13 until 2015-04-27 (15 days)
Target Unit
House Satele Shan
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
4 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
1st place
Corvus Corax
Corvus Corax
File submission
1st place
Droveth Kathera Vectivi
File submission
Textual submission

The two paths that life can take, one where the pointless deaths continue and one where they stop and those who would have died can have happy lives.

2nd place
3rd place
Mar Sûl
Mar Sûl
Mar Sûl opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place