Competition: DJB for Life!!!

DJB for Life!!!

What is it you do in a typical day in the DJB? Do you spend your day honing your skills with a lightsaber? Do you study ancient texts withing your clan's archives? Do you drink yourself into a blacked-out state?

In at least 500 words, explain what it is your character does in a typical day outside vendettas or any other competitions. Judgment will be based on ease of reading, flow (transition between paragraphs) ,originality, and effort. In the event of a tiebreaker, the winner will be chosen based on spelling and grammar.

Competition Information
Organized by
Azmodius Equesinfernum, Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
Running time
2015-04-17 until 2015-05-01 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
23 subscribers, of which 6 have participated.
Jai'de Serpens
File submission
Textual submission

Jai'de Serpens - 14158

1st place
2nd place
Qor Kith
Qor Kith
Textual submission

Quaestor’s Office,
The Lion’s Tooth,
Seng Karash,

The golden light of dawn flooded inside the crater of what Seng Karash was sat in. The inspiring light continued to brighten and pierce inside each individual window, including the highest of The Lion’s Tooth. Inside a special office, the tropical flowers blossomed and spread their petals in joy, the vines relaxed after a freezing night restrained them and the desk of the Quaestor slowly cleared from flora that crawled towards the desk. Underneath was the hunched over body of Galleros Sjl, who was collapsed over several dozen datapads and scrolls. The shaven head of his cranium become excited at the rays of glorious sunshine caressed him. This in turn woke him from his slumber, and the Zelosian stretched out whilst bubbles in the cartilages popped. He ran his rough palm down the side of his face, it felt numb for awhile. At least until the chlorophyll began running faster through his skin and bark, heating his insides once more to an appropriate centigrade. Galleros gave off a sigh and looked at the clock on his desk.

“Ugh, I fell asleep again. This is really pathetic now.” The Quaestor murmured to himself, as he scanned the desk for his daily activities.

His warm hand reached for a datapad that lay in the strong rays of the glowing sun, cupped the device and sprang it to life. This one came immediately from his old Iridonian friend who sat at the ProConsul position. The tasks were simple: assign the new Sapphire Squadron Commander, activate a communication link between the entire team, approve the new base of operations for Devil’s Shroud, and finally hold a meeting with Inarya about the current House Audit. It was all part of the grinding for him, and he thoroughly enjoyed being the servant each day. The bliss of silence was quickly interrupted as his doors were booted wide by the red Twi’lek he was familiar with. She strode over with pride and then launched her own datapad onto his desk.

“Hey! Gather yourself, we need this audit done.” Her dominant voice sounded more like an order than a statement.

Galleros rubbed his cheek once more, the numbness finally disappeared. The Krath dropped his own datapad and glanced at hers once over before standing carefully, he could feel his legs were numb too.

“Negative, we need to hire a Battle Team leader first, then go visit Marcus.” The Quaestor calmly replied to his Aedile, trying his best to be sincere to her.

Her low and covert growl felt like one from a predator and was acted on sadness rather than frustration. She gave a slow nod then picked up her own datapad from the messy pile and motioned her arm for Galleros to lead. But the Zelosian could still not walk yet, the numbness of his legs have fully taken over and each individual nerve felt on fire. With internal sparks hitting against his skin and muscles with each second, the pain grew further as Inarya just watched Galleros in disbelief.

“Pins and needles?” She questioned, as he could only reply with quick yet incomplete nods.

There was no expression that came over Inarya’s face as she moved around the table. She was quick and directly scooped her arms around her Quaestor. The Aedile used her core strength to lift and curl him over her shoulder, as the Zelosian hissed in agony.

“Sorry, but we can’t waste time on silly physiology.” Inarya shouted out as she began to jog out of the Quaestor’s office.

“This is really pathetic now.” Galleros murmured, before they vanished from the room.

2nd place
3rd place
Mayda Ferium
Mayda Ferium
Mayda Ferium opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place
Ceballa LightBringer
Textual submission

After an exhaustive training session with the training droids in the temple ceballa sits on a window sill overlooking the rest of the Jedi temple, the younglings are sitting with master ji by the reflecting pond, ceballa often sits here overlooking the rest of the pupils wondering how he was when he was a youngling. After sitting for 20 minutes ceballa decides to have another go at some of the more advanced training that he will have as he works his way to being a Jedi knight, he looks down at his training saber in his hand and wonders what his custom made saber will look like once he makes his saver as a Jedi knight.

After his training session's with the droids ceballa goes into the archives where he will study most of the rest of the day till he has a training session with the master of arms later in the evening. Ceballa studies a wide range of things while in the archives he will range from galactic history, to history of the Jedi order and also miscellaneous things as well, like mathematics and arithmetic. He throughly enjoys sitting and reading through the archives, not only is it informative but he excels in the classes he needs to take in order to become a Jedi knight. Ceballa likes to sit in a corner of the archive where it is quiet and he can look outside and see all the happenings that other pupils like to do while at the Jedi temple. All the other guardian students think ceballa is an odd guardian student because of how much time he spends sitting in the archives, it doesn't bother him he knows even when it comes to combat and light saber training he still excels because of the fact that he trains so early while none of the other students are in the training dojo.

After ceballa is done in the archives he will usually spend most of the next hour in meditation on the force and allowing it to flow through him so that he can learn as much about the living force as he can so that he can use it as an ally while he is a knight. After he is done with his meditation he goes to the training armory where he has a class with the rest of the guardian protectors at the temple. During this time period the protectors learn about other weapons other then light sabers, ceballa is very skilled in shooting blaster's, he excels in this training because of where he grew up on coruscant lots of gangs, also his father being an old imperial trooper has helped him in teaching his son at a young age how to shoot a blaster.

After this training class ceballa heads back to his room to enjoy some more time reading through an archive book and enjoy some must needed rest before his day begins anew tomorrow. Before he lays down for the night he thinks how lucky he is to not be living on coruscant for the time being.

4th place
Master Bentre Stahoes
Textual submission

The sound of turning pages and the occasional tickle in his throat were about all that served to remind Bentre that he was alive. Which served to remind him of where he was, unfortunately. As loathe as he would be to admit to a Krath, a little bit of knowledge could lend itself to power.

There were other chambers through the doors on either side of the library, containing holocrons, stone tablets, and even terminals. However, there was something stimulating about the texture and smell of the flimsiplast volumes. Besides, few computerized archives contained the wealth of information that could be found in the personal writing of Sith of ages past.

As he read, the Corellian idly punched information into his datapad. There was much more to be done today. He wanted to gather as much data as he could, before others began to trickle in. The quiet of others studying in the library was more distracting to him than the chaos of the battlefield. He wanted to get out quickly, as there was little more irritating than having to suffer senseless distractions. Besides, he had an image he was trying to keep up. He didn't want the others to think that he was going soft like those scholar types.

Glancing at the time, he let out a brief sigh. He still had lightsaber combat drills to work on today, and he wanted to try to get some meditation in before taking in his early day meal. His hand went to the volume on History and Tactics of the Clone Wars campaigns he had splayed before him to close it and place it on the small stack beside him.

“Excuse me, sir.” a mechanical voice called from behind him. As Bentre turned, he saw a shiny protocol droid standing, its head tilted in the closest approximation to a quizzical glance a droid could muster. “Can I help you with finding anything?”

“Uh,” Bentre paused. Somehow, he had failed to notice the droid before now. For all his training in sensory awareness, but within and without the Force, he had managed to slip up. His mind was slipping. “I don't need anything,” he grabbed his datapad, sliding it into the small sack he kept nearby during his training sessions, and threw the bag over his shoulder.

As he strode down the hall, he felt his face getting red. He was a warrior, plain and simple. He was having enough trouble getting used to wielding a lightsaber around even after all his time in the Shadow Academy and Brotherhood. On one level, he didn't see the reason to focus so deeply when his blaster was at hand. He wasn't about to let the other Obelisk show him up, though.

With all his notes on lightsaber forms, he would have plenty of hours of training ahead of himself. If he was lucky, he might find another Obelisk to spar with. After about six hours, he might take a brief break before delving into one of the History books he had sitting in his personal quarters.

That would only happen, though, if he could master some of the Basic lightsaber techniques. His body was still taking too long to respond, and he still had to think as he fought. He wanted to be like the Equite, a force to be reckoned with. He was so far from the pillar of pure martial skill that he wanted to be, that he was destined to be.

After several minutes, he found himself in his usual training room. Seeing the room was empty, he smiled. Bentre shifted into the familiar stance, Fingers closed around the cold cylinder of his lighsaber. and his blade ignited with a familiar snap-hiss. With a practiced hand, he punched a few commands into the training console. Fifth level of difficulty would probably suffice, but he didn't bother placing a time limit though. If he couldn't defeat a training droid in less than an hour, he had no business being Sith. That thought made him angry. That anger gave him focus, and that focus gave him strength. He had a long day ahead of him.

5th place
6th place
File submission
Textual submission

SW Lucyeth

6th place