Competition: Red Fury: That Which Hides in the Darkness

Red Fury: That Which Hides in the Darkness

Your entry must be a minimum of 500 words and will be graded based on the Fiction Grading Rubric, as well as the inclusion of a member from the other clan. You do not have to write with the other member as this is an individual competition, but you do have to include them as a character in your fiction. Entries may be either comedic or serious. Submit as typical document formats (.doc, .docx, .txt, etc.). Googledocs must be exported and uploaded.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[CNS] [CSP] Red Fury
Organized by
Lord Idris Adenn, Epis Locke Sonjie, Lord Evio Nezsa, Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Running time
2015-05-04 until 2015-05-18 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
17 subscribers, of which 7 have participated.
1st place
Darth Renatus
Darth Renatus
File submission
Textual submission

Attached is my submission to the Red Fury fiction competition, That Which Hides in the Darkness.

1st place
2nd place
Mayda Ferium
Mayda Ferium
Mayda Ferium opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place
Warlord Robert Sadow
Warlord Robert Sadow opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place
4th place
Adept Xantros
Boss Ragnar Kul
File submission
5th place
Maximus Alvinius
File submission
No placement
Ala'ar Rinn
Textual submission

Midas and Calindra both watched as the YT-1300 slowly banked towards the exit, its maneuvering jets guiding it over the other ships.

Suddenly, Akuls were on them and Calindra's red bladed lightsaber swirled to meet the first two as Midas aimed the missile launcher. It wasn't like she was facing off with another lightsaber-wielding opponent, but her martial skills made up for the lack of grace with the blade. She side-stepped one, twirled on herself and brought her lightsaber arching upward as she did so. One of the Akuls was mortally wounded, and the other received a gash down it's side.

There was a sudden roar from the missile launcher, which surprised a few of the Akuls, but they only crouched low and still looked very intent at making them their next meal. "Hurry up!" she yelled as another roar echoed through the hangar, shortly followed by two very loud blasts. "We need to move..!"

From above came the tell-tale sound of twisting metal, and Calindra gave out a curse as she bolted for the nearest exit. Perhaps shooting at the structural beams hadn't been such a good idea given they were actually ’inside’ the structure. On the bright side, it promised to get messy really quickly, but she didn't particularly care to stick around to find out how effective they had been. Right now the Akuls' plan seemed to be running towards the comforting darkness beyond a set of opened double doors, and with no time to think things through, it seemed to Calindra like the right idea.

Running with the Akuls, lightsaber swinging dangerously to and fro as the hangar's roof collapsed around them, Calindra rushed towards what she hoped was some ’relative’ safety. Okay, she was exchanging certain death for the chance to survive against an unknown number of four-legged predators... Slim chance being better than none. That was the theory at least.

The Akuls made it to the doors ahead of her and disappeared in the darkness beyond. Calindra made it through the doors, dust and rubble narrowly missing her as dust plumed out of the double doors and into the corridor, turning her clothes from black and red to a uniform grey. She quickly dusted herself as she turned to go in the opposite direction when she came face to face with another human and nearly jump out of her skin in surpise.

"Sith spit! You scared me witless!"

"Look it, she brought the house down," the man stated, "did she turn a premature grey, or is she deliberately covered in dust to mask her scent? We should observe what she does next. Aye, I agree... She who runs with Akuls might prove resourceful enough to return to the others, but first it calls to us from the darkness below..."

Wondering who she was dealing with, Calindra raised her lightsaber to see better. The figure standing before her was dressed in armour and Sith robes, his face was riddled with markings, but one of his eyes didn't look right... ’Is his pupil square...?’

"What calls from the darkness...?" she asked as she decided to take in their new surroundings.

"The Pirate King, child of darkness... come, our destiny awaits."

"You sound insane, you realise that right..?"

"She who runs with Akuls is observant, isn't she..? Wait til she figures out how far gone we actually are," he added with a cackle that echoed through the corridor and made her skin crawl.

’Great, just bloody great..!' Calindra groaned inwardly. "My name is Calindra. Let's join the others..." she suggested, hoping to change this guy's mind. 'Assuming he has one left,' she ammended to herself.

The Sith before her considered her carefully, "It talks to itself in its mind too... Interesting." The figure considered her with a smile and she bit down what she had been about to say.

"Come..." he said, "Macron wishes to go this way."

"Fine, let's do it your way..." she said as she gave up on using any logic and followed him into the darkness beyond.


No placement