Whether on the ground, onboard the Sanctuary space station, or fighting the O'reenians among the stars, teamwork will be essential to the mission. The Jedi and SIth of Arcona and Odan-Urr must work together if they hope to overcome overwhelming odds. However, not all will agree with this new alliance between the Clans, leading to a...conflict of interests.
Creating a Run-On team of at least five members, members of both Clans will create their own narrative as the battle unfolds, and alliances linger on the horizon. Each member must make at least two posts of at least 500 words each to qualify for placement, and each team must have at least one member from each Clan (as long as numbers allow). Teams will be graded based on the criteria used in the Fiction Rubric used by the Voice.
Find signups here.
1st place
Lu'aisha Gresee
1st place
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri
1st place
1st place
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
1st place
Corvus Corax
1st place
Maenaki Delavi'in
1st place
Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu
2nd place
Arcean Furnece
2nd place
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
2nd place
Aerwin Tribwell-Urr
2nd place
Larrik Dul'vak
2nd place
Padawan Tisto Kingang
2nd place
Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
2nd place
A deleted dossier