Competition: Into the Deadly Wild

Into the Deadly Wild



The ship you flew and traveled had experienced system navigational and operational failures. There was nothing you could do other than pray and hope the ship crash-landed and you didn’t die. Initially you did not fully aware that the ship would fell and crashed into Planet Hoth, extremely unbearable freezing cold all year round with thick icy snow terrain covered and blanketed the surface of the planet! Most of the rear part of the ship was torn apart and burnt, and one of your feet was slightly injured.


You were on your own, no one else to accompany you other than the extreme hazardous weather and wildlife that could threaten your life at anytime. Inside a torn bag there were a lightsaber, a heavy blaster pistol, a combat knife, mineral water, flashlight and matches.


In a minimal of 500 words, describe the situation and condition how would you survive the unbearable deadly weather and wildlife until either the rescue had arrived or you had found the necessary material to repair the ship. The writing will be graded based on how creative and originality, realism, thrilling, demanding and challenging.


  • The writing should be saved in .docx , .doc , .pdf , .rtf
Competition Information
Organized by
Uun Suu, Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Running time
2015-06-04 until 2015-06-18 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
19 subscribers, of which 12 have participated.
1st place
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros
File submission
1st place
Envoy Taranae Rhode
File submission
2nd place
Battlelord Qor Kith
Textual submission

Icy winds, extremely cold snow and the heavy-plated hull coated and ensnared Galleros as he lay lifeless on the bottom of the cockpit, his good arm trapped against the broken seat numb to movement. His eyes were stinging, swollen and unable to open due to the bright flashes of light from the broken consoles. The cut wires above his head exploded and snapped above his head with sparks as the snow melted to water against the current. Glass and other odd bits slowly continued to fall from the main navigational console and onto the Quaestor’s robes as he lay weak, the biggest piece already pierced into his abdominal cavity. Galleros forced his head up slowly and felt the rush of chlorophyll to his head, pumping and pulsing violently, firing a harsh migraine on him. He took this chlorophyll-shot moment to notice the door was crumbled, clawed open and now lay useless on the snow.

*Something wanted my corpse, saw I was not meat and left. Just glad it wasn’t a Wampa. My liver is cut, i’ve got internal bleeding from what it feels, and I believe i’ve lost my arm. I must light a fire, and quick.*

Galleros slowly reached his free hand out to the torn bag and concentrated the best he can, his eyes fading in and out of vision as his arm stretched with the Force to pull on it’s fabric. He strained and gritted his teeth until the bag jumped and landed on the glass lodged into his stomach.

“Oof! Easy there, Sjl.” He muttered, his raspy voice heavily needing hydration.

The Zelosian reached inside to feel around for the Recurve hilt he packed before hand, instead his hand felt the slim box of something light and he lifted it into view.

“Huh, matches will help. Need to lose this arm, though.” The Krath grumbled in distaste, the arm was slowing him down, he hated losing his pace.

Without a second thought Galleros grabbed the lightsaber hilt, ignited the blade and quickly sliced the limp arm as close to the shoulder as he expertly could. The robes sizzled as the loose veins and cartilage bubbled, shrivelled and broke off in the cauterisation. The Zelosian shrieked out in pure agony, like the roar from a malnourished lion. Now with the arm off and not preventing his survival, Galleros ripped his robe off, bundled it on the floor in front of him and pushed the match box open carefully with his shaky fingers. The matchsticks danced and somersaulted across the ship floor, as if mocking him to chase and capture, it was his favourite game after all. As the Quaestor reached for a match stick, a wire from the console above swept across his bare hand and shocked his skin, causing him to jump and quickly retract.

*Stop playing games with me, wire.*

Galleros grumbled and tried to quickly reach for another, where another wire slipped down and caused two wires to shock his hand and arm. Impatient and insecure, the Quaestor snarled and curled his arm back again.

*I said enough, wire! This is no time to joke.*

The Zelosian saw another match which sat underneath his boot and using his heel, kicked the small and fragile object towards him. As he curled his body over and reached for it between his legs, the sharp and thick glass stabbed into his stomach slipped deeper and cut his liver more.

“Gah! Stop it, guys! I am not having fun here!” Galleros roared out, his weak hand slamming into the hull wall.

There was no reply of course, but he felt it was necessary to release his anger, especially now he was stuck alone. The Quaestor gripped the glass tightly and yanked the accursed shard out of his stomach, then tossed it outside.

“Ha! See how you like it out in the cold!” Galleros chuckled and grinned for the first time in a long while, at the enjoyment of seeing an inanimate object sink into the blizzard snow with his green blood soaking the area.

*Now, for the fire. The wires will not take my fire.*

He once again reached for the match as his green blood slowly pulsed out of his wounds and scabbed at the entrance, quickly taking it into his hands. Then using the tinder box firmly sat under his boot, he struck a spark and lit his bundle of robes on fire. Instantly the smoke of lighting this heavily dyed robed filled the ship and clouded his vision and breathing, leaving Galleros coughing and hawking heavily. The Quaestor scooped up the robes, stood from his position and tossed the rags outside into the snow. He stood at the door, his weak hand holding the freezing metal as he tried to calm his breathing once again.

*I can’t stand this anymore. The matches mock and run away. The wires steal my stuff. The glass bully and push me. And my own robes try to outsmart me.*

Galleros limped over to the torn bag, grabbed the heavy blaster pistol and placed it against his temple whilst facing outside. His panting becoming heavier, his vision blurring more as his wound continues to bleed. His weak hand shivers and the blaster shivers against his skin, for the first time in a long while Galleros felt fear. He felt afraid.

“Fear is good, fear is my friend. Fear doesn’t steal my stuff, doesn’t dance away from from, doesn’t bully me. Fear embraces me, loves me. I must love fear.” Galleros whispered nervously, he then slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The click of the trigger was the last thing he heard as the blast shot through his skull and painted the snow in malachite.

*Embrace me, fear. I am afraid.*

3rd place
4th place
Corvus Corax
Corvus Corax
Textual submission

4th place
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
File submission
5th place
Kriegen VanWyck
File submission
Textual submission

Having survived the crash landing on the frozen surface of Hoth, VanWyck once he came too looked around him to try to get an idea of what he should do or attempt to do first. He attempted to stand to his feet, and quickly had to sit back down, it had become apparent to him that he had hit his head on something which knocked him goofy. He decided that it would be best if he had remained seated and just started looking around viewing his surroundings when he happened to look down and noticed his one foot was injured. He began feeling his leg trying to get an idea as to the degree of his injury, when he noticed that it was bleeding, though not to seriously. He began crawling in the direction of the medical bay so he could see if that was intact, and if it was than he would be able to get his leg taken care of, plus find something for his head which was pounding so hard, it felt like a cantina band had used it for something to pound on, it was hard for him to come up with a single thought it hurt so badly. VanWyck got to the medical bay, and discovered that it was not damaged as bad as he thought that it would be, so he got to work on his own problems before tending to the ships.
A few hours had passed apparently, when VanWyck came to, he had apparently taken care of his injured foot and his head was no longer pounding, but he vaguely recalled the whole situation. Whatever had happened and however he got to the medical bay did not matter to him, he was feeling well enough to begin the work on his ship, as well as try to send out a message for help. He rose to his feet, still a little groggy, but that would not stop his resolve and his determination to accomplish his task. He got to the bridge and began running a systems check on all equipment. Moments later he discovered that the damage was bad, given his current situation, but not bad enough to where he could not fix his ship and get off of the planet surface, granted some parts of the ship were torn and burnt, but he would figure out a solution to that problem in due time. His main concern was to see what type of items he had to work with. He looked down and realized he had brought his lightsaber, a long with a blaster pistol. He began thinking that he could use his lightsaber as a welding torch to repair the damage and torn open sections of the ship. Now that was figured, the main problem was what would he use to weld the damaged areas shut with? He looked at the deck plating of his ship and figured that there were some holds that he could use. He decided to begin a scan of the surface since he knew there was an old Rebel base Echo Base he thought it was called, that did not matter. He thought that maybe there would be supplies as well as things he could use to possibly repair his ship. The sensors began registering the base, VanWyck decided that if he was going to do this, the time was now. He made his way to his quarters that he had on the ship and found as much clothing as he possibly could and began to layer the things on him. He found something warm that he could use to cover his face and still allow him to breath and see, plus he also found some gloves as well for his hands.
Having made his way to the old base, VanWyck decided to pull some of the stuff off of his body so that he could begin salvaging what he could, when he spotted some pirates who decided to use the base for their own set up. The pirates noticed VanWyck just standing there, and saw clipped to his belt, his lightsaber.
Hey brothers, grab your weapons, we have a Jedi here, the pirate said. The other pirates heard the order and quickly grabbed their blasters and surrounded VanWyck with their weapons trained on him, just waiting for him to make a move, or the order to fire whichever came first.
What is a flaming Jedi doing on Hoth, the lead pirate demanded to know?
I am VanWyck of Clan Odan-Urr, I am from the Dark Brotherhood, I was just passing through this system after my most recent mission, when my ship ran into some problems. I was forced down and now my ship is damaged. I realized that I landed on Hoth, and remembered that there was an old Rebel base here, and did not realize that it was occupied. I wanted to see if I could find spare parts or see what I could do to salvage from the base and I would be on my way, VanWyck said with sincerity to his voice.
How do we know that this is not some kind of lie and that you do not have a bunch of your fellow Jedi, or even troops to take us into custody for piracy, they asked?
You have no reason to believe me, and you could be right, but if you come with me, I will show you that I am telling you the truth, VanWyck said.
They thought it over for a few moments, before the leader said, if this is some kind of trick Jedi you will be the first to die, get me?
You have my word, and besides I have no reason to lie to you, VanWyck said as he led them to the location of his ship.
Once they arrived at his ship and went in looked around and realized that VanWyck was in fact telling the truth, they came back out, and asked him what he would need to fix his ship.
VanWyck relieved to get some help without a fight smiled and told them what was needed.
They looked at each other again, smiled and said for him to come back to the base with them and they would see what they could do to help only after a good dinner. They remained leery of the Jedi still.
While on their way back to the old Rebel base, they were attacked by a couple Wampas. One of them had cornered a pirate with the firm intention of using its one arm and strength to knock him out and carry him away for a meal. VanWyck decided that the force had given him a way to prove that he was in fact a friend to them, so he leapt into the air and down in front of the one Wampa igniting his brilliant blue lightsaber blade to life, and with a single swipe of his blade singed off a layer of the beasts hair, and made it rethink its position in life for just a moment. The beast came back at VanWyck and the pirate when VanWyck calling upon the power of the force picked the creature up and slammed it into a nearby icy clift, knocking the creature out. VanWyck quickly turned his attention to the other creature quickly closing in on the larger group of pirates. The creature turned his attention to VanWyck and decided that he would attempt to kill the Jedi. VanWyck quickly deactivated his lightsaber and rolled out of the way of the creature and as soon as he came to his feet, he quickly re-ignited his lightsaber waiting for the creature to make the first move, when he took the claws of the creature off with one swipe from his blade. The beast decided that it had not had enough, and tried again to take a swipe with his other arm, when VanWyck decided that it was either kill or be killed, and quickly closed the distance between them and with a single thrust, he sent the brilliant blue blade into the stomach of the creature, than pulled his blade upward, completely cutting the beast in half. VanWyck realizing that the battle was finished and standing over the severed body of the creature just looked down reflecting upon what he had to do, deactivated his saber, and turned to the pirates just thankful to be alive.
The pirates looked at the somber look upon the face of the man who had just saved their lives, and turned to each other. With a single nod from one to the other they turned and asked why would he risk his life to save people who would have killed him and taken everything off of his burnt and smoldering corpse as to look at him?
A Jedi’s life is about service and sacrifice to others, even if it means that I have to take life to save life, though I do not like taking life, VanWyck exclaimed still breathing a little heavy.
Well consider yourself among friends, we will do what we can to help you get your ship repaired and you are more than welcome to return to Hoth anytime you wish, their leader said.
VanWyck smiled and thanked them for their offer of help as well as their invitation to return anytime he wished. Though they are pirates, they see and hear things from people who do not want to talk to people like himself, VanWyck thought.
They made their way back to the base without any further problems and when they came in many other pirates had wondered where they had gone to, and the returning pirates were still cheering and telling the tale from their perspective how the Jedi had slain not one, but two Wampas with little to no effort. The pirates and their families who were in the base were catching bits and pieces of what they were saying, but it sounded amazing from what they could hear from the recounting of the tale.
The pirate leader asked one of the women there what was being prepared for dinner, in a loud but excited tone to his voice?
The one woman replied that she was not sure yet, and asked why with sincere curiosity to her voice?
We have an HONORED GUEST he shouted with excitement like she should have known why to his voice. This Jedi here crash landed on this ice cube of a planet, and than as we were on our way back here, we were attacked by two Wampa beasts, and one of our own was nearly killed, and would have been if it were not for the courageous actions of this wonderful Jedi here. I have never seen anyone take down two of those beasts before.
The woman had shock and amazement growing on her face as the pirate continued to recount the amazing acts of skill and power from the Jedi, and her eyes widened until they were nearly poping out of their sockets, before she stopped him cold and agreed that the Jedi’s actions were in fact heroic and agreed to start a feast with the help of the other women in the encampment with this feast.
Hours later during the banquet that was in the honor of the Jedi, the leader of the pirate stood to his feet and got the attention of his fellow pirates and their families. He recounted how the Jedi came to be in their presence and the acts leading up to this point, and than said that the Jedi maybe about justice and all, but his actions deem him to be considered as one of their own, and asked VanWyck to please rise to his feet, and to stand next to him please.
VanWyck not wanting to offend the man decided to do so, and approached the man as he had been asked to.
The leader turned to face VanWyck and said that he wanted to make it known that from now on if you ever need anything, and he emphasized anything at all, please do not hesitate to ask us. You have proven that you are a true friend to us, and we want to thank you for your actions.
VanWyck took the pirates hand in friendship, smiled and thanked him. I would like to thank you all for this. I landed here on Hoth wondering how I would fix my damaged ship, and would be most appreciative for any assistance that they could be to him, and wished that he had something more to offer them, and stopped and thought for a moment looking down at his blaster clasped to his thigh, wait maybe I have something to give you in return he said. VanWyck told them how he came into possession of the blaster he had now in his hand, and than said that he would like to present it to the leader and the rest of the pirates and their families and thank them for their hospitality.
The pirate realizing the magnitude of the gift he was beg presented took the blaster and thanked him for it, smiled and agreed that they would have his ship fixed for him as soon as dinner was finished. The whole chamber hall erupted into thunderous cheers and applause, and then they returned to their feasting and drinking.
Hours later, the pirates and VanWyck got to work on his ship and the pirates saw fit to make sure that he had all the spare parts that he needed, and once the repair work was finished, they prepared to say goodbye to their new friend.
VanWyck turned to them and said that he would return and if he wanted him to do so, he would speak to his leaders about finding them a better location for them to set up a new base of operations if you would like, VanWyck said. If you are not interested in a new place, than I will see about getting your settlement food, provisions, and whatever else you might need. VanWyck added.
They thought about it for just a moment and decided that it would be nice to be able to get off of this damned insufferable ice cube of a planet if their new friends people would help them to do so, and gave him the halo frequency to their settlement.
VanWyck asked them for access to their halo communications so that he could contact his leadership, and ask them now.
They escorted him to their communications center, and VanWyck put in the frequency for the Clan, and quickly made contact with them.
Seconds later Master Kituri appeared on the halo. She was an average height Togruta. Hello Guardian Duelist VanWyck, to what do I owe the pleasure of this communication, she asked?
VanWyck stood there, and recounted the events that led up to his transmission to Odan-Urr, and asked if it would be possible to assist with the resettlement of the pirates who had been so kind to help him with the repairs? He pointed out the benefits of having the pirates as good friends, which did not take much before she agreed with him, and informed him that they were dispatching ships to escort them through Dark Brotherhood space and to their new home. VanWyck being humble like he is, thanked her and bowed.
We look forward to seeing you soon VanWyck A’lora out, and the image of her shimmered out of existence.
VanWyck turned to the leader of the pirates and said that he needed to make an announcement to the whole settlement, that he had wonderful news for them all.
He smiled and told him that he would get things set up immediately, and left to see to them.
A half hour later in the flight bay, all of the pirates were gathered and awaiting the reasoning as to why they were called there, when VanWyck was asked to address them.
I have been in contact with my Clan back home, and my leadership about the idea of getting you supplies or the idea of resettling you on a different world, and they have agreed to both, they are dispatching ships to meet up with us and escort you through Dark Brotherhood space to your new location, VanWyck said. They will be here within a few hours, so I would suggest that you begin getting ready to leave this place, VanWyck added.
The leader of the pirates stood before them and said well you heard our new friend, he went out on a line for us and got us a new place to call home, so let’s go get ready, the ships will be here soon.
Three hours later, the ships from Odan-Urr dropped out of hyperdrive and sent a message to VanWyck asking if they were ready to go?
VanWyck responded that they were ready now, and thanked his leadership once again, and closed the channel.
Moments later from the orbit of Hoth, the ships sent to provide escort for the caravan of pirates and their families were seen pouring out of the old Rebel base like it was a sinking and dying ship, with VanWyck and his ship holding the lead.
Hours later the convoy of ships dropped out of light speed nearing the system of New Tython, and Master A’lora contacted both VanWyck as well as the leader of the pirates.
We will be setting down on the western hemisphere of New Tython. We have a large body of land that you will be able to settle on, and have room to live comfortably and still be able to do whatever it is that your group does, A’lora said.
The leader of the pirates smiled and thanked the master for her kindness, and turned to face VanWyck, and thanked him especially for his kindness and help on the planet surface.
VanWyck smiled, and replied it was my pleasure, and thank you for your help with the repairs on my ship as the convoy sat down on the Western hemisphere of New Tython.

6th place
Maenaki Delavi'in
Textual submission

The air inside the small transport ship was stagnant and warm. K’tana had noticed this only moments before the pilot yelled frantically.


“What do you mea-!”

“HOLD O--”

The ship shook as something collided with it, cutting off the pilot. K’tana was thrown backwards and out of the cockpit. She spun maladroitly and, before she even had a chance to regain her balance, the back of her skull collided with a wall and sent her into the arms of cascading blackness.

Her first conscious inhalation was a burning cold gasp that made her shriek and cough as she struggled to lift her shirt over her mouth and nose. Her eyes snapped open as she looked about the chaos of the destroyed vessel. The frigid air that ignited her lungs was coming from the back of the ship. Or what was left of it.

Shards of metal stabbed violently into a wall of snow and heavy gusts of wind shook her metal cage, causing the ship to shriek like a dying animal in its death throes. To her right, the Twi’lek saw a large icicle stabbed through the cockpit’s window and out of the back of the pilot's chair. Thick blood coated it’s length and dripped from the tip onto the grimy floor. Intrigued by the sight, K’tana stood up to get a better look.

However, as she tried to move one of her legs she screamed in pain as a sharp penetrating agony shocked her system.

“Karking shutta, frazlated Kikalekki’s frang!” She screamed before gasping and grunting in pain. The Priestess flipped her lekku over a shoulder and looked down at her foot. She almost laughed at what she saw.

Stabbed between the tendons of her toes was her own dagger. It stuck out from its sheath on her hip and into the foot of her bent leg.

She unbuckled the hilt from her leg and then, very slowly, pulled her injured foot from under her, making sure to prevent the blade from further tearing the wound. She looked at the damage to her boot, assessing the hole in her limb and her favorite shoe, before using the sheath’s strap to form a crude tourniquet just above her knee.

Inhaling quickly and shutting out the pain, she gripped the handle tightly and focused on pulling it out straight to prevent undue damage. The belt had not been tight enough and as K’tana slipped the blade from her foot a large spurt of blood shot across the ship’s floor.
The Priestess tossed the blade to the side and quickly unzipped her boot. Grasping the heel she pulled the opie-leather footwear from the oozing wound and began ripping the stocking from her leg. Her head reeled with blood loss, but she managed to tear off a long strand of fabric and applied it to the pierced foot, holding pressure on both sides as blood gushed through her fingers.

The injured woman squeezed her eyes shut as she drew upon her inner power and focused on the gaping hole in her foot. Her mind cleared as the power flooded through her, igniting the pain anew as the flesh started to mend. She focused on ceasing the flow of blood and staunching the pain.

Carefully, K’tana tried to flex her foot. She managed to wiggle her toes despite the throbbing pain. Slipping her fingers beneath the rest of her stocking, the Priestess gingerly pulled the shredded fabric from her leg and wrapped it around her bare foot. Leaning forward and resting on her uninjured knee, the Twi’lek slowly placed her wounded foot on the frigid ground.

Now that the pain was tolerable, K’tana let the flow of adrenalin rush through her body as she released control of her system and allowed it to revert to its natural state. The calming feeling of endorphins washed over her, causing a small smile to slip over her lips.

The Twi’lek’s gaze fell back to the pilot's chair and she carefully made her way towards it. Her green eyes went wide as she took in a sight she had never yet seen.

The massive icicle was clear as glass and painfully cold to the touch. K'tana lay just the tips of her lacquered nails against the base and dragged them down its length to the ghastly hole it had driven through her pilot's face.

Through the glassy surface of the ice, K'tana could see the inside of the man's head and she took advantage of the moment to study the squishy innards.

Curiosity sated, K'tana began to look around for necessary gear when her stomach growled ferociously. She realized that time had slipped away from her and that it had been days since she'd eaten.

Scowling, K'tana set about searching the freezing ship for any supplies she could scrounge. Scattered about the ship she found her lightsaber, water, a backpack, matches and a flashlight.

"I wonder if I can find any spices..." She pondered aloud to herself as she dug through the knapsack, finding only a useless blaster and a sharp knife.

An idea had come to her as she began to feel lethargic from the lack of blood and hunger. The a Twi'lek knew the cold was getting to her by the numbness in her fingers.

Suddenly, a loud beeping sound was heard from the console of the ship. Her head snapped towards the sound. Gripping her lightsaber, K'tana went to investigate.

The emergency beacon had been triggered and a backup system had engaged to keep it on. K'tana knew nothing of ships, other then they always seemed to crash when she was on them.

With an exasperated sigh, the Priestess ignited her lightsaber and sliced through the protruding icicle. A few more cuts and the pilot's console was accessible. As was the pilot.

Not wanting to break the ship further, K'tana moved on to her original idea and began undressing the dead man. Once she'd wrapped herself in his clothes, she grinned wildly and began carving into the man.

Making slow, deliberate cuts along his arms and legs with her lightsaber, K'tana had cooked the outer skin. His flesh seared and the smell was actually enticing to the famished woman. Once she managed to cut off several good pieces off the man, she let them cool as she pulled apart the upholstery of his chair.

Piling pieces of scrap metal in a semicircle near the center of the wreck, she made a fire pit and placed anything flammable inside. The Twi'lek quickly used the matches to light a small fire. The scent was appalling, but the heat made a difference.

She walked back to the chunks of partly cooked Human, stabbed one with the combat blade and bit into the succulent meat. She purred with joy as blood ran over her lips.

"Bit... tough." She made a pouty face as she tore off another bite.

As she was putting the pilots boots onto her feet and contemplating burning her boots and then digging her way from the ship, she heard the sound of a large engine.

With excitement, she bolted towards the sound coming from the side of her metal prison.

Igniting her saber once again, the Priestess drove the violet blade into the side of the hull. She forced the blade up and through the metal, applying as much pressure as she could manage.

When the hole was finally large enough, she poked her head out and saw one of the rescue ships land and a small platoon of soldiers pile out.

"Oh! Hai!" K'tana pulled her arm through the hole as she hollered and waved frantically. When one saw her and called the others over, K'tana pulled herself back in the ship.

She went back over to the pilot, grabbed a few more strips of flesh and was chewing it when the rescue team finally dug their way in.

7th place
8th place
Aaleeshah opted out of publishing her submission.
8th place
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Textual submission

The cold wind ripped at the robes of the Primarch as he looked out into the opening seeing what was taking place in front of him the shuttle was smashed out and it was clear that the situation was not a great one. Pain rippled threw the Primarchs leg as he allowed his hand to come down and grab at his foot realizing the pain that echoed threw it, throbbing away and keeping his mind away from what dangers would be lurking.

Grabbing the back the Primarch allowed himself to get some bearing of the situation knowing some of the history of Hoth it was clear that shelder would be here, even if it would be in the form of the old republic outpost that once made history as it stood strong against the Empire in a war. Taking a deep breath the Iridonian stepped out into the storm, the cold buffered against his skin instantly, knowing fully well that the pain echoing around his body was only a small taste of what awaited him, forcing it from the back of his mind the Primarch closed his eyes as he began to reach out with the force looking for anything that could give him shelter.

It was at that moment the old base was found, the reminance of battle and anger was a give away on its own, it drew the Primarch towards it with ease. As he began heading i the direction knowing fully well it would take a few hours to get there, Hoth was well known for dangerouse and this was another situation that would prove that with ease. Reaching into the bag he lauged slightly as he felt the blaster, knowing full well that he would never be any good at using it, if it came down to it at least. Familiarity of a saber hilt was the next thing his cold fingers touched knowing the blade would keep him safe as he clipped it onto his belt knowing full well that the base was coming up as the outlie began to appear in the darkess, it was clear that this was his way to saftey and he took it knowing full well it would be the only chance he would get.

As the door came infront it was clear that it had not been used in years, let alone able to be opened. Letting his thumb came to the blade the Primarch began to melt away the door with the saber, holding it in place knowing full well that this was his one chance to manage to get out of the cold and making sure that he was able to at stay warm, as the metal gave way the door fell and allowed the Primarch to step into the gap and allowed his eyes to glance around to make sure that the area was clear. Once finding that it was the Primarch began to explore the area soon finding the abandoned equipment from the Republic. communication equipment was scattered but enough of it was left around to send of a distress call and set up a small camp fire, only thing left to do for the Primarch was to make sure that someone came, setting up and trying to not allow the cold to effect me.

9th place
Epis Locke Sonjie
File submission
10th place
Master Bentre Stahoes
File submission
Textual submission

attached is the written fiction

No placement
Textual submission

The Savagry Within

Lucyeth gazed out of the ship viewport at the open space. He was assigned for a routine tour of tabanna gas shipments on the planet of Bespin. The clan depended upon the gas to power the fleet of the imperial empire. They always needed to ensure that the source of shipments was stable and secure for the continued business relations.

Lucyeth was almost in the sector when his navigational computer began to bleep with a deafening tone through the air. The sith warrior attempted to make the necessary repairs but it was too latte as the computer went into a complete mechanical failure and began to smoke. Lucyeth could feel the sweat beat down his forehead as he tried unsuccessful to take control of the ship. His ship kareemed toward an icy white planet and broke through the atmosphere with wrecklessness. The palatinaean pulled at the throttle but the thrusters were shot. Lucyeth buckled in as he knew that it was going to be a rough landing. The ship came in hot before it slammed into the icy tundra of a familar frozen planet. The planet of Hoth was a desolate wasteland of snow and no life. Lucyeth knew he wasn't far from Bespin but his ship would be the factor due to the damage.

He looked at the ship but knew it would do no goodnstaring at it. The navigational computer was damaged and the engine thrusters were severly damaged but not impossible to repair. He shut thw ship down to save the power and walked out into the frosty depths of the snowstorm. He had to find something to eat. He failed to pack any rations for the trip which he knew now to be foolish. He didn't think he would need rations with a short trip to cloud city but that was no longer be the case. There was nothing to this planet that worked in the sith's favor. No repair stagions parts shop or a cantina to get in contact with his clan. Lucyrth was stranded and it could be for an extended period of time and he had to use his skills to survive. His luck turned when he saw a small rodent burrow out of the snow. Lucyeth jumped it like a rabid animal stalking prey as it sqealed and the sth warrior savagly broke its neck with carnal rage. He bit into it with animalistic behavior but satifying his feeling of loss and hopelessness.

What seemed like months was days as the time went on woth ni end in sight. He heard a distant roar as a small frieghter landed next to him on the icy surface of the planet. A weequay got out and motioned for Lucyeth to come aboard. Lucyeth was saved from a certain stranded life that he can put in the past and not look back as the frieghter took off and brought him back to civilization.

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