Competition: [JW]Pre-visit Paperwork

[JW]Pre-visit Paperwork

Before we can allow you to roam the park freely and enjoy our many attractions, you must read and sign the necessary paperwork. At Judecca World, safety is our biggest priority.

Forms and Questionnaires - Answer a series of questions and forms about the Park before you arrive on the ferry. Read all of this brochure to find answers to the first part. Thank you for your interest in Judecca World. We hope you enjoy your experience!

You may copy into a word doc or text file to upload or copy answers into the submission box below please. Entries will be judged on accuracy (for a & b) and relevance to the topic, creativity and humor (for c & d).

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Judecca World
Organized by
Mayda Ferium
Running time
2015-06-15 until 2015-07-03 (19 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
23 subscribers, of which 11 have participated.
Savant Zuser Whuloc
Textual submission

Safety tips:

1) Do not touch fences marked as electrified.
2) Please do not tap on glass.
3) Please do not cross barriers.
4) Please do not throw anything into the exhibits.
5)Please do not make excessive noise.
6)Please do not tease or do anything to otherwise incite the dinosaurs.
7) Please do NOT feed the dinosaurs.
8) Please keep your hands, arms, feet, legs, head and generally any part of your body inside the vehicle at all times.
9) Please do not make direct eye contact with alpha dinosaurs.
10) If you have children, please pay attention to them. Otherwise they may get eaten.
11) Please do not eat meat near our carnivores.
12) Please do not offer branches of leaves to our herbivores without park staff supervising.
13) When in the Gyrosphere, please do not stray from the path.
14) Do not scratch your nose in front of the T-Rex, it will make her jealous.

Anklyosaurus Facts:

1) The name 'anklyosaurus' means 'fused lizard'.
2) It's habitat is in Western North America.
3) The anklyosaurus is an herbivore, which means it eats plants.
4) It's length can be 30 ft.
5) It can weigh 6 tons.
6) The anklyosaurus is a quadruped, which means it walks on four legs.
7) The anklyosaurus diet consists of ferns and other low-growing plants.
8) It lived in the Late Cretaceous period, which was about 68-66 million years ago.
9) The anklyosaurus has been referred to as the 'Living Tank', which is rightfully named. This dinosaur is well protected with spiky armor from the fused bones of it's skull down to the rounded club at the end of it's tail.
10) The ankylosaurus's armor is covered with a layer of keratin. Which is what fingernails are made of.

Info found at:


Guest name: Zuser Whuloc

Name of Restaurant: Nobu

Day and time of reservation: Friday at 5:30pm

Number of guests: 1

Items ordered:

Courescant Roll
Enterprise Roll
Magikarp Tempura Roll
Tuna Roll
Maka Miso Soup
Friday 13th Teriyaki Beef
Cucco Teriyaki
Romulan Rainbow Roll
Terminus Bento Box

Waiver of Liability This agreement releases InGen and Judecca World, Inc. from all liability relating to injuries that may occur during activities and tours of the premises. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold InGen and Judecca World, Inc. entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence. I also acknowledge the risks involved in all the available attractions, tours and activities. These include but are not limited to:

T-Rex Attack
Velociraptor Raid
Mammoth Stampede
Giant Robot Fight
Eaten By Various Giant Lizards
Loss of Limbs
Wizard Duel
Dogs Playing Poker
Believing in The Heart of The Cards

I swear that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity. By signing below I forfeit all right to bring a suit against InGen and Judecca World, Inc. for any reason. In return, I will receive access to participation in activities and attractions. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing and as explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed.

I, Zuser Whuloc, fully understand and agree to the above terms.

1st place
2nd place
Zill opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Textual submission

a. List the eight safety tips you should follow during your visit as found in the brochure. It is imperative that you understand these before you arrive.

1. Do not tap on the glass
2. Don’t cross barriers
3. Don’t throw anything into the exhibits
4. Don’t make excessive noise
5. Don’t tease the dino’s
6. Don’t incite the Dino’s
7. When feeding dino’s hold your hand flat
8. Don’t touch fences marked as electrified

b. Choose a dino from the brochure and list 10 facts you discovered in your research (list URLs of where info was found, any reputable source online).

Velociraptor (seriously my most favo dinosaur ever, wish I could ride one…)
1. His name actually means Swift Seizer.
2. An Adult velociraptor could grow up to 2m in length and 0,5m in height at the hip.
3. They weighed up to 15kg.
4. Their top speed was 60kmph but only for a short period.
5. It’s believed that velociraptors actually had feathers, which they used to regulate temperature and even give them thrust speed whilst traversing up a mountain/hill.
6. However, they could not fly. It’s speculated that their ancestors could though.
7. The tail of the velociraptor was not flexible, as it was made from hard fused bones. This helped him to balance as he hunted, running and jumping.
8. Their 3,5 inch long sickle claw on each foot was retractable.
9. The first known fossil was found in 1922. The most famous fossil is where a Velociraptor is in battle with a Protoceratops.
10. Its assumed the sickle claw was not used for slashing open prey, but puncturing or stabbing prey trying to reach vital organs. This was mostly seen during the famous fossil fight, and later tested with a claw on BBC’s show in 2005.


c. Please make a reservation at one of the dining locations listed in the brochure. Dining Reservation Form Guest name: _____Krataa________________________________________________________ Name of restaurant: _____Nobu_______________________________________________ Day and time reserved:______26-6-2015______________________________________________ Number of Guests:___3__________ Menu items ordered (at least 4): Indominus Maki, Amaebi, Tamagoyaki Rex, California roll ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
d. Also, please agree to the terms below and sign this personal safety waiver. (Make up realistic and funny risks on your own. Be creative.)
Waiver of Liability This agreement releases InGen and Judecca World, Inc. from all liability relating to injuries that may occur during activities and tours of the premises. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold InGen and Judecca World, Inc. entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence. I also acknowledge the risks involved in all the available attractions, tours and activities. These include but are not limited to {list 10 risks}:
Being stepped on by a dinosaur.
Being eaten by anything on the island (including other human beings).
Failing to listen to the Overlords and resulting in your injury or death.
Boxing with a T-rex and losing.
Stumbling upon a Velociraptor hatching ground and being attacked.
Signing up for the (live) Pteranodon ride but not returning to the spot you were picked up at, or being returned at all.
Hunting velociraptors but instead being eaten by its pack mates since the one you were hunting acted as bait.
Climbing the trees and mistakenly being bitten by an apatosaurus thinking you were some new kind of vegetable.
Being clubbed to death by an Ankylosaurus as result in trying to tickle it.
Trying to win (you wont win) a headbutting contest against an Pachycephalosaurus whilst intoxicated.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. I swear that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity. By signing below I forfeit all right to bring a suit against InGen and Judecca World, Inc. for any reason. In return, I will receive access to participation in activities and attractions. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing and as explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed.
I, _____Krataa______________________, (print name) fully understand and agree to the above terms.

3rd place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
4th place
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
File submission
5th place
Maximus Alvinius
Textual submission

a. List the eight safety tips you should follow during your visit as found in the brochure. It is imperative that you understand these before you arrive.

Do not tap on the glass, cross barriers, throw anything into the exhibits, make excessive noise, tease, or incite the dinosaurs, and do not touch fences marked electrified. Also keep head, hands, arms, legs, and feet outside the paddock at all times

b. Choose a dino from the brochure and list 10 facts you discovered in your research (list URLs of where info was found, any reputable source online).

Microceratus- Name meaning: "Small-horned", Habitat: North America, Asia, Length: 2.5 ft, Weight: 14 lbs, Stance: Biped, Diet: Herbivore, Age: Cretaceous. Might be smallest dinosaur in Jurassic World, They have short frills, and beak-shaped mouth.

c. Please make a reservation at one of the dining locations listed in the brochure. Dining Reservation Form Guest name: ___________Landon Cruise___________________ Name of restaurant: ________Winston's Steakhouse_______________________ Day and time reserved:_____________1July2015 1600_________________ Number of Guests:_____1_______ Menu items ordered (at least 4): ________Fried Calamari, Barbecued Shrimp, Caesar Salad, Porterhouse_________________________________________________

d. Also, please agree to the terms below and sign this personal safety waiver. (Make up realistic and funny risks on your own. Be creative.)

Waiver of Liability This agreement releases InGen and Judecca World, Inc. from all liability relating to injuries that may occur during activities and tours of the premises. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold InGen and Judecca World, Inc. entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence. I also acknowledge the risks involved in all the available attractions, tours and activities. These include but are not limited to {list 10 risks}: ______Hands lost, drowning, free falling, poisoning, quicksand, trampled, dismembered, electrocuted, stroke, fainting_________________________________. I swear that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity. By signing below I forfeit all right to bring a suit against InGen and Judecca World, Inc. for any reason. In return, I will receive access to participation in activities and attractions. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing and as explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed.

I, _____Landon Cruise____________, (print name) fully understand and agree to the above terms.

No placement
Darth Renatus
Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Master Bentre Stahoes
Textual submission

a. Do not tap on glass. Do not cross barriers. Do not throw anything into the exhibits. Do not make excessive noise. Do not tease the wildlife. Keep heads, hands arms and feet outside the paddocks at all time. do not touch the electric fences.

b. Dimorphodon.
1)Dimorphodon means "two-form tooth"
2)The first fossil remains now attributed to Dimorphodon were found in England by fossil collector Mary Anning, at Lyme Regis in Dorset, UK in December 1828.
3) the Dimorphodon is the only member of its own family, the Dimorphodontidae
4)Dimorphodon had an advanced jaw musculature specialized for a "snap and hold" method of feeding.
5)pointed front teeth suggest Dimorphodon was an insectivore
6)Dimorphodon was a competent climber, possessing proportionally large and curved ungals and a low center of gravity
7)The species name macronyx refers to the large claws on the forelimbs.
8)The pterosaurs probably lived inland, but ventured out over the sea to catch fish.
9)Dimorphodon was either an agile quadruped or even a running biped due to its relatively well developed hindlimbs and characteristics of its pelvis.
10)the Dimorphod lived during the early Jurassic period
==sources on wikipedia and

c. Please make a reservation at one of the dining locations listed in the brochure. Dining Reservation Form Guest name: Bentre Stahoes
Name of restaurant: Winston's
Day and time reserved: June 16th, 2015 at 4.30pm
Number of Guests: 2
Menu items ordered (at least 4): Grilled Lamb Rack, Winston's Choice Cut, Half Dozen Clams, Hamachi Crudo

d. Also, please agree to the terms below and sign this personal safety waiver. (Make up realistic and funny risks on your own. Be creative.)

Waiver of Liability This agreement releases InGen and Judecca World, Inc. from all liability relating to injuries that may occur during activities and tours of the premises. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold InGen and Judecca World, Inc. entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence. I also acknowledge the risks involved in all the available attractions, tours and activities. These include but are not limited to: personal property damage, items lost or stolen, lacerations, shocks, motion sickness, ornithoscelidaphobia, accidental dismemberments, amputations, loss of hearing, or psychological trauma. I swear that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity. By signing below I forfeit all right to bring a suit against InGen and Judecca World, Inc. for any reason. In return, I will receive access to participation in activities and attractions. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing and as explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed.

I, Bentre Stahoes, (print name) fully understand and agree to the above terms.

No placement
Athrun Zala
File submission
No placement
File submission
No placement
File submission
Textual submission

SW Lucyeth

No placement