Competition: [JW]Hear Me Roar!

[JW]Hear Me Roar!

Instructions: Upload a doc or txt file or paste into the submission box. Word count between 200-500. Judged on: Mayda’s Rubric (see below). Mayda’s Fiction Rubric: Similar to the DJB Fiction Rubric , except that Story 20%, Realism 20% and Entertainment is 60%. I am non-traditional myself so I value things that are “outside the box.” I also want this to be more easy-going and less stressful than serious fiction competitions. This is to provide an opportunity to let your creativity flow and try something new! Feel free to try a new style of writing and storytelling. Parody another movie - make a mash-up of two. Leave it a cliffhanger without an ending - you won’t be marked down. Invent a dino language. I won’t take off for spelling and grammar, unless I absolutely cannot understand what you are saying. If you aren’t normally a writer, it’s ok, give it a try! But, be sure to keep it PG-13, nothing too graphic, please. And please email me if you have questions or are not sure of anything or are hesitant to try. Have fun!

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Judecca World
Organized by
Mayda Ferium
Running time
2015-06-24 until 2015-07-04 (11 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
15 subscribers, of which 7 have participated.
1st place
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros
File submission
1st place
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
File submission
2nd place
3rd place
Textual submission

I'am a T-Rex hear me roar! What a wonderful day it is being a T-Rex, no one can boss me around, I'am one of the biggest carnivourous dinosaurs on the planet, no one can tell when and what I can or cannot eat, I'm the best dinosaur in this park. What a beautiful day it is here at Judecca world. The sun is shinning on my face and I'm so full from this morning. I can't believe they fed me cow for breakfast, what a treat, I'm so use to eating sheep everyday. I wonder what is for dinner. When this sun goes down I'am going to chow down. Can't wait for tonight. In the mean time I guess I will scare the tourists of Judecca. I'm going to get up really close to the electric fence and roar as they pull up close. Normally I would get anywhere near the fence, but today I will. I will put fear into the eyes of the tourists today. They will snap pictures of me while I stare at them. If I ever get out of here I would eat every last human in this park. I bet that taste just dandy. Mmmmm I can see it now. They would scatter throughout the park, but I would hunt them down one by one. That is me and the other T-Rex. I bet the other guys are taking there naps right about now. Not me, that breakfast was so good I want some more cow or even a human. I know I'm scary, I'm the badest dinisaur in this park. If the humans only knew what I would do to them if I ever got loose. No one could stop this T-Rex. Well night is coming and I think Ive scared enought tourists for the day. Its time for dinner, Roooaaarr!

3rd place
File submission
Textual submission

SW Lucyeth

No placement
Master Bentre Stahoes
File submission
No placement
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Athrun Zala
File submission
No placement