Competition: [Restoration: Ascendant] Fiction I

[Restoration: Ascendant] Fiction I

This is the first fiction event for Restoration: Ascendant

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Restoration: Ascendant
Organized by
Vivackus Kavon di Plagia, Teylas Ramar, Master Selika Roh di Plagia, Callus Bo'amar, Jai'de Serpens
Running time
2015-07-05 until 2015-07-19 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Plagueis
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
21 subscribers, of which 16 have participated.
Master Dracaryis
File submission
Textual submission

ACC Ravager
Hangar Deck
Esstran Sector
Deep Space
39 ABY

Dracaryis sat on the edge of the shuttle’s boarding ramp and watched as his strike team prepared for the upcoming mission. He went over the mission details in his head for the fifth time: Board the Anchorage, move through the lower decks to an abandoned hangar bay, and secure a landing zone for the main force. In addition the two Guardians he had hand selected for the mission, he had also received direct control of a small strike force comprised of two teams of skilled infiltration troops. Guardian Onwai Starborne would lead the team focused on the securing the initial infiltration site, while Guardian DeCicco Ehne would lead the team focused on clearing the lower corridors and capturing the hangar bay.

Dracaryis watched as the two Journeymen inspected their men. Starborne was a natural leader. The young Obelisk ran his men through entry drills, corrected their tactics when required, and ensured that each man understood his mission, as well as the mission of adjacent and higher units to the detail.

DeCicco was another story. While no fault of his own, he was not the natural leader that Starborne was. While an exceptionally competent Journeyman of the Krath Order, DeCicco was very reserved and reluctant to command his men. As such, Dracaryis had decided that he would move with DeCicco’s assault team, in order to provide guidance and direction during the Guardian’s first tactical command.

“Onwai, DeCicco, on me for a few minutes.” Dracaryis ordered.

The two Guardians strode over to where Dracaryis stood.


Onwai spoke first. “Sir, the team is ready. We have rehearsed the landing and see no issues with securing the initial LZ. The only concern I have is holding the site for any longer than an hour. We can keep Drax’ forces from entering from the corridors, but we have no way of preventing an enemy force from hitting the hangar bay. There are no active turbolaser turrets where we are going.”

“What are your recommendations, then?” Dracaryis was annoyed. He expected leaders to come with solutions, not to simply drop problems into his lap.

Starborne was one step ahead of him. “A small fighter contingent stationed outside the main hangar bay could provide us with the necessary rear coverage. They could give us early warning as well as attack any enemy transports attempting to land in the bay.”

Dracaryis smiled. “A solid plan. I will speak to the Quaestor about providing a couple of fighters. The fleet is actively engaged against Drax’ forces, but I am certain she can spare two or three fighters to cover you. DeCicco?”

DeCicco spoke up. “Sir, the assault team is prepared, but I wish you would let me handle the attack on my own. I am ready.”

Dracaryis glared at the young Krath. “I move with the assault team, because that is where I feel I am needed. You don’t know what we could possibly run into, and your limited Force capability could use some assistance. You will have full command of your team, I am there to observe and correct as necessary.” Dracaryis eased his demeanor. “You will have plenty of opportunities to showcase your abilities, Guardian. I sense that there will be plenty to do once we begin moving through the lower corridors.”

DeCicco nodded. “I will not let you down, sir.”

Dracaryis stood. “Excellent. Both of you have your men board the shuttle. I will speak with Selika about the fighter escort. Mission kicks off in fifteen minutes.”

“The Force is strong with both of you. Rely on its power, and you will not fail.”

The Guardians turned, and moved to ready their men for battle.

ACC Ravager
Five Minutes Later

Selika Roh stood at the main view port and gazed pensively at the battle raging outside. Flashes of green and red laser fire glittered the space between the Ravager and the Anchorage. Without turning her gaze, she spoke to her Aedile as he approached.

“Your teams are ready?”

“Yes. We have rehearsed the landing and the assault for hours. Starborne and DeCicco are as ready as they will ever be.”

“Do you have everything you need?”

Dracaryis stood beside his Quaestor and watched the battle. “I need a small fighter escort. We have no way to secure the hanger bay from space once we land. Two or three X-Wings should do the trick.”
“Done.” Selika turned and surveyed her Aedile. “You have done well. I am impressed with how far you have come in such a short period of time. This will be your defining moment. You are directly responsible for gaining an initial foothold on the Anchorage. Secure the site, and call in the cavalry. We will crush Drax and his forces with one swift stroke.”

Dracaryis nodded. “I will not fail you.”

“See that you don’t.”

Dracaryis grinned. This was his moment. If he could gain the initial lodgement on the Anchorage, he would be rewarded well. He turned and moved towards the bridge door.

“Oh, and Drac?” Selika called over her shoulder.


“Try to not blow up the hangar door.”

ACC Ravager
Ten Minutes Later

“Sixty seconds to the Landing Zone.” The transmission from the lead escort pilot was filled with static. Dracaryis gripped the support strap over his head and addressed the shuttle pilot. “Sixty seconds. I want you on ground no more than thirty. Unload us, and then get the hell off the Anchorage. This is a one-way trip for us!”

The shuttle pilot nodded. “Good luck, sir!”

Dracaryis turned and eyed the two teams. Starborne’s squad lined the port side of the shuttle, DeCicco’s squad lined starboard.

“Onwai, you’re off first. You have ten seconds to secure the shuttle bay.” Dracaryis barked. “DeCicco, you will follow me off the shuttle once the site is secure.”

“Yes, Sir!” The two Journeymen replied in unison.

Dracaryis donned his helmet, and switched on the internal HUD. Unhitching his lightsaber from his belt, he moved to the ramp of the shuttle. “Ten seconds! On your feet!”

The teams stood. Dracaryis felt a lurch as the shuttle landed in the bay. The ramp dropped, and Dracaryis motioned for Onwai’s team to disembark. The troopers quickly moved to secure their respective sites within the hangar bay. Onwai turned and gave the Aedile the signal. “DeCicco, follow me!” Dracaryis ignited his saber and led the second team off the shuttle.
“DeCicco, take your men and begin clearing the corridor. I will follow shortly.”

DeCicco nodded, and ordered his men to stack up outside the door leading to the lower corridor. The lead trooper emplaced a thermal charge on the door controls, and with a loud bang and a hiss, the door controls blasted apart and the door to the corridors opened. “Go, go go!” DeCicco barked to his team. Within seconds, the Krath’s team was out the door and moving along the darkened corridors.

Dracaryis activated his commlink. “Ravager control, this is Dracaryis. LZ secured. Beginning clearance of lower corridors. Moving to secure hanger bay. Time on target, six minutes.” Dracaryis switched off his commlink and turned to Starborne. “Hold this position. I will contact you once we have secured the hangar. Maintain contact with the X-Wings and inform me of any attempts by Drax to compromise your position. Otherwise, maintain radio silence.”


Dracaryis turned and moved towards the door. Reaching out with his mind, he saw DeCicco’s force approaching the outer door of the hangar bay. He felt another presence, but he could not identify it. His mind focused on achieving his objective, he stepped into the corridor and moved swiftly along its darkened path. Within minutes, he approached DeCicco’s position. The young Krath was attempting to use his weak armory saber to cleave a through the durasteel door. Dracaryis chuckled under his breath.

“Sir, I don’t think my blade can get through this door.” DeCicco looked frustrated.

Dracaryis pointed at two of the troopers securing the area. “You two, secure the corner of the corridor. I don’t want anyone coming in behind us.” He turned to DeCicco. “Door is a bit thick to cut through. Let’s try to work together to force the door open. DeCicco nodded.

The two dark jedi stood side by side and raised their hands, calling upon the Force to lift the large blast door. The door was extremely strong and moved a few inches before DeCicco lowered his hands. “It’s too heavy. I can’t move it!”

Dracaryis put his hand on the young Krath’s shoulder. “Yes, you can. Stretch out with your feelings. Use your power. This is no different than lifting a rock. Let the Force flow through you. Open your mind, and try again.”

Again, the two men lifted their hands and continued to force the door open. This time, the door moved a few feet. DeCicco smirked. “Got it!”

“Don’t get cocky, kid. We still have a ways to go.”

Suddenly the sounds of blaster fire erupted from the end of the corridor. Dracaryis turned and saw the two troopers securing the corridor fall from incoming enemy fire. He turned to DeCicco.

“Keep working on this door. I’ll handle whatever is coming our way.”

“But sir!”

“Do as I say! Your job is to get through this door and to secure the hangar on the other side. I’ll cover your rear flank.” Dracaryis ignited his saber, red light illuminating his black armor. “I’ve been waiting to use this on these bastards.”

Dracaryis turned and sprinted down the hall. As he rounded the corner, a flurry of red blaster fire erupted around him. Deflecting the bolts with his saber, he released a blast of energy that knocked the enemy soldiers to the ground. Rushing forward with hatred and malice towards the traitorous forces, he began cutting down anyone and everyone in his path. His lightsaber danced and flurried as he sliced limbs and heads off the foolish soldiers who dared try and interrupt his mission. Within moments, he stood over the remaining soldier, lightsaber held aloft.

“Run. Run and tell Drax that his station is boarded. The Plagues forces loyal to the Dread Lord have returned. He can surrender, or die. But his station will be boarded within moments.

Without another word, the soldier stood and ran. Dracaryis lifted his commlink. “Starborne, we just had a small force attempt to interdict the assault team. What is your status?”

The commlink crackled, “Sir, the X-Wings have engaged two shuttles attempting to land forces. We are prepared should they fail.”

“Acknowledged. Once we have the hangar door open, I want you to seal off the doors to the bay you are in and then move to our location.”

“Sir?” DeCicco’s voice came through clear over the commlink.

“Go ahead.”

“Sir, the door is open. We are moving to secure the bay.”

“Excellent. Starborne, break down your defensive position and displace. Rendevous with DeCicco’s team in the hangar bay.


Dracaryis switched channels on his commlink. “Ravager control, this is Dracaryis. Put Selika on.”

“Go ahead, Aedile.” The Quaestors voice was apprehensive.

“Selika, mission accomplished. The hangar will be secure in moments. Begin your approach.”

“Well done. Prepare for our arrival.” With that, the communication ended.

Dracaryis moved back along the corridor, stepping over the bodies of the slain troopers. He stepped through the door of the hangar bay and peered out into space.

“DeCicco, to me.”

The Krath approached the Aedile apprehenisively.

“Well done. There is great power in you. I expect you will continue to go far within the Clan.”

DeCicco smiled. “Thank you sir.”

Dracaryis looked back towards the mangled remains of the blast door as Onwai’s team entered and began securing their positions. The Obelisk approached DeCicco and Dracaryis. “Way to go, DeCicco!”

The three men turned stood and looked out of the massive hangar entrance. In the distance, hundreds of fighters and transports could be seen moving towards the Anchorage.

Dracaryis watched the approaching invasion force. “Now the real fun begins.”

1st place
General Ronovi Tavisaen
File submission
Textual submission

SWL Chrai Dewal (Sith) / House Ajunta Pall of Clan Plagueis

2nd place
3rd place
Mayda Ferium
Mayda Ferium
Mayda Ferium opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place
Onwai Starborne
File submission
4th place
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
File submission
5th place
6th place
Seer Eiko
Seer Eiko
File submission
6th place
Envoy Taranae Rhode
File submission
7th place
8th place
Athrun Zala
Athrun Zala
File submission
8th place
Battlelord Ra'gnar
Battlelord Ra'gnar opted out of publishing his submission.
9th place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
10th place
Savant Zuser Whuloc
File submission
Textual submission

Holding Cell
The Anchorage
Stygian Caldera

The first thing that Zuser Whuloc registered as off was the absence of the Chaser's constant noise. His eyes snapped open, the T-Visor of his own Mandalorian helmet meeting his gaze as it sat facing him on the table across the room. Wait. Room?
The Obelisk sat up a bit on the floor, now realizing he was no longer in the cockpit of his beloved Firespray. He grit his teeth and felt heavy metal on his wrists, binders. He cursed under his breath.
Zuser froze and then sighed to himself, visibly deflating slightly as he realized he forgot to check with the Force if he was alone or not.
"Children should not use such language."
A figure stepped into view on the other side of the cell. The figure was unmistakably female, with red skin and a pair of nasty horns protruding from her forehead. Zuser only glared at her, his hood down, showing his scar on his cheek and padawan braid hanging by his temple. The Devaronian tilted her head to the side, as if curious, wondering why the human on the floor in front of her wasn't giving off any fear at his apparent situation.
"Where is my ship."
The words left Zuser's mouth without a hint of a question. It was a demand. The woman raised an eyebrow.
“Your ship is fine. Well, I guess I should say ‘welcome home’.”
“Yes, and now that I’m home, I’m going to clean house of some traitors.” His hands unconsciously went to his belt for his lightsaber and blaster.
“Looking for these?”
The woman held up his lightsaber and blaster, an amused smirk on her face. Zuser glared at her again.
“I hope you are enjoying Xander Drax’s hospitality.”
“So far?”
Zuser sat up fully and sat down properly on the floor, legs crossed under him before gesturing around with his bound hands at his surroundings.
“Not impressed.”
It soon became Zuser’s turn to raise an eyebrow as the red-skinned woman opened the cell door.
“Come, I wish to speak with you.”
Zuser remained sitting until the woman used the Force to pull him out of the cell and the room entirely. The human gave a slight yelp as he was pulled and managed to grab his helmet as he was vacated from the cell. The woman deposited him in the corridor and he attached his helmet to his belt. He picked himself up and glared at her as she pointed his own blaster at him, the muzzle pressed firmly against his back.
“March,” she hissed in his ear.
Zuser growled but walked ahead, his anger and irritation growing just on the sole fact that she was using his own weapon against him.
As they walked, she talked.
“So, the apprentice of Plagueis’s own former Quastor and Dread Lord. Quite a catch by our squads.”
Zuser remembered how they caught him now. A couple ion shots incapacitated the Chaser and then it was grabbed by a tractor beam from the Anchorage. Once they forced open the landing ramp, they tossed in two stun grenades and knocked him out. It still annoyed him that they incapacitated him so easily.

“You must have much potential to have such an accomplished Master.”

The Devaronian brought him back to the present with her words, and he looked to the side.
“What do you want from me.”
“Just to talk. Lord Drax has expressed an interest in you.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet he has.”
“Lord Drax wanted to extend an invitation to you to join our cause.”
“I’m loyal to Plagueis.”
“We ARE Plagueis.”

Suddenly, Zuser stopped and slammed his foot down on hers, hearing her yelp in pain and surprise before he hit her face with the back of his head, feeling something crunch under the impact. He spun on his heel and turned his right foot to tap the back-left side of his boot’s heel on the floor, causing a small blade to extend from the toe.

“You are NOT Plagueis!”, he roared before kicking her in the leg with the bladed boot, the blade stabbing her in the lower leg, causing her to grunt and drop to her knees only to be greeted by his own knee making contact with her already bloodied face, instantly knocking her out before her head even hit the ground.

Zuser huffed as he calmed himself down, tapping his foot on the floor again to sheathe the blade back in the boot after wiping the blood off on the unconscious Devaronian. He patted her down for a key and found it. He closed his eyes and focused hard as he began to use to the Force to lift the key and use it to unlock the binders. He opened his eyes just enough to see as he focused hard. He eventually got the key into the slot and then finally turned the key, the binders unlocking and dropping to the floor. Zuser exhaled a deep breath as he rubbed his wrists to get feeling back in them. He retrieved his lightsaber and blaster and replaced them back on his belt.
“Now, to get back to the Chaser.”

The young Dark Jedi Knight walked away from the Devaronian he knocked out, pulling his hood up as he walked. He flexed his gauntleted wrists as he went. He walked to the hanger, using the tracer he had planted on the Chaser.

No placement
Octavia Morgan Obrie
Textual submission

Octavia groaned as she regained consciousness. Her vision was blurry, and she felt cold and uneasy. She could feel a dull ache in her shoulder blades, and realized her hands were numb because they were above her head and held with “Is that wire?” The newly appointed Sith Warrior thought to herself, “How primitive.” She tried to focus her vision, but when she couldn’t she closed her eyes and focused on the force to figure out where she was.
The last thing she remembered she was discussing with a about where to enter from. Now she was being held against her will, and she couldn’t figure out why she was here. Feeling her surroundings with the force, she was able to tell she was on the Anchorage, which was a good thing, but she seemed to be in a holding cell, strapped to a wall, which was bad. Octavia could feel two guards on the other side of the steel door, and she could sense others in holding cells, but none of her crew.
Opening her hazel eyes once more her vision had adjusted well enough for her to assess the damage done to her body. Blood splattered and in pain, he clothing was torn in many places, exposing the many deep wounds, burns and bruises that covered her pale skin. She had a feeling she had been tortured, or possibly worse by the state of her clothes, and as she tried to push the thoughts out of her mind she realized she needed to get out of her before any more of Drax’s team could get to her.
She was preparing herself for the pain that would come, she pushed herself as close to the wall as possible to unhook her hands. Pain shot through her back and legs as she stretched herself as far as possible and was rewarded with her arms falling down at her sides, the wire still wrapped around her wrists.
“Ah, I see you’re awake.” Octavia’s gaze switched from her wrists to the door just in time to see Drax enter the holding cell. She was surprised to see him. The pictures she had seen of the One Sith supported showed an ex Imperial office, tall, proud and wise. The man standing in front of her had salt and pepper hair, and sunken eyes that startled Octavia to the core. “And you managed to get your hands loose. No matter.” He spoke in the Imperial cadence, but with a dismissive tone. It’s only a matter of time before the rest of the come for you, Octavia. Then the downfall of Plagueis will be imitate.”
The sound of her name leaving his lips gave her horrible chills, and she wondered why he thought they would come for her. Plagueis had a goal in mind, sometimes members were collateral damage. “You… You are sadly mistaken.” The Sith warrior choked out as she tried her hardest to stand on wobbly, beaten, sore legs. “Do you really think I matter to them? I’m no one to Plagueis. Probably more of a liability than an asset.” Straightening herself to her five foot, one inch height she wobbled before leaning back against the wall. “If you think you can get to them by using me, you’re sadly mistaken.”
A malice grin spread across the aged face of the man standing before her. “Maybe you are nothing to them. I mean, it was quite easy for them to remove you from your appointed positions, wasn’t it? To treat you like they wanted you, and then for them to just throw you away? Easy for your friends and leaders to decide you weren’t good enough.” It was strange how he was forcing a fake compassion into his words, and for a second, she almost believed it. The Sith warrior shook with anger and tried to calm herself as the One Sith supported moved closer to her, running his calloused hand down her cheek.
With a quick movement of his hand he quickly grabbed her by the throat and lifted her off the floor. “You should figure out what side you are truly on and let me know.” He threw her against the far wall and strode out of the room, the sold steel door slamming behind him.
Crumped on the floor she tried to block the pain, and wondered what intel her had on her to play into her fears, more importantly she wondered what Viv and the other leaders have in her file that’s save on the Anchorage and if Drax had found it. Pulling herself once more off the floor, tears of pain streaming down her face she made a quick plan; get out of here and meet back with her team.
Octavia smirked as she formulated a plan in her mind. Amazed with how simple these doors were locked. Using the force she pushed the door open and was able to mostly maneuver through the pistol fire from the guards. Moving quickly she was able to disarm and kill them with a couple swift kicks and punches. This was defiantly one of those times that she was grateful to Cethgus for teaching her out to fight.
Looking at her handy work she nodded in approval. She needed to get to her team, now if she could find them in this place.

No placement
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
File submission
Textual submission

Prompt 3

No placement
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
Textual submission

"Beat him till he breaks, I want to know everything this Chiss officer has about Plagueis" commanded Xander Drax.

The One Sith had the Chiss in full shackles as they beat him to a bloody mess. Something familiar with him was irking Drax. He had dealt with Plagueis on numerous battlefronts and suffered many defeats to them. When the first shuttle had boarded, the Chiss and a squad of battle droids entered but they encountered heavy resistance and all were destroyed, except the Chiss. He gave himself up almost immediately and was taken as a prisoner. Drax had immediately called for him in his private chamber, and being he recognized the now soiled, white uniform of an officer, he figured he was high upon the food chain to get information.

Unfortunately, this Chiss was not giving up the Intel so easy. First, he refused to speak in basic and instead spoke in his native tongue of Cheuhn. Second, after getting slapped like a tick off a rancor's ass end, he just laughed at the pain.

Drax was furious. He needed Intel to counter what the Plagueis clan was coming at him with. Even though he was fully searched, they were unable to find any other weapons other than the heavy repeater blaster he came out of the shuttle with. That was because the Chiss was no mere mortal. He was a Sith. He had hidden away his custom lightsaber before being captured and as he was led through the common halls that he was familiar with, he used the Force to guide his deadly blade of death to his location. Multiple times his concentration was interrupted by the beatings, but he was able to still continue the slow pace of his weapon towards him. Now, in the torture chamber that used to be the Dread Lord's personal quarters, he had succeeded to perch it above him in one of the vents above him.

Drax, knew that the Plagueis liked to "build in" Force defenses as that was their way to control their troops. The Chiss' mind was incredibly strong from the mental probes, more likely a surgical implant is what he had assumed.

"I am not going to ask again, what is the plans of attack that the di Plagia have for us?" commanded Drax.

The Chiss just replied in cheuhn "Rah vah cart nah ch'tra ch'at bacin'bah csaah, cseo veo bacin'bah csaah?" «If you are not going to ask again, then why ask again?», with a smile on his face.

Drax, infuriated, backhanded the blue being across the mouth. "I will not deal with insubordination with anyone, whether my troops or someone elses." He then wiped the crimson blood off his hand onto the white uniform. "I want him broken or there will be hell to pay for failure" he stated as he turned to leave.

The Chiss looked at him and spoke firmly. "Vubeo cart veo tirco csihn csei vah csarcican't seo rt'esah ror neo vamci" «Today is your last day that you will ever breathe on our home». Drax paused for a split second, a shiver of fear swept up his spine, then he left the chamber.

As soon as the doors closed, the four people that remained, from what the Chiss could see, were basically the same as their own journeymen in the way they handled themselves. Each had a lightsaber hanging from their utility belts on their robes. Brimstone couldn't wait to taste their death on his lips as he was salivating at the end of their existence.

"So Chiss, if that is what I may call you. I know you understood everything our commander told you. So just give up the information that he wants and we can make your suffering end quickly."

The Chiss looked at the one who spoke to him and hatred filled his soul to be talked down like some common beast. He then spoke finally in basic. "I am Seabr'imsto'nedansr. I am Plagueis. I am Sith. I am the Harvester of Sorrows. I am the Reaper of Souls. I am your Executioner!"

The four of them shuddered as he spoke and before they could react, the hidden blade of Brimstone, snapped to life, sprang though the air duct, and impaled one of them straight through his skull. The remaining three, one close to the prisoner, turned at the wrong time as he brought his heel straight up and caught him square in the nose, crushing cartilage and shoving it so hard and fast that it is sent him somersaulting backwards and into the onyx desk of his Dread Lord. He was dead upon impact.

The other two quickly grabbed at their lightsabers, but it was the Chiss who was faster. For he was a Sith Battlemaster, and the Dark Side was his to wield and command. His lightsaber, escaped from his "skull" tomb and flew through the air, slicing into the shackles that held his arms prisoner. They both dove at him as he used his carinor training to deflect their attack and toss them past him. Rolling into an attack stance, he summoned his own blade back to himself.

"You can die like cowards, or you can stand like men. Either way, you die today as does your false philosophies" Brimstone retorted. The two One Sith tried to take the Plagueian down as best as they could, but they were clearly outmatched. Minutes later, it was done.

Brimstone closed down his blade and went over to Vivackus' desk, force hurling the corpse off to the side, and hit the hidden transmitter that was in.

"Dread Lord, it is done. I have secured your chambers. The virus is now being encrypted into the security computer. Shields will be down in a few minutes. Weapons will be offline soon after that. You may continue your final assault."

A crackle was heard before a voice replied.

"You have done well, Brim. Where's Drax?"

"I believe he is headed towards the main command center to coordinate they attack."

"Good. Then stay in my chambers and let no one reclaim my throne. Once we have reclaimed our home, I will have something special in mind for Drax."

The transmitter shuts down as Brimstone surveyed the room. He would need a distraction if anyone came in to check up on his "interrogation". Grabbing 4 chairs and placing them in-front of the doorway to make a makeshift barricade, he placed the 4 dead One Sith in each chair. Then he secured their lightsabers in their hands with binding tape and had them set to activate by his mental command. He was going to cause a stir for anyone who dared to try to take back this chamber.

No placement
Azmodius Equesinfernum
File submission
No placement
Nite Dawn
Textual submission

NiteDawn 12925
DJK Nite Dawn (Krath) / House Ajunta Pall of Clan Plagueis [SA: I]

Prompt #3
Seriously, My Name Is:
“You are not taking us seriously,” The officer sighed looking into the rolling eyes of the prisoner. “Name?”
“Trooper A,” The man sighed.
“Occupation?” The officer had the slightest bit of irritation in his voice.
“Casualty 25, promoted to personal assistant.”
“Allegiance?” The officer clipped the word.
“Against my will,” Trooper A smiled, though it did not quite reach his eyes.
“Do you wish to return to solitary?” The Officer threatened. He rubbed his balding head not sure what to make of the person in front of him. Lord Drax had ordered him to interrogate the stowaway. They had found the person of interest in one of the dining areas sitting down to a meal. The Officer was certain it was no coincidence that a couple weeks later Plagueis was attacking.
The big question though was why. Why was this person here? During torture the man had stuck with his story of engine trouble and having to eject from his space craft. He ended up on the Anchorage because it was the closest place to go. Yet he hadn’t tripped any alarms entering the station. Obviously a master spy maneuver. But then the odd behavior of getting caught while eating, not even resisting. The security footage even showed him waving to the droids which didn’t attack him for some reason they couldn’t work out.
“Yes please,” Trooper A said showing no signs of sarcasm or fear.
“What?” The interrogator asked getting lost in thought.
“I want to go back to solitary,” Trooper A clarified. He actually enjoyed the 14 days of peace and quiet. If it wasn’t for the rarety of meals it would have been an ideal location. Trooper A was certainly aware that Solitary was meant to drive a captive insane, the silence, actual and pure, would drive a person over the edge. Hearing the noisiness of the body, its creaks, thuds, stretches, it became unnerving to many. Trooper A simply dived into himself and meditated. It was what he did when the pain droid (though technically called an interrogator probe) worked him over.
The officer paused, studying the smirking prisoner. “How did you get on this station?”
“Engine trouble,” Trooper A yawned. “Hey, are we going to get some food anytime soon?”
“Do you know how much danger you are in?” The officer asked ignoring Trooper A’s question.
“No. But it couldn’t compare to how much I will be in when I get back to the Old Hag. It was yet another dead lead, almost literally. And who will get the blame for it? Me, of course.” Trooper A got up forgetting about the restraints which shattered as he subconsciously channeled the force into his arms and legs to break them. “One would think after all this time she would, you know, know where the hell she put her little treasures.” Trooper A ignored the panicked look on the interrogators face as he began pacing the room. “I have found old holoimages, diaries, some disturbing recordings, statues, an actual person, and a variety of other things. It is like the Hag had a hole in her handbag as she traipsed across the known galaxy.”
Alarms interrupted the rest of Trooper A’s tirade as the door hissed open and guards poured in, shock sticks at the ready. It did them little good as the shocks sticks were used on them instead. Trooper A showed remarkable strength and precision in removing their weapons. What aided Trooper A the most was the fatally narrow doorway allowing only a guard in at a time. With their bulky armor and limited visibility they couldn’t react quick enough to Trooper A’s kicks and punches.
“I ask you,” Trooper A said turning his attention back to the officer who was fumbling for his holdout blaster. “Do I look,” Trooper A snatched the blaster away, “like an errand boy?” He locked eyes with the man as he disarmed the blaster then set it back on the table. “Well,” He said looking back over his shoulder, “I wouldn’t mind another week or two in solitary, but I am more afraid of what would happen if that Old Hag ever came looking for me. So I will spare the pleasantries and say adieux.”
The interrogator could do little more than sputter some incomprehensible words as Trooper A walked over the unconscious guards and through the door. Trooper A looked both ways seeing almost identical empty halls. He chose to go left and walked along at a leisurely pace. He came upon a man who, on first look, hadn’t won the fight against time when it came to his looks. However, the way he held himself, it was obvious that he had far more permasteel in his spine than what his looks bespoke.
“Come with me,” The old man said, not really an order, but not a request either. Trooper A felt the compulsion in the words, a slight tugging wanting him to follow the man. He swatted it away but also followed, of his own will. Trooper A kind of recognized the person, but wasn’t sure from where. At the very least he could use him as a hostage.
Xander Drax entered his office, pleased that the mystery captive was following him like a good little pet. “Sit down,” He said putting a subtle bit of the Force into his words. He watched Trooper A nod and sit down. “You have been problematic for my interrogators,” Drax accused.
“Not sure how,” Trooper A shrugged. “I answered every question that they asked. Not my fault if reality didn’t fit with their fantasy.”
“A reality that includes your name being Trooper A? Of you having no family, no real occupation, no service history and no connection to the assault that is happening at this very moment? You can certainly understand why this raises concerns for my intelligence department.”
“I wasn’t important enough to be a named character; a simple designation was all that was necessary at the time. At least that is what they told us in the academy. As for parents, I believe I am a clone, or at least somewhat bioengineered. My occupation is very real, errand boy for some old hag. Service history, as in imperial or whatever yeah, no, that I do not have. At most you would find some mercenary work.”
Lord Drax studied the unassuming person. Even with his command of the force he couldn’t still didn’t believe what the prisoner was saying was true. It might be the truth to them, but he had run into many a spy who was programmed down to the cell to believe a lie. But even those eventually cracked under the pressure of torture and interrogation. “I don’t believe you.”
Trooper A rolled his eyes. “Of course you don’t.” He said getting up.
“Remain Seated!” Drax commanded.
“No thanks,” Trooper A said getting up despite the influence of the force wanting to slam his body down. “Yeah, that look of shock from force users is rather common around me. It isn’t you,” Trooper A smiled. “Every force user I have come across has been unable to use it on me. Makes me awfully difficult to deal with. From what I have found, people who rely on the force tend to get a little less confident when it no longer serves them.”
Drax held his peace, though his eyes were trying to burn holes into Trooper A. “I would suggest being more concerned with the assault going on right now,” Trooper A continued. “An entire house should outweigh a solo player. I am not even a part of the assault.”
“You will forgive me if I don’t believe you there either.” Drax said through gritted teeth. He resisted the urge to use his lightsaber, unsure how this creature would react. Could he risk drawing it and making the killing strike. Without the force to aid him his body which was less than prime would have to work without error, something he was not willing to chance.
“Yeah, I am getting a lot of that. Though, you really should do something about the assault force. They are far more dangerous than I, and they have an actual reason to want you dead. I just want to leave, preferably in one of your shuttles.”
“No, I will kill you instead,” Drax said more to himself than his prisoner. He leapt straight into a flying chair that Trooper A had thrown a moment before. The collision knocked him back over his desk where he landed with a thud.
“No, I will be leaving instead.” Trooper A said walking through the doors.
Trooper A worked his way down the halls as chaos continued its march towards the inevitable. Plagueis wasn’t known for subtlety, and Trooper A was more than pleased to use that to his advantage. With the majority of troops occupied repelling the Plagueis assault Trooper A was able to slip in and out of areas, acting like a typical soldier to blend in then disappearing when it was convenient. One of the hangars was in ruins, having seen the brunt of Plagueis’s landing assault force. Hoping no one would mind too much Trooper A snuck aboard one of the transports and left the station to its fate.

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