Rekio Corsair Tarentae, renowned member of Tarentum since the Exodus, lies dead. Raiju Kang, Tarentum's Consul, is wounded by a revolt in the Yridian Parliament. And the sickness that was thought to be contained in the Northland has spread, bringing with it tales that the dead rise again. Rather than solve the crisis at the Battle of Northland, it seems now even more than before that the fate of Yridia and its people sits precariously on the balance.
This is the parent competition for Reanimated: Chapter Two. Over the course of the next two weeks, five competitions will be hosted in relation to this story where members will compete for the title of overall winner. Judging will be determined by points assigned to sub-competition placement as follows:
Top 3 with the most placement points by the end of the competition will be awarded. Additionally, the 1st place overall winner will have their character featured in one of the plot updates for Chapter Three.
Title | Status | Running time | Competition Type |
Breaking the Code | Finished | 2015-07-16 - 2015-07-31 (16 days) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
Entangled Affairs | Finished | 2015-07-16 - 2015-07-31 (16 days) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
Interrogation | Finished | 2015-07-16 - 2015-07-31 (16 days) | Fiction |
Requiescat in Pace | Finished | 2015-07-16 - 2015-07-31 (16 days) | Poetry |
Revenge for Rekio | Finished | 2015-07-16 - 2015-07-31 (16 days) | Multiplayer Gaming |
1st place
2nd place
Warlord Pel Tarentae
3rd place
Meleu Karthdo
3rd place
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
4th place
Warlord Hades
5th place
Dox Romanae Tarentae
6th place
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
6th place
Altheseus Levathan
7th place
Kreeayt Havok
8th place
Maxamillian von Oberst
9th place