This is for the Star Wars Commander Mobile App (Clash of Clans one - not Tower Defense). Reach the highest League possible.
NEW: A specific screenshot is required, example is included below.
- The screenshot must show the Tournament Name and your resulting League and %. Submissions of Screenshots not showing the Tournament Name will be marked invalid.
- Screenshots must be taken with less than 24 hours remaining in the event or showing the Event Store Open, to take into account all battles which members took part in during the event. Submissions of screenshots taken with greater than 24 hours remaining in the Tournament will earn 5 CF and be invalid for placement.

The individual with the best Top % will win the competition. There will be no Tie Break for same %. If the Tournament lasts beyond the end date of the competition we will extend the competition.
- Carbonite League is worth 5 CF
- Durasteel League is worth 15 CF
- Bronzium League is worth 25 CF
- Obsidian League is worth 35 CF
- Ultra Chrome League is worth 50 CF