Competition: Game Hunter: One Scourge to Rule them all!

Game Hunter: One Scourge to Rule them all!

The choice of a new Quaestor has flown by as gossip now, and his predecessor has disappeared into smoke. His current whereabouts are unknown but the same notice board still propped infront of the Citadel of Seng Karash. Rumor has it, this notice board has each and every animal and plant native to Aeotheran that he is interested in. Some of which you have heard of their nasty infamy, and others are only from hearsay and lost journals recently found in the dung piles of the predators themselves. You approach the board and find a notice shining out with priority into your gaze, the person who completes this task, this quest, will be made an official Game Hunter!

"To whom it may concern: The task laid within the confinements of this datapad relies upon the herald of this quest to apprehend a aquatic-like Decapod Crustacean of aggressive nature. Said specimen has no official name, but only called upon as the Scourge of Aeotheran. It is unknown where to find such species, and into your hands to ensnare a fully functioning specimen alive. The Dark Brother/Sister will be named Game Hunter, and be paid handsomely or beautifully. Be warned that the wanted specimen may be sentient."

Judging of this competition will be based upon the standard grading rubric, you must find the target matching the description above and are in no way obliged to capture to place. Minimum word count is 500 words, any document formatting are acceptable.

Competition Information
Organized by
Qor Kith
Running time
2015-08-04 until 2015-08-11 (8 days)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
1 subscriber, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.