Taldryan’s Secret Intelligence Service has traced signals intercepts back to the Corporate Sector Authority. Specifically the Authority Data Centre on Orron III. You, and a small team of your choosing were dispatched to the source and you find any pertinent intelligence on the original locus of the data attacks.
Unfortunately, just as your investigations were beginning to bear fruit, one of your contacts sold you out. Now, surrounded by enemies and marooned on a planet deep in hostile space, you have to fight to free yourself, and report what Intelligence you have discovered back to Karufr.
Write the story of you and your team’s escape from the Corporate Sector Authority back into Taldryan held space. Your team can consist of yourself, any NPCs, and any Clanmates you desire. Entries will be graded on creativity, with the more interesting (read: off the wall) solutions to escape being looked on more favourably.
1st place
A deleted dossier
2nd place
Dr. Rhylance