Competition: [Fall of SCEPTER] De-encryption

[Fall of SCEPTER] De-encryption

Agents are being debriefed in the aftermath of the initial attack on SCEPTER. One agent was able to slice a secure data transmission with high level encryption. She was able to return this information to Clan Arcona, but unable to decipher the message. You must accurately decipher this communication. Many, many Bothans died to get this information. Do not disappoint us.

This will be a timed event. The individual with the highest accuracy will win; in the event of a tie, the lowest time will be the tie-breaker. We will provide the necessary resources in the Subscriber Competition Details for both the communication and the resources to decrypt the message. This is an entry level crypto event (read: everyone should try it)

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Galeres] The Fall of SCEPTER
Organized by
Braecen Kaeth, Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri, Terran Koul, Fist Uji Tameike, Celahir Erinos Arconae
Running time
2015-09-07 until 2015-09-14 (8 days)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Flash Gaming/Puzzles
Third Level Crescents
11 subscribers, of which 10 have participated.
Master Alaris Jinn
Textual submission

From, Anonymous

Subject - For your eyes only - New Operation

Start data stream

We've recovered a high priority target,
our target will be SCEPTER on Kurs'kranak - Eldar,
Now I know Some of you will be opposed to
accepting this contract,
For those of opposed I believe i have some
information that might pursuade yoU,
Arcona is a foe to be reckoned with, We have
however help from ranking officials inside Arcona,
These officials obviously will remain anonymous
and there will be no further mention of our
target, instead we'll be referring to Coffee and
Milk, the Codenames for our insiders.

End data stream

1st place
2nd place
Nashiro Kakos
Nashiro Kakos
Textual submission

From: Anonymous
Subject: [For your eyes only] New Operations

<-- Start data stream -->

We've received a high priority target.
Our target will be SCEPTER on Kurs'kranak-Erdar.
Now I know some of you will be opposed to accepting this contract.
For those opposed I believe I have some information that might persuade you.
I agree, we know SCEPTER is part of Arcona and Arcona is a foe to be reckoned with. we have however help from ranking officials inside Arcona.
These officials will remain anonymous and there will be no further mention of our target. Instead we'll be referring to coffee and milk, the codenames for our insiders.

>-- End data stream --<

2nd place
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
Textual submission

Subject: - For your eyes only - New operation

<--Start data stream-->

We've received a high priority target.
Our target will be SCEPTER on Kurs'kranak - Eldar.
Now I know some of you will be opposed to
accepting this contract.
For those of opposed I believe I have some
information that might persuade you.
I agree, we know SCEPTER is part of Arcona and
Arcona is a foe to be reckoned with. We have
however help from ranking officials inside Arcona.
These officials obviously will reMain anonyMous
and there wIll be no further mention to Coffee and
Milk, the codenames for our insiders.

>--End data stream--<

3rd place
General Stres'tron'garmis
Textual submission

From anonymous
Subject, - For your eyes only - New operation

<--Start data stream-->

We've received a high priority target.
Our target will be SCEPTER on Kurs'karnak - Eldar.
Now I know Some of you will be opposed to
accepting this contract.
For those of opposed I believe I have some
information that might persuade you.
I agree, we know SCEPTER is part of Arcona and
Arcona is a foe to be reckoned with. We have
however help from ranking officials inside Arcona.
And there will be no further mention of our
target, instead we'll be referring to Coffee and
Milk, the codenames for our insiders.

>--End data stream--<

4th place
Magness Dritch
Textual submission

From Anonymous
Subject - For your eyes only - New operation

<--Start data stream-->

We've received a high priority target.
Our target will be SCEPTER on Kurs'kranak - Eldar. Now I know Some of you will be opposed to accepting this contract.
For those of opposed I believe I have some information that might persuade yoU.
I agree, we know SCEPTER is part of Arcona and Arcona is a foe to be reckoned with. We have however help from ranking officials inside Arcona.
These officials obviously will reMain anonyMous and there wIll be no further menTion of our target, instead we'll be referring to Coffee and Milk, the codenames for our insiders.

>--End data stream--<

5th place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Textual submission

From Anoymous
Subject - For your eyes only - New operation

Start data stream


We've recived a high priority target. Our target will be scepter on Kurs'kranak - Eldar.

Now I know some of you will be opposed to accepting this contract, but those of oppose I believe I have some information that might persuade you. Arcona is a foe to be reckoned with. We have however help from ranking officials inside Arcona. These officials obviously will remain anonymous and there will be no further mention of our target. Instead we'll be referring to Coffee and Milk, the codenames for our insiders.

End data stream.

(OOC: I hate you two so much :P)

6th place
7th place
Jorad Erinos
Jorad Erinos
Jorad Erinos opted out of publishing his submission.
7th place
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Nadrin Erinos Arconae opted out of publishing his submission.
8th place
9th place
Textual submission

From: Anonymous
Subject: -- For Your Eyes Only – Now Operation

← Start data stream →

We've received a high priority target. Our target will be SCEPTER on Kurs'kranak – Eldar. Now I know some of you will be opposed to accepting this contract.
For those of opposed I believe I have some information that might persuade you. I agree, we know SCEPTER is part of Arcona and Arcona is a foe to be reckoned with. We have however help from ranking official Arcona. These official obviously will remain anonymous and these will be no further mention of our target, instead we'll be referring to coffee and milk, the codenames for our insiders.

← end data stream --<

9th place
Maenaki Delavi'in
Textual submission

From Anonymous,(because this is where the comma SHOULD have gone! -_-)

Subject- For your eyes only- New Operation.

-Start data strike-

We've recently a high priority target. Our target will be Scepter on Kurs'kranak-eidar. Now I know some of you will be opposed to accepting this contract. For those of opposed (bad Irffy) I believe I have some informations that might persuade you. I agree we know Scepter is part of Arcona and Arcona is a foe to be reckoned with. We have, however, help from ranking officials inside Arcona. The officials, obviously, will remain anonymous and there will be no further mentions of our target. Instead we'll be referring to Coffee and Milk, the code names for our insiders.

-end data strike-

10th place