Competition: Tales of the Shroud

Tales of the Shroud

Every civilization has myths and stories about the origins of everything from planets to things as small as cities.

In 250 words or greater, write up an origin story about the Devil and his Shroud. Grading criteria will follow the fiction rubric.

Competition Information
Organized by
Master Bentre Stahoes
Running time
2015-09-14 until 2015-09-21 (8 days)
Target Unit
Battleteam Devil's Shroud
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents
1 subscriber, of which 1 has participated.
1st place
Qor Kith
Qor Kith
Textual submission

There is a legend going around the communities of Naga Sadow and the entire Brotherhood, that the clan’s walls hold some of the most insane, cruel and insane Sith in the Galaxy. While most of this is true, there are some examples of people who can push it too far. One such example is from the practice of Sith Alchemy within the darkest corridors of Sepros, and where Elders go to delve into recreation and studies. In the darkest depths of these tombs, the Sith Adept Macron Goura Sadow practices his science and alchemy under the comfort of his own labs. It has been known that many of these experiments do include living subjects, held against their will. One record isolates the trials of a young teen who was held for many months under the guise that he was being paid handsomely for this scientific trial. Approached by a hunched, elderly man with a disfigured face, the boy accepted the token and was immediately whisked away for ‘eligibility testing’ and paperwork.

Once he found himself inside the rear of a transport vehicle, the bumping and rumbling from underneath his feet told him he was heading off road somewhere, into a lush and hidden landscape. Once they arrived at the pre-determined destination, the boy in bindings was taken indoors and greeted by the bright blue strip lights commonly found on archaeological digs. He knew this, because he worked part-time at some; earning money on this planet was tough. Even for the inexperienced, people were hesitant about how much you knew was going on and this made employers shoo him from that position. This came at a shock to the teen, and he willingly accepted the trial, for payment was a promise here. Now inside a lit cell, bordered with advanced shields and witnessing the alchemical glasses lined, frothing and cooking something infront of him, he felt this wasn’t going to be a prosperous event for him. Then the shields were dropped and he was prodded forward by a machine behind him. The unfamiliar beeps were making him nervous as he saw a shadow appear from the darkness around the corner. The face finally became familiar as the crooked old man he met in the alley, but this time he was much different. Standing taller than most men and bearing a heavy set of biceps, with a golden synthetic eye and a uncaring demeanor the man gripped the teen boy’s neck and dragged him off to his experimentation. After frivolous amounts of non-anaesthetic surgery, lobotomies and odd chanting the boy felt a great tide of ascension sweep over him. Fueled by darkness and hatred, the teen broke free from his cage and stormed from the temple into the city.

This tale has been recorded into holonews and history records of the like, the mystery of the secret temple has never been found and the teen boy hasn’t been captured yet. The whole story sounds like a simple wives tale and full of mythical legends something your children would scared of, but in the depths of the jungle a unit of scouts found something peculiar. Left near a riverbed was a half open medical chest, labelled MGS. Upon closer inspection the soldiers found rotting pieces of human flesh and bloodied rags, cleanly taken from their owners. This is the only evidence that the hidden temple it it’s ‘Devil’ as the locals call him, found. The boxes continue to appear to this day, along with the same rags that shroud the pieces of flesh.

It was on one occasion that the founding of Devil’s Shroud found this chest and determined their specialise force of Dark Jedi should be declared by this message from the powerful Dark Lord.

1st place