Distrust, hatred and lies have sundered ties between members of Marka Ragnos. As the Clan recovers from the civil war within Naga Sadow, mysterious figures have been sighted on Tarthos. Informants to Maelous' spy network have reported that they have nefarious aims in regards to Marka Ragnos.
Several important members of the local civil authorities have vanished and investigation is required. Under orders from the Quaestor of Marka Ragnos, you have been assigned the job of investigating the disappearances using the assistance of the local law authorities and finding out who is behind them.
You of course are not the only one to be investigating the disappearances, others in Marka Ragnos are doing so also.
Write a minimum of 500 words to detail the investigation.
Entries will be graded on the fiction rubric.
1st place
A deleted dossier
2nd place
Evelynn Wyrm