Competition: [INQ] Deep Pockets

[INQ] Deep Pockets
  • Objective: Members of the Inquisitorius are trusted with classified and sensitive information about the Brotherhood. Your character has now been trusted with information on a particular external threat, a weapons dealer in the Core Worlds has begun buying up contracts and now has a monopoly on a raw materials the Brotherhood needs to produce power packs and continue manufacturing blaster rifles for the Grand Master's Loyalist forces. Your character must obtain information on a shipment of this needed raw material. A list of contacts at the weapon's dealer has been sent to your datapad. For more information on the Inquisitorius and details of the ranks visit the Inquisitorius wiki page, to find out your rank you can head to your dossier, or check out the Society Roster.

  • How to submit: Write a fiction at least 500 words in length. No maximum. That completes the written objectives above from your character’s point of view, in whatever location and manner you choose given the details above. It is expected that the resulting story actually happened for each submission, as realism and impact allows, allowing for RP and character development. Submissions should be in a word format (.doc, .docx, .txt, .pdf). Anything written in a GoogleDoc needs to be exported or pasted in the submission box.

  • How it will be graded: Grading will be based on the Fiction Rubric.

Competition Information
Organized by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Running time
2015-10-01 until 2015-10-31 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
34 subscribers, of which 6 have participated.
Archangel Palpatine
File submission
1st place
Master Aiden Lee Deshra
File submission
2nd place
3rd place
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros
File submission
3rd place
Qor Kith
Textual submission

It’s been several weeks in isolation from everyone he knows within the Clan and Lexiconus finds the silence to be peaceful and calming. The Quarren was lost in the strange cities of Coruscant, prying and speaking with others about information regarding a weapons dealing market. So far, no luck had came to Lexic as he walked through a nightclub that was bustling with rich merchants, exotic dancers and addicts of all kinds from drugs and alcohol. A table near the sports holovision caught his eye as being empty and Lexic walked across the dance floor of odd aliens and humanoids. While walking between two Twi’leks who decided to grind close together in a sensual trance, a Chiss prodded Lexic and escorted him to the side of the dance floor where smoke and a steep set of stairs descended.

“I have to warn you, you are asking all the wrong questions today, friend. People out there are concern who you are and whether you work for law enforcement. You seem to be asking around too much, even though it’s just for something simple like raw materials.” The strange Chiss whispered into the Quarren’s gills as the two descended further into the nightclub. The pair then entered a small room where heavily toxic fumes graced their nostrils and made them cough heavily. Pushing through one door into a dance floor where things were more sensual, clothing seemed to be completely optional and it appeared to be an all female area. The Chiss led Lexic directly through to an office as the back, completely ignoring the female crowd as if they weren’t there. His teal hands blurred over a numberpad at the side wall and the doors wooshed open, as Lexic and the Chiss quickly went inside.

“I’m sorry for that, normally I don’t come down here but I needed the information. That stench out there is a hallucination drug you inhale from a pipe, second hand smoke is not uncommon however so sorry for that. Here we have the manifest for the weapons dealers and their loads coming in and out. Once I heard something robed was looking for this shipment, I knew the *Brotherhood* would be involved somewhere. Your people truly reach far and wide.” The Chiss handed the Quarren the datapad that detailed a raw shipment coming from Hapan and into the outer rim for refinement near Mustafar. He took the pad for reference of the spaceport and paid the Chiss with a bag of credits from his medical pack.

“Oi! Time’s up in there fellas. Get out before I force myself in!” An old voice shouted through the door that surprised the Chiss as he quickly darted around Lexic and quickly opened the door. A humanoid who the Quarren could only guess was a human stepped inside, with heavy scarring across his face and blinding one eye. His head was bald with burn markings as his shoulders were destroyed by some sort of animal attack, from what Lexic could gather.

“Oi squid! What are you doing in my office?” The man demanded his voice at the Quarren with his fists tightly clenched, this wasn’t exactly the best thing to do in Lexic’s current mood. He raised his arm and slowly squeezed the air as the human’s neck began to constrict and tighten, causing him to choke and stumble.

“Do not speak to me in that tone again, or I will have your hands stitched inside your stomach.” Lexic began to walk out with the datapad as his grip on the Human’s neck continued for several minutes until the Quarren wasn’t in sight and disappeared into the smoke.

“The Sith are a weird bunch, I figure he isn’t your normal Sith though.” The Chiss contemplated to himself in confusion, at least he wasn’t dead from this ordeal.

No placement
File submission
Textual submission


No placement
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
File submission
No placement