You and your team wander through one of the lower levels of Kuku-Hawene with only a low-light source to help guide you as traverse the depths. As you move toward the center of the room to get a better look the sound of rushing air and stone grinding against stone causes you to freeze in your tracks. A member of your team has stepped on a pressure plate and the thick door that you came through has closed shut.
After searching the room for a way to open the door you come upon a fractured image on the floor in front of a empty frame on the wall where the image was once prominently displayed. Everything in the room and your intuition seem to tell you reassembling this image and placing it back on the wall is the only way out.
Solve the provided image puzzle in the fastest time possible to win. Submit a screenshot of the solved puzzle with the timer to enter. Entries that do not show the completed puzzle or the solve time will not be accepted. Ties for time go to first submission. Link to the puzzle in subscriber details.
1st place
Aerwin Tribwell-Urr
2nd place
Corvus Corax
3rd place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
4th place
Ghost Edgar Drachen
5th place
Sa Ool