Competition: [CSP] Training Days

[CSP] Training Days

As a loyal citizen of Cocytus System, you grew up in an environment of war, conflict, and strife, but also of security. You learned early on that the Emperor and his military were there to protect you and your family, and believed, quite correctly, that it was important to do your part as well. The day of your 18th birthday, you strode into an Imperial Recruiting Office and signed up for enlistment.

- Write a first person account of your first week in military training. Which branch did you get accepted to? Did you manage to get into the one you wanted or did you fail? Is Armor unit training in your future and why?

This is a fiction competition, using the Fiction Rubic standard set by the Voice department.

Word Length is minimum 1000 words.

Competition Information
Organized by
Archangel Palpatine
Running time
2015-10-12 until 2015-10-26 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
3 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
1st place
File submission
Textual submission

Not my finest work. I admit I have a hard time writing first person fiction.

1st place
Battlelord Qor Kith
Textual submission

“If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything, son.”

Faint whispers of his father’s rallying words fuelled the heart of Vik Wulf as his bright sapphire eyes took in the vast expanse of the Imperial Recruiting Office. The windows of the main office block directly in front of Vik shined gloriously in the high risen sunlight, as gray walls expanded east and west from his view in order to conceal the spaceport and training grounds from public eye. A vast number of young members of the public, who hesitated at the entrance, swarmed the office in pursuit of their military career. Some he recognised from school and even college. With his Curriculum Vitae in hand he inhaled sharply, he took his first steps forward and towards the queuing crowds. Pushed, prodded and shoved into the glass doors, Vik finally found himself in the main reception area of the Recruitment office. He took note of how clean and organised the place was. The local plants were held in chrome pots and tied to a husk pole, the benches neatly assembled to face one hologram advertising the benefits of military life as another displayed scenarios in the field. As the lines of citizens increased and snaked out of the door, Vik saw several metal desks where they eventually ended and his queue was leading directly for. A young woman being served before him murmured to herself as she took the datapad from the recruitment officer at the desk and marched away grumbling.

“Next!” A strong, deep voice shouted behind the desk, but Vik couldn’t see at whom as he was still awhile away from his turn. Vik took this time to reflect on the leaflet his father had given about the different positions available to him and what was in store. He couldn’t deny it, the force was something he truly wished to enlist in. It was full of action, fast responses, the glory of being at war and pursuing agents of evil against his home. It was everything Vik ever dreamed of, but there was a side to it he only just noticed. As a trio of enlisted soldiers walked by, the young boy saw the one in the center was different from his peers. He wore an olive green shirt that grasped his torso muscles and the tattooed across his arms while khaki shorts donned the remainder of his thighs, however there were a set of mechanical legs beneath.


Vik imagined the man was in terrible pain as the loss of your legs would certainly painful, even to the toughest of this world. The boy saw this as a harsh reminder of what war could to, if push came to shove.

“Next!” The shouts became a little louder, as Vik continued to watch the soldier walk towards him and tip his military hat slightly. He stared into his stony expression and fiery eyes for a moment, to see what the eyes could tell. Vik could only see some sort of grim expression in them, built up from time spent defending only himself and paying the price. If Vik could stay alive long enough after this day, he promised himself to shake the hand of this soldier.

“I said next, boy!” Vik snapped back to reality as the officer’s voice assaulted his ears directly, the man behind Vik waving him forth in confidence.

“C’mon dude, you can do this.” The stranger whispered. Vik stepped shyly towards the middle-aged man who was dressed smartly in his military uniform, his medals displayed across his chest and his rank pips polished finely above them. With his chin and face striked with various scars and burns, it sent a chill up Vick’s spine. The officer held out his hand for Vik’s datapad, which he gave to him quickly and tried to look more confident.

“So Vik Wulf, you’re here to become a part of the Imperial Military Forces. This isn’t a decision to take lightly and you can spend your entire life serving with us. There are benefits and costs to this career, but if you put in the work, you will be rewarded. Which branch are you interested in, Mister Wulf?”

“Expeditionary Force, sir.” Wulf smiled as he spoke, he admired the officer instinctively. As if his morale was lifted by just his speech.

“Well we’ll see if you have what it takes, Wulf. Fill these forms, pass them to that lady in the box office behind me and take a seat. A staff member will come to collect you for your induction classes.” Vik nodded slowly as he picked up the datapad from the desk and walked over to the office box in the distance.

As he marched over the marble floor with his light bag of accessories, he saw a group of young people waiting and speaking with each other, as some bit onto their fingers pausing while writing their forms out. Wulf looked around for a free seat and was about to head towards the back, but a blonde teen boy quickly kicked his own bag from the chair and smiled at Vik.

“Sit here bud, bags belong on the floor anyway.”

“Cheers dude.” Vik replied and dropped his bag. They shook hands and the blonde male continued filling out his form, while Vik looked around and began on his.

“Hey, I’m Seph, nice to meet you bro. What’re you in for anyway?”

“Vik’s my name, Seph. I’m gonna try my luck with the Expeditionary Force.” Vik replied as he whizzed through the forms. Seph had finished his, but waited anyway.

“Ah sweet, I’m trying for the Guard myself. Hoping to follow my pa’s footsteps down that line and protect my home and stuff. Gotta have a good reason to want to be bait, eh?” At first Vik was too concentrated to understand what Seph meant, but then it clicked and laughed out.

“I’m hoping that won’t be the case, bro. If i’m not for it, i’ll just look at other options. Or I might just tag along on your boat.” They both chuckled and Seph jokingly nudged Vik with his elbow, who had now finished his form and the duo stood to hand them in.

“Always plenty of room in the Guard, mate. It takes talent for this branch, but i’m sure a friendly face would be cool too.” Vik gave off a reassuring smile to his new military buddy and they both slid their datapads to the blonde-haired woman behind the counter.

“A member of the training staff will be collecting you shortly. Please take a seat and wait for someone to call your surname. Please have proof of identity and medical records ready.” The young woman said and the two men nodded in response, then took their seats again. Before long they heard the subtle footsteps of someone behind them.

“Thanks Tracey. Gonnall and Wulf please!” A young, mixed-race man stood from his chair as Vik turned and motioned to the calling man. As Wulf began to walk towards the officer, Seph patted his shoulder and waved him goodbye. He knew this may be the last time he saw the guy, but he held his head and followed behind the officer, through some more glass doors. The bright sunlight shot the glass roof directly into Vik’s eyes. He shielded to the best of his ability as he walked onwards into what appeared to be a massive yard, covered in a synthetic foam which was hard enough to walk on as he slowly got used to the sunlight, he could now see the vast grounds with soldiers being patrols, groups of men jogging along the walls, shuttles and fighters landing in the distance and a small bunker with the blast-proof door open. The officer led the two men towards this door and waited by the side as Wulf and the boy behind him walked inside to see several chairs assembled in front of a hologram of the Imperial logo. Wulf sat in a free seat at the front and waited as the officer shut the door behind them, and marched to the front while activating the hologram. It displayed various scenarios of training, and some promotional advertisements of soldiers being awarded for their service.

“Welcome recruits. This seems to be all we can fit into here for now, as we just got two more Cainans in with us. Welcome to the induction course of the Expeditionary Forces for the Imperial Military. My name is Sergeant Ric Scottley, and I will induct you into the Expeditionary Forces and what we are about. So strap in and prepare yourself for a ride. Firstly, you will be tested to see if you are eligible for this branch, and then physically tested to see if you have what it takes, and finally mentally tested to see if you can bare the harsh realities of war.” The tall Sergeant paced as he spoke and introduced the group into the Expeditionary force. It seemed this day would go on for a while as Vik sat waiting and listening.

Several Days later,
Imperial Camp.

Tired, aching all over and exhausted from his trials of the day, Vik Wulf hunched over the dining table in terrible pain. Bruises crawled up his arms as wounds on his back bled through the bandages, his blackened and drained eyes drooped as he ate his protein meal. His dark brown hair was now in a long mohawk instead of the family cut he used to wear, and his hands blistered from his extensive training in the obstacle fields. Taking another bite of his meal, he looked around at his fellow recruits to see the same expressions of exhaustion and depleting stamina. However, he still felt the urge to continue and prove himself, to earn his stripes and face anything he could head on. Just today he got his first glimpse at stealth as his team was challenged to take down a beast in the nearby jungle. The cut on his back was a reminder of the beast, as Vik deftly pounced from the trees above with his combat knife and neutralised the terrifying animal. He remembered the praise received from his camp buddy, Mason, as they both worked in tandem; bait and ambush. Vik suddenly flinched and dropped his spoon as he felt a harsh slap on the back, the Sergeant demanded his attention.

“Recruit Wulf, come with me please.” Sergeant Scottley said in a low tone; it seemed as though the tutor was displeased with his Recruit. As Wulf quickly stood and climbed over the bench, he briskly followed the Sergeant who was rushing him out of the dining room and down the corridor towards the main administration offices. Almost jogging down the office hallways towards the most recognisable ranks on the doors, they finally reached a well decorated slab on the wall that read ‘General’s Office’. Two armed guards stood outside the door and one pressed the console to open it. Wulf was motioned to head inside and was greeted by three men who all sat behind a large desk with two chairs were placed empty in front of them.

“Recruit Wulf, please take a seat.” The familiar Surface Marshal who had become the face of the Expeditionary Forces spoke first and motioned to the empty chair. Vik quickly followed the orders. The Sergeant also sat next to him, while the three prestigious men looked at their data pads in silence. Then the uniformed man in the middle looked up and began to speak.

“Recruit Wulf, your induction results are extraordinary, your physical training is talented, your mental capacity is beyond your role and you have shown courage. This is a fine start you’re making here.” Vik nodded with his poker face in response, keeping his obedient silence.

“Ultimately we would like you to serve with us for a very long time, but there is the question. You see the ‘forces is about working as a team and being a gear in a well-oiled machine, but with your knack for independent action as well as teamwork, we think the best option for you would be in the Scholae Guards.” The Recruit was taken back by this, he had never imagine his good performance would force them to alter his career. Wulf nodded in response and still kept his silence.

“Now if you agree to this, you will be placed in the 1st Infantry Legion of the Judeccan Guard and you will be based in Ohmen, serving to protect the city from invasion and rebellion and all other threats. We think you would be the best person for this transfer and would like to hear your thoughts about this.” Vik knew where this was heading. He had received letters from home, telling of his Parent’s move to the capital as his Father was promoted. His younger sister also got accepted into college there, so this seemed like the better option for Vik to see Seph again. To protect his own family, and to protect the Empire, it seemed to be a bonus for Wulf. Given the permission to speak, he smiled.

“I would be honoured to do this transfer sir, being stationed in Ohmen after passing this basic training is something I can do, sirs. When and where do I transfer?” The man on the right who was dressed a gray uniform, rather than the typical olive green, spoke up.

“You will be taken to a different and small camp deeper into the jungle to practice your defensive techniques and resource management skills. You will also take part in leadership and demolitions training there. You have the talent to be moved from enlisted to commissioned, Recruit, and I want you there.” Vik nodded solidly in agreement as both men stood and shook hands.

“It would be my honour to join the officers of the Guard, sir.” With a strong nod and smile, the recruitment officer shook Wulf’s hand and replied.

“Welcome to the Guard, Cadet. You fly out to Delta Camp in half hour.”

The words of his father rang through his mind once more, only this time Vik felt a sense of failure. A defeat in his goal that he promised to rise stronger from.

2nd place
3rd place
File submission
Textual submission


3rd place