Competition: Arcona Trivia Madness #1, Week #3

Arcona Trivia Madness #1, Week #3

Welcome to week number 3 of Arcona Trivia Madness number 1. You will be tested with 20 questions in the Star Wars category. This test will contain questions about the Star Wars Universe (both cannon and Legends)

Once you subscribe a timer will start, so make sure you are ready to go as soon as you hit that subscribe button. Placement will be decided by Most questions answered correctly over fastest time. So hurry about answering but make sure it is correct.

Only members of Clan Arcona are eligible to participate.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Arcona Trivia Madness #1
Organized by
Mako Henymory, Fist Uji Tameike
Running time
2015-11-20 until 2015-11-23 (4 days)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Legion of the Scholar for Top Two Places
4 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
1st place
Textual submission

Week # 3 Questions Star Wars Trivia:

Q: What happens to a Vibroblade happens when they are introduced to electricity?
A: It explodes

Q: Anakin Skywalker was born in what year?
A: 41.9 BBY

Q: What is the name of the crystal that powers a Jedi Lightsaber?
A: Kyber

Q: Who led Rouge Group in the battle of Hoth?
A: Luke Skywalker

Q: What company manufactured the TIE Advanced x1?
A: Sienar Fleet Systems

Q: How many wing pannels does a TIE Defender have?
A: 3

Q: When was the Battle of Yavin?
A: 0 BBY

Q: The Maw is made up of a cluster of what?
A: Black Holes

Q: What notable settlement is located inside the Maw?
A: Sinkhole Station

Q: What is slang for various types of mind altering drugs?
A: Spice

Q: Where is Han Solo from?
A: Corellia

Q: What is Leia Organa’s eye color?
A: Brown

Q: Jabba Desilijic Tiure keep what in a pit under his throne?
A: Rancor

Q: The large species of semi-sentient reptilians, one of which was keep by Jabba is from what planet?
A: Dathomir

Q: What was the standard issue weapon of Imperial Stormtroopers?
A: E-11

Q: What was Wilhuff Tarkin’s Title?
A: Grand Moff

Q: What species was Greedo?
A: Rodian

Q: At the end of the Clone War Vader and Obi-Wan had duel on what planet?
A: Mustafar

Q: What is the other known member of Yoda’s species?
A: Yaddle

Q: In 4 ABY who died on Dagobah?
Q: Yoda

1st place
General Stres'tron'garmis
Textual submission

1. Boom goes the power cell
2. 41.9 BBY
3. Diatium power cells power a lightsaber, not a crystal :P
4. Luke Skywalker
5. Sienar Flight Systems
6. 3 sets
7. 0 BBY?
8. Black Holes
9. Maw Installation
10. Spice
11. Corellia
12. Brown
13. Rancor
14. Dathomri
15. E-11 Blaster
16. Grand Moff
17. Rodian
18. Mustafar
19. Yaddle
20. YOda

2nd place
3rd place
Braecen Kaeth
Braecen Kaeth
Braecen Kaeth opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place
Larrik Dul'vak
Textual submission

1. The electricity is conducted along the blade- once it hits the energy cell, it explodes in a mininature explosion that can take off your hand.

2. 41.9 BBY

3. A focusing crystal

4. Luke Skywalker

5. Sienar Fleet Systems

6. Nine.

7. Year 35:3:7 after the Great ReSynchronization

8. Black Holes

9. The Maw Installation where the Death Star prototype was developed. Or Sinkhole Station. I dunno, really. :P

10. Spice.

11. Corellia

12. Brown

13. A rancor

14. Dathomir.

15. E-11 blaster rifle

16. Grand Moff

17. Rodian

18. Mustafar

19. Yaddle

20. Yoda

4th place