As you all know we’ve dropped Strike Team from our name, and we’re no longer the spec ops team that we used to be. My intention is for us to be a mercenary group, I’ve set-up a a wiki page for the “new” Soulfire and more details can be found here
With the Soulfire reform fully underway, we’re in need of a new headquarters. This headquarters will be called The Last Stand, and is located in Estle City.
Any and all other details are limited by your imagination (and possibilty within reality of course.)
Your task is to write a description of The Last Stand, to be used on the Soulfire Wiki. Winning entries will be used on the Soulfire wiki and become a part of Soulfire history.
1st place
Nikola Valtiere Erinos
2nd place
Braecen Kaeth