Competition: Monstrosity: Legends of Old

Monstrosity: Legends of Old

This is a TIMED event. Subscribing to this event will start the timer.

Just as the monsters and forces we now face in the Cocytus system are of legend and old, so must we know where we came from.

Answer the following 20 questions about the now Legends Expanded Universe of Star Wars.

Grading will be based upon most correct answers, then total time to complete the trivia. Hitting subscribe will show the questions, and start the timer for this event. All participants will get 15 points toward the parent competition, and the two winners will be awarded an additional 15 points.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Forgotten: Monstrosity
Organized by
Lord Idris Adenn
Running time
2015-11-01 until 2015-11-16 (16 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Legion of the Scholar for Top Two Places
13 subscribers, of which 11 have participated.
General Zentru'la
Textual submission

1. Atrivis sector
2. Genesia
3. Ord Mynock
4. Ni-Cada
5. Carosite
6. Tharin
7. 33 BBY
8. Moxin Tark
9. Msst
10. Renatasia system
11. 22 BBY
12. Ossus
13. textile manufacturing units
14. 750 credits
15. Talus
16. Gungan
17. 44 ABY
18. Intellex IV computer
19. slugthrower
20. left

1st place
Archangel Palpatine
Textual submission

1) Atrivis Sector
2) Genesia
3) Ord Mynock
4) Ni-Cada
5) Carosite
6) Tharin
7) 33 BBY
8) Moxin Tark
9) Msst
10) Renatasia system
11) 22 BBY
12) Ossus
13) textile manufacturing units
14) 750 credits
15) Talus
16) Gungan
17) 44 ABY
18) Intellex IV
19) Slugthrower
20) Left

2nd place
Sage Enzo Dek
Sage Enzo Dek opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Kyo Akumu
File submission
No placement
Issamuel Kin'Droth
Textual submission

1. Atrivis Sector
2. Genesia
3. Ord Mynock or Fondor
4. Ni-Cada
5. Carosite
6. Tharin Sector
7. 33 BBY
8. Moxin Tark
9. Msst
10. Renatasia System
11. 21 BBY
12. Ossus
13. Textile Manufacturing Units
14. 750 Credits
15. Talus
16. Gungan Religion
17. 44 ABY
18. Intellex IV
19. Slugthrower
20. Left

No placement
Qor Kith
Textual submission

1. Atrivis Sector
2. Genesia
3. Ord mynock
4. Ni-Cada
5. Carosite
6. Tharin Sector
7. 33 BBY
8. Moxin Tark
9. Msst
10. Renatsia System
11. 22 BBY
12. Ossus
13. Textile Manufacturing Units
14. 750 credits
15. Talus
16. Gungan Religion
17. 44 ABY
18. Intellex 4 computer
19. Slugthrower
20. Left eye

No placement
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Textual submission

1. Atrivis
2. Genesia
3. Ord Mynock
4. Ni-cada
5. Carosite
6. Tharin
7. 33bby
8. Bossk
9. Msst
10. Renatasia
11. 22bby
12. Ossus
13. Textile Manufacturing
14. 750 Credits
15. Talus
16. Gungan Otoh Din
17. 44aby
18. Intellex IV
19. Slugthrower
20. Left Eye

No placement
Textual submission

1. Altrivis
2. Genesia
3. Ord Mynock supposedly or Fondor
4. Ni-Cada
5. Carosite
6. Tharin
7. 33 BBY
8. Moxin Tark
9. Msst
10. Renatasia
11. 22 BBY
12. Ossus
13. Texttile manufacturing units
14. 750 credits
15. Talus
16. Gungan
17. 44 ABY
18. Intellex IV
19. Slugthrower
20. Left Eye

No placement
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
Textual submission

1) Atrivis Sector
2) Genesia
3) Old Mynock
4) Ni-Cada
5) Carosite
6) Tharin Sector
7) 33 BBY
8) Moxin Tark
9) Msst
10) Renatasia system
11) 22BBY
12) Ossus
13) Textile Manufacturing Units
14) 750 Credits
15) Talus
16) Gungan
17) 44 ABY
18) Intellex IV
19) Slugthrower
20) The left eye

No placement
Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr
Textual submission

1.) The Atrivis sector.
2.) On the planet Genesia.
3.) Ord Mynock.
4.) Lo Bukk's Jedi Master was Ni-Cada.
5.) Namo Lan was a Carosite.
6.) Tharin sector.
7.) Arwen Cohl died in 33 BBY.
8.) Bandonia was the homeworld of the bounty hunter Moxin Tark.
9.) Brakiss was born on Msst.
10.) The Renatasia system was rediscovered in 13 BBY.
11.) The Battle of Bothawui took place in 22 BBY.
12.) Ossus.
13.) Textile manufacturing units.
14.) 750 credits.
15.) Talus.
16.) Gungan.
17.) 44 ABY.
18.) Intellex IV.
19.) Slugthrower
20.) Left eye.

No placement
Corsair Chrome
Textual submission

1. Atrivis
2. Genesia
3. Ord Mynock
4. Ni-Cada
5. Carosite
6. Tharin
7. 33 BBY
8. Moxin Tark
9. Msst
10. Renatasia
11. 22 BBY
12. Ossus
13. Textile Manufacturing
14, 750 Credits
15. Talus
16. Gungan
17. 44 ABY
18. Intellex_IV
19. Slugthrower
20. Left

No placement