Objective: For the people of the Cocytus system, a certain level of chaos has become expected in daily life. Now with horrific monsters at the door, and talk of Old Gods awakening, the people want some truth. In steps you, investigative journalist for Cocytus Holonet News. While your article is sure to be censored by the powers that be, you still feel it your duty to chronicle the true happenings of recent months.
Write a news article informing people of the events of the Forgotten Storyline. What you choose to include and exclude, as well as manner of presentation is up to you. It can range from broad strokes, to tales of heroes, to local tragedies of the civilians. Just remember it is suppose to be a news article.
Scoring: Minimum 500 words. Grading will be based off of the fiction grading rubric and adherence to the given prompt. Must be submitted as an attached file (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt). Shared GDocs will not be accepted, so if that is where you are writing it, when finished go to File>Download as and choose a file format.
1st place
Issamuel Kin'Droth
2nd place
Archangel Palpatine
3rd place
4th place
Qor Kith
5th place
Tribune Kanal O'neill