Competition: COU Trivia

COU Trivia

Empowering the fun of trivia, COU will have the trivia twice a month in different setting. First/second week will be held in #odan-urr channel and the third/fourth week will be in COUTrivia Telegram channel. The competition will be opened to the entire DB members to win LSS. First event is on Nov 15, 2015 GMT +7 or (still on Nov 14 in most part of the world as it also is also to celebrate the birthday of HOU. Upcoming dates of trivia will be announced in DB news periodically.

You can ask an invitation to the telegram trivia channel to me (@Gresee) or other COU summit.

So, have fun with the trivia.

Competition Information
Organized by
Lu'aisha Gresee, Ghost Edgar Drachen
Running time
2015-11-14 until 2016-01-03 (about 2 months)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Legion of the Scholar for Top Two Places
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.
COU Trivia has 2 sub-competitions
Title Status Running time Competition Type
COU Trivia : COU/HOU Anniversary edition Finished 2015-11-14 - 2015-11-14 (1 day) Trivia
COU Trivia: Thanksgiving Edition Finished 2015-11-29 - 2015-11-29 (1 day) Trivia

Nobody has participated in this competition.