Competition: The Final Battle

The Final Battle

Yhi was starting to dip below the horizon as the Jomesh militia forces crept through the tall grasses, hoping to not encounter anything before they were in position. The low rumble of artillery was off behind them and would be on them shortly. They hoped that this show of force would be enough to draw the Butcher into their ambush.

Over the coms, the troops began to sound off.

“Alpha Team in position.”

“Bravo Team, in position.”

“Charlie Team… wait what is that?! Oh no, they found us…”

Suddenly screaming and blaster fire filled the com channel. The forward artillery commander quickly gave the order to attack, “all units move onto Charlie position!”

It seemed that the Harakoans had the same idea as they had. The poorly trained militia troops began quickly losing ground as many of them turned and ran back towards the tanks.

You see Lizmar, with her hammer in hand, screaming for her troops to hold their ground but her cries go unheard. The Butcher's army is quickly closing in on her. A Harakoan lunges at her with his club in hand. She dodges his attack and swings her mighty hammer, crushing the face of her attacker. More move in on her. You run up from behind the tanks, leap over them and the fleeing militiamen, ignite your lightsaber and land alongside Lizmar. You have now joined the battle...

Using your character and any other pertinent characters or equipment, create the final battle between the Butcher's army and the Jedi.

Does the Butcher get captured or die on the battlefield? Does his army fall or are victorious? You decide...

Minimum of 250 words. Standard grading rubric. Submit entry via GDOC link. Ties will be awarded based on first submission received.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Hoth] Legends of Hoth: The Butcher of Kamuekiko
Organized by
Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Running time
2015-11-17 until 2015-12-01 (15 days)
Target Unit
House Hoth
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
1 subscriber, of which 1 has participated.
Grand Inquisitor Tisto Kingang
Textual submission

1st place