The Brotherhood in a precarious state. The Grand Master’s initiatives have been sweeping, strict and stringent following the events of Great Jedi War XI. The birth of the secret society known as the Inquisitorius has purged the ranks of the Brotherhood of “Undesirables” and the false orders that many had clung to. Meanwhile, the Dark Council seeks to establish a new base of operations for the Brotherhood, sending out false reports of a return to a destroyed Antei. While unified temporarily, the independent Clans still hold true to old grudges, grudges the Grand Master knows he can use to his advantage...if controlled. The Grand Master also knows that not all of his actions were well received, and devises a plan to better control the focus of the Brotherhood’s membership...
Members will compete in Singular Ending matches following the story of the Grand Master's Invitational Tournament.
Each Clan selects 2 members to represent their Clan. This decision will be made and submitted by the Consul of the respective unit to the Combat Master. Any member of a Clan that is Qualified in the ACC is eligible to compete, even the Consul.
Two (2) members of the Dark Council will be selected by the Grand Master to compete.
Seeding will be randomized by the website but divided so that members of the same unit are placed on opposite sides of the bracket ladder.
The ACC Invitational Championship is designed as a feat of personal achievement. As such, while members fight for the glory of their home unit, no unit wins or loses in the ACC Invitational Championship. Spoils go to the victors, and the victors alone.
Round I -- The Abandoned Mines
Round II / III - The Colosseum
Finals -- The Ruins of Antei
Accessory: "Grand Masters Signet"
Given to members of the Final Four, this ring bears the Grand Master's signet and marks his acknowledgement of the member's achievements. The ring was forged with a tiny pinprick that punctures into the wearer's own skin and deploys a Cure-All to poisons (1 Time Use/dosage). The formula is special force-alchemy potion the Grand Master procured from a holocron so that everyone could have a tiny vial to carefully re-fill the ring.
Accessory Armor: Gladius Vambrace
A single, hand-crafted vambrace that can be worn on one arm that covers from the wrist up to the elbow. Created from a refractory alloy and treated with Force-Alchemy, the Gladius vambrace has the unique ability to deflect blaster bolts without risk of deterioration.
Dossier Title: "Gladius"
Accessory Armor: Champion Bracers
Awarded to the Grand Master’s Champion, this single, custom molded, mandalorian-iron bracer covers the wrist to the middle of the forearm. Like the bracers given to ACC Champions of the past, this Champion Bracer has the ability to block Lightsaber hits without risk of deterioration.
Dossier Title: "Champion"
1st place
Councillor Turel Sorenn
2nd place
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
3rd place
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
4th place
Lord Halcyon