*Objective: Build a character sheet for one canon character! This character sheet must feature ONLY canon references; thus, characters that may exist in both canon and the EU/Legends should only draw from what is known of the canon for the character.
*How to Submit: Character sheets should be submitted in Word or similar text editing programs. Images may be included if the submitting member wishes but are not required. The submitting member should pick the most appropriate rank, order, and path based on what is known about the canon character. Character sheets must contain a physical description, at least three custom aspects, and at minimum the top five skills and, where relevant, Force Powers for a character ( members do NOT need to fill out entire pyramids for characters if they don’t want, but doing so will not cost any points, nor gain any ). The character should have, at most, six weapons in his/her loadout. Feats must also be assigned; total feat numbers can be drawn from the table below, based on the rank chosen for the character. If a character has any martial arts, weapon specializations, or saber forms, those should be included as well.
*How I am Grading: Character sheets will be graded on a one to five scale per category with the following criteria:
Syntax (20%) – Includes grammar, spelling, mechanics, and use of formatting.
Entertainment Value and Creativity (50%) – Includes how entertaining and creative aspects and physical description are, as well how well the character sheet fits together as a whole. Also includes how engaging the character is to read, and how the personality of the character shows through the character sheet.
Realism (30%) – How well does the character match what is known about this character in the canon? This includes choice of rank, order, and path – but some flexibility is given here as we do not have an easy, direct comparison between the movies and our systems. Note that if you decide to “fill in the blanks” for characters where we don’t know a lot, what you present must closely match what it is we do know about them and fit plausibly within the Star Wars Universe.
*Important Additional Information:
Feats per rank, total, for Force Users and Non-Force Users
Character Sheet Reference: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/character_sheets/reference/
Character Sheet Creation Guide: https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Character_Creation_Guide
1st place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
2nd place
Marcus Kiriyu
3rd place
Epis Locke Sonjie
4th place
Braecen Kaeth
5th place
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor