- Member
Moff Alethia Archenksova
- Textual submission
Not So Loyalist
Leave the Loyalist Order
Icon: An empty chair
As Good As Gone
Leave the Mercenary Order
Icon: Empty space or an 'image not found' image
Fallen and Can't Get Up
Leave the Jedi Order
Icon: Yoda on his back
I Got Up
Leave the Sith Order
Icon: Darth Vader chucking Palpatine over the ledge
Off the Fence
Leave the Gray Jedi/Dark Jedi Order
Icon: A picket fence
All the Colors of the Rainbow
Earn all of the following:
1 of Ruby Scepter, Crescent with Ruby Star, Pendant of Blood
1 of Cluster of Fire, Bronze Nova
1 of Golden Lightsaber, Crescent with Topaz Star, Gold Nova
1 of Emerald Dagger, Crescent with Emerald Star, Cluster of Earth
1 of Sapphire Blade, Crescent with Sapphire Star, Cluster of Ice
1 of Amethyst Kukri, Crescent with Amethyst Star
Tiered: Earn at least 1/2/4/8/16 medals in each color.
Icon: A rainbow
All That Glitters
Earn a Gold Nova or Golden Lightsaber
Tiered: Earn 1/2/4 golden awards
Icon: A pot of gold
Sacramental Case
Earn all 7 sacramental awards
Icon: A bishop's mitre
INQ Has Been Spilled
Reach rank [] in the Inquisitorius
Tiered: One trophy per rank
Icon: An inkwell
Guard Duty
Reach rank [] in the Grand Master's Royal Guard
Tiered: One trophy per rank
Icon: A Skyrim sweetroll
Teacher's Pet
Reach rank [] in the Shadow Academy Society
Tiered: One trophy per rank
Icon: A shiny apple
Pass a course from each Shadow Academy Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: A mortar-board hat
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Docent Halls Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: Revenge of the Nerds-style nerd classes
The CORE Corps
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's CORE Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: An apple core
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Communications Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: An old-timey microphone
Officer Cadet
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Leadership Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: Admiral Piett
Jac Advocate General
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Law Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: Ceiling Jac
Stay a While and Listen
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Lore Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: Deckard Cain
Future Baron
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Flight Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: A TIE Interceptor
How Do I Shot Noob?
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Gaming Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: Crosshairs
Textbook Assault
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Combat Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: One stick figure throwing a book at another
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Combat Writing Department with a score of at least 90%
Armchair Archivist
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's History Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: A comfy chair
Conjugate? I've never even kissed a girl!
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Writing Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: A keyboard
Legend... Wait for It
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Legends Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: A man in a suit
- Placement
- Member
Braecen Kaeth
- Submission
- Braecen Kaeth opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
- Member
Qyreia Arronen
- Submission
- Qyreia Arronen opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
- Member
- Textual submission
- Shut up and take my credits!
-Given by spending certain amounts of credits in the upcoming store I.E. 1000, 2000, 10,000, 1million
-A tiered Trophy 1-10 number 10 being 10 million credits
- 1-1000 credits, 2, 5000 credits, 3. 10000 credits, 4, 50,000 credits, 5 100,000 credits, 6. 500,000 credits, 7 1 million credits, 8. 2.5 million credits, 9 5 million credits, 10. 10 million credits and a title "He who never sleeps"
- Icon will start with a simply bill going on to a stack of credits until the 10th is a brief case opened with a severed hand attached to handcuffs that are connected to the case.
- Placement
- Member
Darth Renatus
- Submission
- Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
- Member
Epis Locke Sonjie
- Textual submission
Title: Show Off!
Metric Measured: Win a gaming pvp competition with a lead of at least 20 wins/clusters of fire over 2nd place (not sure which is easier to code)
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: A person raising one fist in the air in triumph
Title: The Force is Strong in my Family
Metric Measured: Become a part of an official DJB family
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: A heart, definitely
Title: You're a What?
Metric Measured: Earn a Clan Title
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: A scroll, possibly representing official recognition
Title: Novelist
Metric Measured: Submit and place in a fiction competition in which you wrote 20,000 words or more.
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: An open book, or something else with a book
Title: Think Baby Steps
Metric Measured: Obtain ten Dark Crosses
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: A small clutter of crosses
Title: Wow...just...wow
Metric Measured: Submit a trophy idea that's really, really bad, as determined by the judges
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: A thumbs-down.
Title: Well, at least you tried.
Metric Measured: # of competitions you did not place in, starting at 5, doubling to 10, then 20, then 40, then 80 for levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
Single or Tiered: Tiered
List of Thresholds: the above numbers, representing competitions NOT placed in
Suggestions for Icon: Hands in mid-clap
Title: Galactic Traveler
Metric Measured: Place in a competition run by one member of each and every clan.
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: Outline of the galaxy.
- Placement
- Member
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
- Textual submission
Social Butterfly (Tiered)
Comment on 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 News Posts.
A butterfly or a butterfly imposed on the DB logo
- Placement
- Member
Maximus Alvinius
- Textual submission
•The Social Butterfly
•In short the member would need a combination of comments on any website posts and posting on the DJB discussion board. Between the two 100+ posts/comments would award the trophy.
•Hello Kitty Style Butterfly, or any of Turel's past avatars lol
- Placement
- Member
Qor Kith
- Textual submission
Trophy: The name's Bond...
Metric: Have more than 1 person comment on your news post.
Icon: Silhouettes of men
Trophy: A JSTified term
Metric: Serve more than 1 day on the COJ staff
Icon: Ceiling Jac
Trophy: Warhawk!
Metric: Earn all the seals in any vendetta
Icon: A flying jet
Trophy: Wanna know how I got these scars?
Metric: Serve as DGM for 1 year
Icon: A red bleeding smile
Trophy: My puuurecious...
Metric: Earn a Golden Lightsaber
Icon: A golden blade with Aurebesh writing
- Placement
- Member
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
- Submission
- Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
- Member
Ghost Edgar Drachen
- Submission
- Ghost Edgar Drachen opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Geosh Romanae
- Submission
- Geosh Romanae opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Celahir Erinos Arconae
- Textual submission
ProCARDination (from procrastination)
Time from matching a pazaak match through fistbot until reporting
Single trophy, awarded when pazaak match (all 12) takes >180 minutes
A card and an hourglass
Member has had 8 (or a multiple of 8) students (Note, perhaps we should opt for students that reached DJK, but not sure)
Tiered: levels up every time an octo amount of students has been reached. (8-16-24 etc)
Woman with a baby
Outranked but not outgunned
Member is in a leadership position of a unit consisting of all members of higher rank. (DJK BTL with all EQ+ members for example)
Single trophy
Royal Flush
Have held every postition in a Clan (BTL->CON and RM)
Single trophy (perhaps tiered or split into two, where a flush is BTL-QUA and PCON+CON make it royal or something)
5 playing cards
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
- Textual submission
Title : You been Brimstoning again?
For : Number of competions done via cellphone
Tiers : 1/5/10/25/50/75/100/150/200/250/300/400/500/1000
Icon : broken screen cellphone with bandaged thumb
Title : Run-on Forrest, Run-on
For : multiple entries on discourse
Tiers : 1/2/4/8/16/32/64/100/150/200/250/300/400/500/750/1000
Icon : Forrest Gump running
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Kell Palpatine Dante
- Textual submission
Well Rounded You Are
XII levels
Each level of Gaming, Fiction, and SA societies are a trophy and must match,
Trophy Icon would be a triangle with the crests for each on the points.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
- Textual submission
Title: I'm Statler, he's Waldorf
Metric Measured: News post comments
Type of Trophy: Tiered
Threshold: Geometric Factor 2 Scale 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 etc...
Image: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qYwiwkdqRJg/hqdefault.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
- Textual submission
Title: "Last"
Metric Tracked: Anyone who ever posts an inane "first" comment on any thread/newspost/etc
Single Trophy
Design: The word "1st" with a red "x" or a crossed circle over top it.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Daro Vane
- Textual submission
Roll the Credits
Wealth leads to notoriety, authority, power.
Basically every (certain amount of credits. Maybe every
For example: 10,000 you get a Trophy.
1 - Possibly Tiered
2 - Image - Maybe a hand holding a credit?
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Raistline Taldrya Majere
- Textual submission
Teachers pet - help a sa professor find a mistake in their course]
DENIED! (tiered) Have a competition denied based on basic, overlooked items
still truck'n - 1 year consecutive logging in to djb site
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Councillor Turel Sorenn
- Textual submission
"Speed Run"
- Complete all non time in grade promotion requirements for a JM rank before the minimum time in grade expires
- Tiered x4 (one for each of the time gated JM ranks)
- Image- Person running under a clock
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Mar Sûl
- Submission
- Mar Sûl opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Marcus Kiriyu
- Textual submission
Title: I Like To Move It, Move It.
Metric: Have served time in all the Clans for at least 3 months.
Tiered or single award: Single award.
Suggestion for Icon: Guy dancing, or possibly King Julian from the movie Madagascar.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
A deleted dossier
- Textual submission
Trophy Name: Fastest Finger First
Metric: Number of Legions of the Scholar awarded
Type: Tiered
Threshold: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc
Icon: A question mark
Trophy Name: Filling In The Gaps
Metric: Wiki Contributions
Type: Tiered
Threshold: 1,2, 4, 8, 16, etc
Icon: A quill
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Damian Gawonii
- Textual submission
Recreational Researcher for browsing the DJB Databases and Resources
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Boss Ragnar Kul
- Textual submission
Trophy Title: Return of the Wayward Jedi
Metric Used: Member logging in from a period of 90+ days of inactivity
Single or Tiered: Single
Trophy Icon: The silhouette of a robed Jedi with a knapsack tied to a light saber hoisted behind one shoulder
Trophy Title: Supreme Chancellor Endurance
Metric Used: Logging in for 90 consecutive days
Single or Tiered: Single
Trophy Icon: Outline of Chancellor Vilorum at the Senate podium
Trophy Title: The Odds are 1,543,742 to 1!
Metric Used: Clicking on every header under the Rosters – Statistics page
Single or Tiered: single
Trophy Icon: Giant # sign
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Larrik Dul'vak
- Textual submission
Name: Cardshark Trophy
Metric: # of Pazaak matches played
Single/Tiered: Tiered trophy,
Tiers: x10matches, x25matches, x50matches, x100matches, etc
Icon: Spread hand of cards
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar
- Textual submission
Title: Hooked Nerfing
Metric: Spend an excessive amount of time in a Pazaak match with another player.
Type: Tiered trophy
Level 1: 30 minutes
Level 2: 60 minutes
Level 3: 90 minutes
Level 4: 120 minutes
Level 5: 150 minutes
Icon: This could be an icon of a pazaak deck with a clock or a time in the corner. Alternatively it could also be two individuals facing each other in between a pazaak deck with a timer above them.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Stang Mach
- Textual submission
Nothing Better To Do
Login (X) days in a row
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Fist Uji Tameike
- Textual submission
Jessica Jones = Serve under a Master not of your choosing for a year
- Placement
No placement