Competition: Trophylicious


The long awaited Trophies System has finally been released to the Brotherhood, bundled with an initial set of 70 Trophies. This is, of course, not nearly enough, and we need more! Your objective for this competition is to come up with new trophies. You can submit as many Trophies as you can come up with. Be sure, however, that they are creative, original, and/or funny, as both the average score of all your submitted trophies, as well as the number of trophies submitted will be counting towards your final score for this competition.

How to submit?

Submissions should come as a list of Trophies, where each trophy consists of at least the following elements:

  • A (catchy) title
  • The metric measured by the trophy
  • Whether this trophy is a single trophy or a tiered trophy
  • (if applicable) a list of thresholds for each of the trophy's tiers in terms of above metric, preferrably increasing linearly or exponentially
  • Suggestions for the trophy's icon

Note that the metric for each trophy should be obtainable automatically in some way, either from the database or another means: no trophy should require manual ticking of boxes. Trophies also should preferably not encourage actions that are discouraged or frowned upon (for example: place in a competition for which you are the main organizer N number of times)


  • Every participant can submit as many trophies as they like
  • Each trophy will be graded on a 1-5 scale by at least three members of the Dark Council on the following four criteria:
    • Implementability
    • Usefulness
    • Humor
    • Creativity
  • For each of these criteria, the average between all graders will be taken, and these four averages will be summed.
  • The final score will be obtained by adding the summed average grades to the square root of the number of trophies submitted. In short: score = avg(i) + avg(u) + avg(h) + avg(c) + sqrt(num_trophies)
  • Placements will be determined by higest score, ties will be broken by least number of submitted trophies, which, in case of equal score, equates to a higher average quality of trophies
  • The organizers reserve the right to discard submitted trophies that are inappropriate, too similar to eachother, or too similar to existing trophies
  • Submission to and/or placing in this competition will not guarantee implementation of any trophy submitted, though we will obviously try to add as many as possible
Competition Information
Parent Competition
DJB Episode VII Celebration!
Organized by
Ascendant James Lucius Entar, Governor Tierra Suha'sen, Zanet Xox, Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Running time
2015-12-01 until 2016-01-05 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
41 subscribers, of which 29 have participated.
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Textual submission

Not So Loyalist
Leave the Loyalist Order
Icon: An empty chair

As Good As Gone
Leave the Mercenary Order
Icon: Empty space or an 'image not found' image

Fallen and Can't Get Up
Leave the Jedi Order
Icon: Yoda on his back

I Got Up
Leave the Sith Order
Icon: Darth Vader chucking Palpatine over the ledge

Off the Fence
Leave the Gray Jedi/Dark Jedi Order
Icon: A picket fence

All the Colors of the Rainbow
Earn all of the following:
1 of Ruby Scepter, Crescent with Ruby Star, Pendant of Blood
1 of Cluster of Fire, Bronze Nova
1 of Golden Lightsaber, Crescent with Topaz Star, Gold Nova
1 of Emerald Dagger, Crescent with Emerald Star, Cluster of Earth
1 of Sapphire Blade, Crescent with Sapphire Star, Cluster of Ice
1 of Amethyst Kukri, Crescent with Amethyst Star
Tiered: Earn at least 1/2/4/8/16 medals in each color.
Icon: A rainbow

All That Glitters
Earn a Gold Nova or Golden Lightsaber
Tiered: Earn 1/2/4 golden awards
Icon: A pot of gold

Sacramental Case
Earn all 7 sacramental awards
Icon: A bishop's mitre

INQ Has Been Spilled
Reach rank [] in the Inquisitorius
Tiered: One trophy per rank
Icon: An inkwell

Guard Duty
Reach rank [] in the Grand Master's Royal Guard
Tiered: One trophy per rank
Icon: A Skyrim sweetroll

Teacher's Pet
Reach rank [] in the Shadow Academy Society
Tiered: One trophy per rank
Icon: A shiny apple

Pass a course from each Shadow Academy Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: A mortar-board hat

Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Docent Halls Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: Revenge of the Nerds-style nerd classes

The CORE Corps
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's CORE Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: An apple core

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Communications Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: An old-timey microphone

Officer Cadet
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Leadership Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: Admiral Piett

Jac Advocate General
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Law Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: Ceiling Jac

Stay a While and Listen
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Lore Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: Deckard Cain

Future Baron
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Flight Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: A TIE Interceptor

How Do I Shot Noob?
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Gaming Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: Crosshairs

Textbook Assault
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Combat Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: One stick figure throwing a book at another

Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Combat Writing Department with a score of at least 90%

Armchair Archivist
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's History Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: A comfy chair

Conjugate? I've never even kissed a girl!
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Writing Studies Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: A keyboard

Legend... Wait for It
Pass a course from the Shadow Academy's Legends Department with a score of at least 90%
Icon: A man in a suit

1st place
2nd place
Braecen Kaeth
Braecen Kaeth
Braecen Kaeth opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
Qyreia Arronen
Qyreia Arronen opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place
4th place
Textual submission

- Shut up and take my credits!
-Given by spending certain amounts of credits in the upcoming store I.E. 1000, 2000, 10,000, 1million
-A tiered Trophy 1-10 number 10 being 10 million credits
- 1-1000 credits, 2, 5000 credits, 3. 10000 credits, 4, 50,000 credits, 5 100,000 credits, 6. 500,000 credits, 7 1 million credits, 8. 2.5 million credits, 9 5 million credits, 10. 10 million credits and a title "He who never sleeps"
- Icon will start with a simply bill going on to a stack of credits until the 10th is a brief case opened with a severed hand attached to handcuffs that are connected to the case.

4th place
5th place
Darth Renatus
Darth Renatus
Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
5th place
Epis Locke Sonjie
Textual submission

Title: Show Off!
Metric Measured: Win a gaming pvp competition with a lead of at least 20 wins/clusters of fire over 2nd place (not sure which is easier to code)
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: A person raising one fist in the air in triumph

Title: The Force is Strong in my Family
Metric Measured: Become a part of an official DJB family
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: A heart, definitely

Title: You're a What?
Metric Measured: Earn a Clan Title
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: A scroll, possibly representing official recognition

Title: Novelist
Metric Measured: Submit and place in a fiction competition in which you wrote 20,000 words or more.
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: An open book, or something else with a book

Title: Think Baby Steps
Metric Measured: Obtain ten Dark Crosses
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: A small clutter of crosses

Metric Measured: Submit a trophy idea that's really, really bad, as determined by the judges
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: A thumbs-down.

Title: Well, at least you tried.
Metric Measured: # of competitions you did not place in, starting at 5, doubling to 10, then 20, then 40, then 80 for levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
Single or Tiered: Tiered
List of Thresholds: the above numbers, representing competitions NOT placed in
Suggestions for Icon: Hands in mid-clap

Title: Galactic Traveler
Metric Measured: Place in a competition run by one member of each and every clan.
Single or Tiered: Single
List of Thresholds: N/A
Suggestions for Icon: Outline of the galaxy.

6th place
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Textual submission

Social Butterfly (Tiered)
Comment on 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 News Posts.
A butterfly or a butterfly imposed on the DB logo

7th place
Maximus Alvinius
Textual submission

•The Social Butterfly
•In short the member would need a combination of comments on any website posts and posting on the DJB discussion board. Between the two 100+ posts/comments would award the trophy.
•Hello Kitty Style Butterfly, or any of Turel's past avatars lol

7th place
9th place
Qor Kith
Qor Kith
Textual submission

Trophy: The name's Bond...
Metric: Have more than 1 person comment on your news post.
Icon: Silhouettes of men

Trophy: A JSTified term
Metric: Serve more than 1 day on the COJ staff
Icon: Ceiling Jac

Trophy: Warhawk!
Metric: Earn all the seals in any vendetta
Icon: A flying jet

Trophy: Wanna know how I got these scars?
Metric: Serve as DGM for 1 year
Icon: A red bleeding smile

Trophy: My puuurecious...
Metric: Earn a Golden Lightsaber
Icon: A golden blade with Aurebesh writing

9th place
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade opted out of publishing his submission.
10th place
Ghost Edgar Drachen
Ghost Edgar Drachen opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Geosh Romanae
Geosh Romanae opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Celahir Erinos Arconae
Textual submission

ProCARDination (from procrastination)
Time from matching a pazaak match through fistbot until reporting
Single trophy, awarded when pazaak match (all 12) takes >180 minutes
A card and an hourglass

Member has had 8 (or a multiple of 8) students (Note, perhaps we should opt for students that reached DJK, but not sure)
Tiered: levels up every time an octo amount of students has been reached. (8-16-24 etc)
Woman with a baby

Outranked but not outgunned
Member is in a leadership position of a unit consisting of all members of higher rank. (DJK BTL with all EQ+ members for example)
Single trophy

Royal Flush
Have held every postition in a Clan (BTL->CON and RM)
Single trophy (perhaps tiered or split into two, where a flush is BTL-QUA and PCON+CON make it royal or something)
5 playing cards

No placement
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
Textual submission

Title : You been Brimstoning again?

For : Number of competions done via cellphone

Tiers : 1/5/10/25/50/75/100/150/200/250/300/400/500/1000

Icon : broken screen cellphone with bandaged thumb


Title : Run-on Forrest, Run-on

For : multiple entries on discourse

Tiers : 1/2/4/8/16/32/64/100/150/200/250/300/400/500/750/1000

Icon : Forrest Gump running

No placement
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Textual submission

Well Rounded You Are
XII levels
Each level of Gaming, Fiction, and SA societies are a trophy and must match,
Trophy Icon would be a triangle with the crests for each on the points.

No placement
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Textual submission

Title: I'm Statler, he's Waldorf
Metric Measured: News post comments
Type of Trophy: Tiered
Threshold: Geometric Factor 2 Scale 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 etc...

No placement
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Textual submission

Title: "Last"
Metric Tracked: Anyone who ever posts an inane "first" comment on any thread/newspost/etc
Single Trophy
Design: The word "1st" with a red "x" or a crossed circle over top it.

No placement
Daro Vane
Textual submission

Roll the Credits

Wealth leads to notoriety, authority, power.

Basically every (certain amount of credits. Maybe every
For example: 10,000 you get a Trophy.

1 - Possibly Tiered

2 - Image - Maybe a hand holding a credit?

No placement
Raistline Taldrya Majere
Textual submission

Teachers pet - help a sa professor find a mistake in their course]

DENIED! (tiered) Have a competition denied based on basic, overlooked items

still truck'n - 1 year consecutive logging in to djb site

No placement
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Textual submission

"Speed Run"
- Complete all non time in grade promotion requirements for a JM rank before the minimum time in grade expires
- Tiered x4 (one for each of the time gated JM ranks)
- Image- Person running under a clock

No placement
Mar Sûl
Mar Sûl opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Marcus Kiriyu
Textual submission

Title: I Like To Move It, Move It.
Metric: Have served time in all the Clans for at least 3 months.
Tiered or single award: Single award.
Suggestion for Icon: Guy dancing, or possibly King Julian from the movie Madagascar.

No placement
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

Trophy Name: Fastest Finger First
Metric: Number of Legions of the Scholar awarded
Type: Tiered
Threshold: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc
Icon: A question mark

Trophy Name: Filling In The Gaps
Metric: Wiki Contributions
Type: Tiered
Threshold: 1,2, 4, 8, 16, etc
Icon: A quill

No placement
Damian Gawonii
Textual submission

Recreational Researcher for browsing the DJB Databases and Resources

No placement
Boss Ragnar Kul
Textual submission

Trophy Title: Return of the Wayward Jedi
Metric Used: Member logging in from a period of 90+ days of inactivity
Single or Tiered: Single
Trophy Icon: The silhouette of a robed Jedi with a knapsack tied to a light saber hoisted behind one shoulder

Trophy Title: Supreme Chancellor Endurance
Metric Used: Logging in for 90 consecutive days
Single or Tiered: Single
Trophy Icon: Outline of Chancellor Vilorum at the Senate podium

Trophy Title: The Odds are 1,543,742 to 1!
Metric Used: Clicking on every header under the Rosters – Statistics page
Single or Tiered: single
Trophy Icon: Giant # sign

No placement
Larrik Dul'vak
Textual submission

Name: Cardshark Trophy
Metric: # of Pazaak matches played
Single/Tiered: Tiered trophy,
Tiers: x10matches, x25matches, x50matches, x100matches, etc
Icon: Spread hand of cards

No placement
Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar
Textual submission

Title: Hooked Nerfing
Metric: Spend an excessive amount of time in a Pazaak match with another player.
Type: Tiered trophy
Level 1: 30 minutes
Level 2: 60 minutes
Level 3: 90 minutes
Level 4: 120 minutes
Level 5: 150 minutes

Icon: This could be an icon of a pazaak deck with a clock or a time in the corner. Alternatively it could also be two individuals facing each other in between a pazaak deck with a timer above them.

No placement
Stang Mach
Textual submission

Nothing Better To Do
Login (X) days in a row

No placement
Adept Xantros
File submission
No placement
Fist Uji Tameike
Textual submission

Jessica Jones = Serve under a Master not of your choosing for a year

No placement