The Grand Master has declared War on the agents of the Dark Side and the Light. The Inquisitorious, Grand Master's Royal Guard, and Loyalist Forces have spread out across the galaxy targeting individuals known as undesirables.
You have been selected to lead or participate on an elite 4-6 member strike force tasked with eliminating known undesirables currently hiding on the ruinous remains of Antei. Your team has been given the option of conducting selecting 1 of 3 potential missions. Good hunting.
The vile, perverted, and disgusting remnants of the Krath order have flocked like months to a flame at the Temple Tiamat on Antei. Driven by their perverse beliefs and misguided love of the arcane, former Krath leaders seek to rebuild their order from the Ashes of their Paragon. Your mission is to destroy the remaining vestiges of the Krath Order and bring order and justice to those who oppose the Grand Master.
Although weakened, the Temple Tiamat remains a source of power within the Dark Side of the Force. Illusions guard Temple and prevent orbital or atmospheric bombardment of the ruins within. Your team will be responsible for infiltrating and destroying the remaining Krath via any means you deem necessary.
The Obsidian Towers of the once Great Obelisk Temple lay in ruin. The combative and destructive Obelisk have all but faded into history, but a few assault teams escaped their destruction at the hands of Lord Marshall Damon Nix. Your mission is to infiltrate Antei, seek out the remaining Obelisk Camps, and destroy those who oppose the Grand Master.
Despite the Temple's destruction, the 4th floor Command Center and multiple defensive structures remain intact. These defenses include anti air and ground based artillery batteries. Orbital assaults and full fledged ground assaults are not likely to succeed. Your team will be responsible for infiltrating and destorying the remaining Obelisk via any means you deem necessary.
Sub-human species, disease carriers, Jedi, and potential terrorist aliens have huddled in fear induced paralysis at the Shadow Academy on Lyspair. Following the mass genocide of undesirable species across the Dark Brotherhood, a few refugees managed to find their way into the subaltern passages at the Academy. Your mission is to infiltrate the academy and destroy those creatures who debase the very meaning of the Brotherhood.
The subaltern passages beneath the Shadow Academy were designed to withstand orbital assaults. Each passage was once protected by ancient Sith wards and magics that may or may not remain active. Dbbot does not assess attempts to collapse the tunnels as having a high degree of success. Your mission will be to enter the Shadow Academy, gain access to the tunnels, and destroy the alien species within utilizing any means you deem necessary.
1st place
Warlord Pel Tarentae
1st place
A deleted dossier
1st place
Kalu Burgoo
1st place
1st place
Epis Locke Sonjie
2nd place
Ala'ar Rinn
2nd place
Maenaki Delavi'in
2nd place
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
2nd place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
2nd place
Larrik Dul'vak
3rd place
Darth Renatus
3rd place
Lord Idris Adenn
3rd place
Sildrin Lyonsbane
3rd place
Lord Nevan Taelyan
3rd place
Archangel Palpatine