Competition: Postulation and Argumentation

Postulation and Argumentation


So many statements related to the Star Wars universe are made quickly and forgotten without detailed thought. Lost is much of the theorizing discourse of old, replaced instead with 144 characters of "analysis." You may now be a part of bringing back the postulations and argumentations.

You must present a one-sentence position statement related to Star Wars. The preference of this competition is to have the statements be in relation to Episode VII, or other current Star Wars events. You must take a side for or against that position and write an essay arguing your position, as if debating it.

Example statements (these can be used):
"Disney was correct in wiping out the EU."
"There's no way that Luke was stupid enough to leave a partially-burnt Vader mask on the pyre."
"The hype for the movies has raised expectations too high for the movie."
"The Dark Brotherhood should re-write its lore from scratch to completely adapt to the new movies."
"Disney should have left the Indiana Jones show in Hollywood Studios instead of tearing it down for new Star Wars fare."
"Jac Cotelin is a total badass and would kick Kylo Ren's butt!"

Statements may be related to real world or fictional issues, both related to or unrelated to the DB. Theories pre- and post-Episode VII release may also be used.


Statement: "Jar Jar Binks was a trained Force user, knowing Sith collaborator, and will play a central role in The Force Awakens."


How to Submit:

Essay must be submitted in Word or PDF format. Essay must contain the statement and then a minimum of 500 words in support of or against the statement.


Essays will be graded on a 1 to 5 scale per category with the following criteria:

  1. Postulation (25%) - Did you pick a thought-provoking statement? Did you choose a position that was hard to argue, or easy to argue (with higher points going to harder arguments)? Is your theory correct (with higher points going to more accurate statements)? Does the statement refer to Episode VII or current Star Wars/DB issues (with higher points going to current/Episode VII issues)?

  2. Argumentation (55%) - How well do you argue your point? Can you convince me of your position? Is your theory plausible? Did you address possible arguments against your position? Includes entertainment value and creativity.

  3. Syntaxalation (20%) - Includes grammar, spelling, mechanics, and use of formatting.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
DJB Episode VII Celebration!
Organized by
Jac Cotelin, Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Running time
2015-12-01 until 2016-01-05 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
31 subscribers, of which 8 have participated.
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
Qyreia Arronen
Qyreia Arronen opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place
Epis Locke Sonjie
File submission
Textual submission

See Attachment

3rd place
Darth Renatus
Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Boss Ragnar Kul
File submission
No placement
Master Dracaryis
Master Dracaryis opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Ondur Lkaetur
Ondur Lkaetur opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
Textual submission

Did Mace Windu survive to live another day?

Here's my theory on Mace living.

Mace Windu was a master jedi, not a padewan like Anakin was.

Yes he lost his arm. Yes he got shocked. Yes he was hurled out a 200 story window.

But let's look at facts :

As you see in this episode that Disney considers Canon, Mace not only destroyed thousands of super battle droids by himself, he leaps from a valley floor to a mountain top and back with no injuries sustained. This is well over a mile both directions.

Anakin leapt from a speeder, fell 30-40 stories onto another speeder by Zam Wessel.

How could Mace not do the exact same thing from a shorter distance? He is more trained and powerful than Anakin was.

As for Lucas killing him off, read this quote by GL himself about another supposed dead bad ass.

"At one point, when Obi-Wan kills Darth Maul, he just fell into the pit. I looked at it and thought this isn't going to work because, if people like him enough, they are going to want him to come back and they're going to assume somehow he gets out of it. So I had to cut him in half to say this guy's gone, he's history, he ain't coming back. I'll come up with another apprentice. The whole issue of having apprentices, poor Darth Sidious trying to replenish his apprentice supply, is one of the main plot points." - Empire Magazine 07/99

Maul was never wanted to come back, yet EU brought him back, and, hold your sabbacc cards to this, the Clone Wars brought him back. Which is now Canon and a fact.

Maul was sliced in freaking half, blood, guts, intestines, everything was exposed. Mace only lost an arm. Anakin lost an arm and survived. Then he lost three more limbs, got BBQ'd and survived. Luke lost an hand and survived the plummet down 15 stories in cloud city.

The other factor. You never see the body of Mace same as Maul after they fell. You did on Luke.

Another factor, Samuel L Jackson has clearly stated he wanted to be in next series. While the films are 50 years after Maces supposed death, EU has clearly brought back folks and Jedi from the clone wars era before.

This could happen. It would make Mace 80-115 years old, not unreasonable for a human, and with a connection strong in the Force, could keep him alive. Proof is in other individuals like Yoda, Krayt, Plagueis, Chewbacca and others who outlived their generation and over 100 years.

So, that's my theory. Will it happen? Doubt it. Could it happen? Possibly. With Star Wars, anything is possible. '

No placement