Some time ago, the best Punsters from around the DJB competed to be the most groan inducing puntificator. Given the popularity, I've decided that in this festive time of year, it's time to do this again. Below you will be given a number of topics on which you will craft your best (worst?) and most groan inducing pun. While I'm not going to set a firm word limit, I will remind you all that brevity is the soul of wit. Each pun will be scored on a 1-10 scale based on humor, originality (very important) and groan factor and the highest overall scores will win (in the case of a tie, the highest and lowest pun scores will be dropped). Good luck!
1st place
Daro Vane
2nd place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
3rd place
Qyreia Arronen
4th place
Maximus Alvinius
5th place
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
6th place
Mako Henymory
7th place
Boss Ragnar Kul
8th place
Kyo Akumu
9th place
Scarlet Agna
10th place
Marcinius Turelles