Competition: [CA:CW]Lazy Sunday

[CA:CW]Lazy Sunday

If we had the Force, you can be sure that we would use it to do every little thing that we could. So, for this competition you need to submit the 'best' lazy Dad uses of the Force that you can think of. Funniest/best response will win, so get that thinking cap on...with the Force!

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Arcona] Captain Arcona: Civil War
Organized by
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Running time
2016-01-02 until 2016-01-16 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
17 subscribers, of which 13 have participated.
Nikola Valtiere Erinos
Textual submission

* Use Telekinesis to teach your child to ride a bike, holding them in place.

* Use a mind trick to send the children to bed.

* Use Force stasis to enforce the 'naughty step'.

1st place
Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
Textual submission

"When that remote is just too far away; use the Force!"

"When you're beer has run out, but you can't be bothered to get up; use the Force!"

"When she just won't stop yelling, 'This isn't the husband you're looking for;' use the Force!"

"When your children just won't listen, 'You want to do your chores;' use the Force!

2nd place
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Textual submission

Put child on leash. If child runs away, tug leash with the Force. Serves as both child restraint AND punishment!

3rd place
General Stres'tron'garmis
Textual submission

Using Telekinesis to scratch that hard to reach spot between the shoulder blades.

Also using Telekinesis to get more beer without getting out of the recliner.

4th place
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
Textual submission

"Daddy! Can I play with your tools?"
"I am not the Dad you're looking for...ask your mom."
"Daddy! Can I watch the TV?"
"I am not the Dad you're looking for...ask your mom."
"Hey honey? Can you take out the trash?"
"I am not the garbage man you're looking for...ask the kids."

"Where's the remote? Screw it." *Force summons remote and a beer*

5th place
Thorzan Dane Beviin
Textual submission

Using the force to open the fridge and take out a can of beer, open it and bring it out of the kitchen then across the room where you put it to your mouth and drink from it, all without touching it.

6th place
Magness Dritch
Textual submission

Force Lightning his sleeping son so that he can pass the remote.

7th place
Maenaki Delavi'in
Textual submission

Shocking the wife in the bum so she can fetch him a beer or the remote. God forbid they exert their abilities any further than that.

8th place
Celahir Erinos Arconae
Textual submission

Brush teeth.
Poor Cereal.
Turn of alarm. (Toss out of room)

9th place
10th place
Braecen Kaeth
Braecen Kaeth
Braecen Kaeth opted out of publishing his submission.
10th place
10th place
Textual submission

Dad comes with me to the the gym and uses the Force to lift the weights to impress my friends.

10th place
Wes Biriuk Erinos
Textual submission

I would use the force to create a small cup to capture every time I farted, that would then become a globe to keep the rancid fart contained, then send it to someone near my vicinity and drop it in front of them, inside their mouth if possible.

10th place
Sashar Erinos Arconae
Textual submission

So everyone's been there. It's the end of the night. You're kind of drunk, and honestly, anything with a pulse is tenable at this point. The ugly lights in the club have come on, and you suddenly see the girl you've been necking all night, and let's be fair, a Hutt with herpes would be preferable. So, you have two choices: Ditch something only Lenzar would be happy to sleep with, or go to the 'freshers. Look in the mirror, and use Mind Trick on yourself. Convince yourself that the girl you know you'd never be able to get it up for is the most beautiful thing in the galaxy (let's face facts, you're so wrecked that it's not like you'd have any form of mental fortitude at that point), then go back out there. Harpoon your whale and take her back to your pad, then give her a seeing to so epic that cherubic choirs will sing stories about it. Job's a good one.

10th place