Competition: Yridia IX Recon

Yridia IX Recon

Order of the Trident has been ordered to Yridia IX. The "Mayor" of Eden, the singular domed structure on the planet, is being held hostage by at least 200 armed individuals. No information exists on who this group is or what they want. It is unknown if the hold the entire government structure or possibly additional buildings. There is no intel if they had help from either inside the government or surrounding populace. Your mission: You will board a Lambda-class shuttle with all of the Order of the Trident battle team as well as one squad of Rangers. You are to recon the area and building that the Mayor is being held in. Find out who this group is and find out if they are being helped. This is a recon mission ONLY. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary.

OOC: This is a recon event. This will run for two weeks. The winner of this event will have their story used as the basis for the next competition. Minimum of 350 words. This will be graded using the standard fiction rubric .

Competition Information
Organized by
Warlord Hades
Running time
2016-01-08 until 2016-02-05 (29 days)
Target Unit
Clan Tarentum
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
9 subscribers, of which 5 have participated.
Kazarelth Talismarr
File submission
1st place
Kano Tor Tydex
Kano Tor Tydex opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
Warlord Pel Tarentae
File submission
3rd place
Zel Koo
Textual submission

The shuttle touched down on the surface of Yridia IX, the hiss of gas releasing burped into existence as the landing gears were descending. Another release of gas came forth as the departure ramp opened, the pitter patter of feet stomping down silent to the ears of those exiting.
First to depart was that of the Rangers, the squad acting in unison as they descended from the ramp and secured the landing zone. Metallic voices could be heard in each of their helmets as the two fireteams coordinated with each other. After the safety of the landing zone was not in question, the Tarenti descended. To those sensitive to such things, the air around those that belonged to the Order of the Trident palpable with the darkness inside them. One of the Tarenti, clouded in armor and encased in oxygen, made certain motions to the others. Silent nods came from each as they moved out, the city of Eden not that far from where they landed.
“Remember, this is just recon. I don’t want any incidents.” said Hades, his voice chirping in the ears of the Tarenti.
“As long as we’re smart, should be an easy mission.” replied Pel, “Stick together, ok Ranarr?”
The Cathar didn’t reply, but Pel knew his order would be followed. The trek to the city seemed to pass quickly, progress broken every so often as the Rangers stopped and made sure their flank was secure and the landing zone was still safe. One fireteam remained behind to protect the shuttle, checking in every few minutes.
When the group finally breached the atmosphere forcefield, the Tarenti stripped of their armor and hid them in an alley near a dumpster. The Rangers stayed behind, protecting the gear and staying out of sight from the general populace. The members of the Order, however, worked their way into the crowds and blending in. Every so often the group would split up and pretend to browse, only to further split up and cover more ground.
“I’m not seeing any guards or people who don’t belong.” said Archean, “But I don’t remember there being this many homeless people.”
The other members of the Order inconspicuously looked around and each saw groups of homeless people, some appearing to stick out more than others. Some still had fire in their eyes, some lacked the hunger that plagued others.
“And they’re all…” said Pel.
“...Staring at us.” said Hades.
“Act like you belong.” whispered Ranarr, his mane covering his commlink.

Pel moved up towards the building that housed the mayor, the windows blacked out and a droid standing by the door. It appeared to be a protocol droid, but something about it didn’t feel right. It was black and unpolished, and appeared to have a variety of different parts that didn’t belong to a singular unit. If one looked close enough, they could even see the trace elements of countless firefights.
“Access to the building is barred by a droid.” said Pel, “But I’m sniffing a trap.”
Pel took out a holorecorder and took snapshots of the droid, a symbol on its arm sparking a memory. He looked at the holorecorder and zoomed in on the symbol, sending it to the other members of Tarenti.
“That symbol seems familiar.” said Hades.
“I think we’ve got as far as we can without alerting them to our presence.” said Pel, “Any further action we take could not only jeopardize us, it could also cause the Mayor to lose his life.”
“Let’s head back to the shuttle and I’ll try and reach Farrin to see what our next course of action is.” said Hades.

No placement
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
File submission
No placement