Competition: Adult Holo Star!

Adult Holo Star!

Back by popular demand!

With the last time running a competition like this being all the way back in 2013, it is now more than time to make your fellow Clan members cry from laughter again.

Your task is to create your Adult-Holo Star persona that would exist within the Star Wars Universe!

Entries should include the following:
Holo-Star Name:
Physical Description:
(A brief) Backstory:
(Bonus) Picture/Drawing:

Grading will be determined by creativity, humor, and technical writing (grammar, spelling, syntax). And sexiness (or lack thereof).

Please don't publish your submissions might they be considered explicit (i.e. not PG-13)

Competition Information
Organized by
Celahir Erinos Arconae
Running time
2016-01-22 until 2016-02-07 (17 days)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
8 subscribers, of which 5 have participated.
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
Textual submission

Name: Creamy Sugar

Physical Description: A magnificent specimen of the male form, "Creamy Sugar" is pale-skinned, brown-eyed, and washes weeks of laundry on those diamond abs. Tall and well-muscled enough to make his warrior people proud despite his more risque career path, Creamy is in high demand among the male-on-male holonet community, noteworthy especially for his flexibility and renowned for the way he can make his body move. Oh, and he's also a Gungan. That's probably important.

History: Creamy, then Har-Har, was just a regular old Gungan warrior on his homeworld, occasionally chasing other Gungan boys for a tryst or three, before some very convenient and vague circumstances to move the plot along landed him on a slave ship and in the service of some One Sith dark Jedi. While many other servants were used for menial tasks, canon fodder, or sport, Har-Har found himself the means of entertainment for many aboard the warships he served. For some reason unbeknownst to him, people really seemed to like watching him get beat up, thrown into pits with wild animals, or otherwise set to run obscene and fiery obstacle courses, all while being filmed and broadcast. The exercises certainly gave him a reason to stay in tip top condition, and gave him his true purpose in life: that of an entertainer! The holocameras and the people loved him, always cheering when it came time for his black-and-blue close-up. Resolved to stardom, Har-Har dreamed of becoming a holostar until the day his masters got up to no good in some two-year battle with a bunch of other dark jedi.

When they were defeated and the slaves liberated, Har-Har found himself in the service of Clan Arcona of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He was put to work as a solider for the next year, falling in with some other Gungan fellows here and there and taking every chance he got at appearing in advertisements, small-time commercials, acting gigs, or anything else. Crowds gathered in droves just to shower him with gifts of rotted vegetables and old popcorn at the end of plays. He adored the attention, but something was missing still - what about the cameras? And so, Har-Har found himself waiting on the casting couch of stardom, eventually producing many adult videos for a very devoted, very niche pool of clientele.

Har-Har lived happily this way until 39 ABY, when the Consul of Clan Arcona called upon he and some of his fellows to entertain one of her stressed Quaestors, Bracen Kaeth, for an evening. Har-Har fell immediately in love with the Elder and changed his name to Creamy Sugar, because there's no COFFEE without some CREAM and SUGAR in it. He continues to pursue him daily, if often from afar, dedicating each of his new holostar videos to him. Some say he always mentions the Krath's name during the movies - just like a comic book cameo! What devotion.

Picture: attatched

1st place
Magness Dritch
File submission
Textual submission

Holo-Star Name: “No-Take-Back” Jack
Physical Description: From a young age, Jack's penis was ridiculously proportioned. Bullied in the locker rooms he felt ashamed of his surprisingly sized package; until he hit 18 and suddenly all the guys and girls were interested. He worked his body to be as scrumptious to either sex as possible and soon added a few piercings and tattooes.
(A brief) Backstory: After having blossomed into a hairy-arsed man, Jack changed his name and made his way through the industry, gaining the the nickname ‘No-Take-Back’ due to his stupidity with using protection. A long story involving piercings in the wrong place caused a trauma that he just couldn’t get over. The sheets were red, ‘nuff said. He became very popular for a time before retiring his adult profession and becoming a tattooist.

2nd place
3rd place
Xeipha opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
Textual submission

4th place
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.
5th place